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Marine Biologist
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Peeing in the bucket seems like a blind person to me, could be a blind boy…
…since there was an institution for the blind in Ohio.
One evening before midnight my cousin and I walked down a pier to the sound…
Kay's History Personality: I think this is the pier where I was smoking the pot…
…and smoked a marijuana joint. I had had a beer also. I stumbled and almost fell off the pier. I learned of an accident at Mr. Steinem’s resort on the lake in Ohio. I didn’t know I had a connection to them until I met JO’B and things started to unravel. I have been studying psychology, telepathy and even dream telepathy, having recorded several years of dreams some I believe are psychic connections to others elsewhere. It started when I discovered the film The Woman in Green and how that film affected my life and the lives of my family. I had also made connections to the Jack the Ripper story. I did become so paranoid about that story I had to cease reading and thinking about it and sought diversions into other things. I was also reading about synchronicity and consciousness. Mesmerism or hypnosis figured into the problems I was uncovering.
What I have deduced from the event was that someone was smoking a cigar and having a mixed drink, stumbled, then likely sat down in a chair or fell. I have seen quiet a few films with scenes such as these in them. It is clear I found my way into it after it happened since I was on the pier and smoking a huge joint that looked the size of a cigar. My cousin called it “ditch weed”. Knowing what I know now about entanglements, I think the boy who fell and died, in Ohio, might have been entangled with someone who was smoking a cigar and having a drink. This sedated the boy which caused him to lose his balance and fall into the lake.
This happened long before I got into it via entanglements at East Carolina University and re-enacted it. Months later I fell in the lake in my own county face down into the water. We had been drinking wine. I had the following dream, I believe parts of the dream are from something else, like the filming of Girl Interrupted…
1902 short stories – I have seen The Monkey’s Paw, found a problem…
"The Monkey's Paw"
"Bill's Paper Chase" The Lady of the Barge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kay Francis did a film called My Bill.
…didn’t post it because I had taken the position not to repeat the problem, “He was crushed under the car, they had to cut him out, he has no face”…“I wish my son dead”.
Must have been this Alexander…
George Alexander Baird - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…now I don’t know who met him.
Friday, August 2, 2013
I purchased this book for $0.99 at Amazon after finding it and making the connections…
…to what was being done to me and techniques described in this book. I had to see what was going on in order to stop it. If the book had been expensive I would likely have delayed purchasing it at least, if not avoiding buying it at all. Positive reinforcement, as you can see by my behavior and which I can back up with bank statements, has been used to encourage my behavior at the mall. I know Cher has been raising hell with me about so much music. I was under the influence of some suggestion and I think now that I was influenced to view The Woman in Green only the influencer wasn’t aware my mother had seen it or that I had previously been under it’s influence. Someone I am connected to may be using that hypnotic suggestion, as I did copy it from the film while listening to it, an act that could have preceded my own. I did read it out and thus I have begun to regain some control over my behavior. I was able to remain out of the mall for one day. This suggestion is powerful, but I also found other types of suggestions which involved unrelated sentences with sleep inducing suggestions inserted between these short statements, kind of like a meme. It starts with my “dog is dying”, then there is some sleep suggestion, then “who is sieg heiling you”, then “I am tired”, then more stuff. I do realize some of this might be from passing conversation as it isn’t coherent, but the combination, whenever I heard it made me so sleepy I had to take a nap of go to bed.
I am very clear the hypnotic suggestion in The Woman in Green coupled with the suggestions in the NC driving manual read by someone one I am connected to did cause my late night driving and falling asleep at the wheel, several times. By the time this happened I had a multitude of psychic connections.
Update: I am certain too my Aunt and Uncle did view some of these Alfred Hitchcock, Twilight Zone and Sherlock Holmes episodes during their retirement. I hardly find them responsible when the networks and filmmakers should have taken responsibility for what they were pumping into viewers, knowing full well the population was already under the influence of the suggestions used in the several films I mentioned. They didn’t pass away until the late 80’s early 90’s and surely likely were already under the influence of that suggestion when I was but a teenager.
Skinner, say that you should seldom or never use punishment, because for various reasons it is ineffective in the long term, and it has unintended side effects that make it difficult to get what you want. Punishment has an immediate short term effect, but in the long term, it causes people to lose motivation. Therefore, if you can, you ignore bad behavior and reinforce good behavior until it becomes so powerful that it shuts out bad behavior. You
Mesmer, Franz (2011-05-22). Unfair Secrets of Hypnotic Selling With NLP (p. 60). . Kindle Edition.
