“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, August 9, 2014
This is the origins of the comment I made - “whoever controls the money controls the people”…
Katherine Gibbs aka Kay Francis, wife of Dwight Francis…Updating
…had a Jewish stepfather, her mother’s second husband was Jewish. Her mother was a Catholic and that is the church in which Katherine was raised by her mother she never practiced Judaism.
Linton and Clinton hoodooed Gibbs out of his father’s wealth he had earned from his invention, why he married her. After he squandered a good portion of the money in New York where he met Kathleen Clinton, she no longer wanted to live with him and didn’t care for his agrarian roots or Oklahoma.
And they have used mostly television. some films and music to do it…
Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it systematically to corrupt modern civilization.
The Banking Swindle
Fifty years after the Bank of England opened its doors, a goldsmith named Anseim Moses Bauer, opened a coin shop in Frankfurt Germany. Over the door was a sign depicting a Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the Red Shield Firm. in the German language this meant Rothschild. When Amshel Mayor Bauer, Bauer’s son inherited the business he changed the family name to Rothschild. Amshel learned that loaning money to governments and kings was more profitable than loaning to private individual. Not only were the loans bigger, but they were secured by the nations taxes. Amshel had four sons and trained them all in the skill of money creation and sent them out to Europe to open family owned banks. The first son, Amshel Mayer stayed in Frankfurt to manage the hometown bank. The second son Solomon was sent to Vienna. The third son Nathan was sent to London, and at age 21, in 1798. The fourth son Karl went to Naples, and the fifth son went to Paris.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
I think this was the nabbing of a book thief at The Book Shop in Woolrich’s on Franklin Street…
1898: Charged in Woolwich for theft of books.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Cul De Sac ~ Walthamstow Marshes ~ Mattamuskeet Lake marsh ~ Some Mother’s Son (Mirren film)…
Walthamstow Marshes
…Carnival of Souls – Windows on the Marsh (my sib’s restaurant) – car was driven into the marsh ~ serpentine…
This is where I noted the constant soup eating – Feb. 2012…
It was a soup eater…
Posted by Kay F Gibbs at 4:25 PM No comments: Links to this post
The People of the Abyss | Good Films
The People of the Abyss | Good Films
Kerrick ~ Merrick
Posted by Kay F Gibbs at 4:24 PM No comments: Links to this post
The Iron Heel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These films on You Tube that state “this film does not exist”, doesn’t mean they are non-existent…
Kay's Place, history, television and entanglements...: In Defense of My Own Life…
…they just are not on that person’s account anymore. This is a Kay Francis film too. I guess this is one of the reasons she left Hollywood so early and didn’t retire there like most of them do, once she got demoted to a B actress she started finding out what the films were doing to her and others in the industry…
Voodoo has come up frequently…
Voodoo Tiger (1952) Karl Werner, aka Heinrich Schultz
Kay's Place, history, television and entanglements...: Search results for films
Nesting behavior has been exhibited by me as in…
Nestor – A former slave of Constantine X
…behaviors indicative of birds and could be related to Frederick Hohenstaufen (was into Falconry) or some bird watcher…Kay did buy a Bird Watching Cd for PC several years ago…
Kay is now thinking thinking this could be related to King Vlad and he may have enslaved the Gibbons ~ HH Holmes structure ~ a human sized bird catcher??????????
Throwing the stones could be nothing more than some part of Jesus of Nazareth or…
…it could be part of the Albanian and Montenegrin War, why I joined the Army…
I think this is where Ibn Sina (Avincenna) evolved into the history
The Montenegrins then declared war on the Turks
…he may be a Montenegrin…
Many of my generation abandoned their religious upbringing in Hyde ~ Mary Tudor…
Banning religion[edit]
In 1967, the authorities conducted a violent campaign to extinguish religious practice in Albania,[77] claiming that religion had divided the Albanian nation and kept it mired in backwardness. Student agitators combed the countryside, forcing Albanians to quit practicing their faith. Despite complaints, even by APL members, all churches, mosques, monasteries, and other religious institutions had been closed or converted into warehouses, gymnasiums, and workshops by year's end. A special decree abrogated the charters by which the country's main religious communities had operated.
Rachel Ward film, My Stepson My Lover…
Ward character was married to a wealthy business man who took off on a trip. The man’s son visited the home in his absence to do some carpentry work and had an affair with the step mother, Ward’s character. She ended up killing her husband I think it was…
Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman…
Immediately following his election, Urban began preaching intemperately to the cardinals (some of whom thought the delirium of power had made Urban mad and unfit for rule),[8] insisting that the business of the Curia should be carried on without gratuities and gifts, forbidding the cardinals to accept annuities from rulers and other lay persons, condemning the luxury of their lives and retinues, and the multiplication of benefices and bishoprics in their hands. Nor would he remove again to Avignon, thus alienating King Charles V of France.
Sittin in the Dock of the Bay…a speculation…
…could be something of Steinem’s history…
Otis Gibbs died when he was 16 – there is a Joe Redden Cox – Joe Redden is likely a deceased person…Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald ~ Gordon Lightfoot ~ Gordon Meekins ~ Alton Meekins was Captain of the LST my father was on during WWII -
Percy Julian, cortisone ~ Percy Sledge ~ Flave Gibbs – James Gibbs ~ Albrecht Durer ~ Michaelangelo ~
Monday, August 4, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
May be contributing to hypertension and anxiety which escalates alcohol abuse and drug use…
Whenever a soldier relaxes his guard, drinks or goes out with a woman, he is killed.
…"there are no peaceful people" amongst those whose freedom has been taken away by force.
Definitely this one…updated
The Valley of Decision (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1942 (rediscovered & reissued 1989) – Kay was in the psychiatric hospital…
Could be…
Journey in the Dark is a 1943 novel by Martin Flavin. It won the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel in 1944.
Fallbrook ~ fall over a brook – Kay jumped over the brook where she stuck the nail in the board…
Mrs. Fallbrook",
…in her foot…
The Woman in Green ~ hypnotic suggestion, “pretend you are crossing a brook, take off your shoes and roll up your pants, “that will do”….
I don’t think room at the top is accurate…
…she’s reading the novel Lady in the Lake likely, 1943…
This novel is part of the history because Kay went face down in the Mattamuskeet Lake in 1974…
The Lady in the Lake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…after drinking a good bit of Boone’s farm wine, Blink - Premonition
My nickname in 8th grade by the boys was wash woman, especiially when we were playing softball…update 3
…I streaked on campus during college and road naked on the back of my Mustang in Engelhard in 1975…could be prisoner or slaves transported to the prison camp or something like that…
Lawn Mover Man films, I have seen two of them…saw Dante’s Peak…
Caesar had men bathing him and I think Martha Tabram’s death was caused by Caesar’s history, if it happened at all…
Tabram ~ Tabor Society?