The Cell film, there is a sequel to it also…
…ouroboros is swimming in a pail of water, the boy’s father burns him with an iron…
I think these were created by the thoughts of others to whom some were connected…
The Mind's Eye - Oliver Sacks - Google Books
…thoughts like “I wish I were deaf” or “I wish I didn’t think like this'” or “I wish I could forget that face”. Held in the mind these thoughts can lead to the creation of these problems in the physical world or they can create the impression of it and one could be merely under the influence of the suggestion, sort of like being hypnotized but not done so deliberately.
This is not capgras, this is more the result of entanglements, or one might call it in religion, possession…
…this is also likely dissociation, maybe even deliberate…or it could be nothing more than what the visual pathways has created in the mind, but I don’t think so, these are too well defined to me.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Kay's History Personality: Who is this??????
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Kay's History Personality: Kay's History Personality: Who is this??????
Baldwin effect – not about the idea that we all came from one species…updated
The paper proposed a mechanism for specific selection for general learning ability. Selected offspring would tend to have an increased capacity for learning new skills rather than being confined to genetically coded, relatively fixed abilities. In effect, it places emphasis on the fact that the sustained behavior of a species or group can shape the evolution of that species.
Daniel Dennett mentions the Baldwin Effect in his book, Consciousness Explained. I haven’t perused the book itself but from what I’ve viewed it is worth reading. I did view the PBS video on Darwin’s Dangerous Idea based on Dennett’s book by the same title. I am not much into the science of evolution but do understand the basics.
Maybe the real Haywood actually lived on Jones Street which runs into Heywood…
…see bottom image. I stayed on Jones Street overnight one night while homeless, then found myself at the VA Hospital in Durham, NC. I am not sure if the song contributed to this problem or if it is real. Before I ever left home to go to college, and definitely years before I went to Medford, MA, the local minister of our church was Haywood Martin, a short man who smoked cigarettes. He reminded me of Basil Rathbone. During the overnight stay on Jones Street, the person I who put me up put roach powder in my glass of water. I saw it on the top of the water. This was in 1993-94.
I don’t know when Carole King wrote the song about Haywood but I thought it was about an alcoholic from New York since she was from Brooklyn.
I recognized the railing on the top story of this duplex. I also found it in Denton.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
“There was someone in my community I thought was xenophobic…”
"The Country of the Blind", a short story by H. G. Wells, is one of the most well-known stories featuring blind characters. A sighted man finds himself in a country that has been isolated from the rest of the world for centuries, wherein all the inhabitants are blind even as their ancestors had been. These people are depicted as self-sufficient, having developed their other senses, but they are ultimately closed-minded and insular to the point of xenophobia. As they themselves have no sight, they wish to deprive the traveler of his own eyes in this allegorical tale of stagnation.
Blindness in literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“I am unfamiliar with the multitude of novels out there clogging the airways.” “I suspect this is what was going on.”
I too am unfamiliar with the plethora of novels plaguing the masses but this sounds like it could be the source of my thinking. TY:)
I’ve been through this, see official records below…
I was committed to Cherry Hospital after my release from Prison in 1991. I did write a habeas corpus petition to the courts, US District Court, Judge James Fox, while I was incarcerated in 1994-95 for release.
In 1860, Elizabeth Packard, who differed with the theology of her clergyman husband, was forcibly placed in an Illinois state hospital. She remained there for 3 years. At that time, Illinois law stated that "married" women could be hospitalized at a husband's request without the evidence required in other cases. Mrs. Packard was able to obtain a release by an action of the hospital, but on her return home, she was locked up by her husband who planned for her admission to an asylum in her native Massachusetts. She eventually gained her freedom in 1863 through a habeas corpus hearing in a local court.
“He stole my papers”…Saul on the road to Damascus when he went blind…
There is a family member named Horace…
I gave Homer Slater a ride in my car in Wilmington, NC in 1996…
I suspected him in the theft of my personal records under the passenger seat of my car which was broken into in January 1996 at the Salvation Army Shelter. This was during the time I wrote the poem and was helping Lydia Sotela, giving her rides to Mental Health and Social Services. I later had a wreck and this was after I had the vision of the pyroclastic cloud while taking the psychology course…
File:Homer British Museum.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - updated
File:Homer British Museum.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When I looked at the image of my mother recently I realized I was seeing something else with curls on both sides of the face but it was someone familiar and I couldn’t think of who it was but it was a female and she wore her hair like Homer only it wasn’t curly it was styled in a more modern fashion, like my mother’s. Maybe my mother had half of it. William Blake may have had it…
I began writing a play about a blind script writer named Frank…
Looking for something familiar in Hey Woods…
…this isn’t exactly familiar but does remind me of being under the house in Portsmouth, VA when I got my first kiss by a boy, Mrs. Staples grandson. We were playing house. This seems like a likely place for a first kiss.
The path down to the archway also looks like the Nike symbol…
As you can see I really like this image…reminds me of some morphing images I’ve seen also.