Thursday, November 12, 2015

"Dixon of Dock Green" Want a Persian Rug, Lady? (TV Episode 1961) - IMDb

Jocelyn Rhodes
WPC Kay Shaw (as Jocelyne Rhodes)

"Dixon of Dock Green" Want a Persian Rug, Lady? (TV Episode 1961) – IMDb

The Woman in the Window

Rhodes Furniture- Greenville and Washington…

Michael John Straub - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Michael John Straub - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Woman in Green…


Vintage Pop Fictions: John Dickson Carr's The Witch of the Low-Tide

Kay stayed at the Brownstone in Durham before she tried to jump off the pkg deck…

Street brownstone.

Vintage Pop Fictions: Fer-de-Lance, by Rex Stout

aNEW designs: Not Penguin Books But Pelican Books

aNEW designs: Not Penguin Books But Pelican Books

Oh Baby Doll…

Vintage Pop Fictions: Baby Moll, by John Farris

This is the tower with moat I created from clay…

the "Banacek" TV series in the 1970s.

Kay did view Banacek in the 70’s.



"I'm trying to get my novel off this bitch".  She doesn't owe you a novel.  "I'm stealing the gdeeing thing."

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

This film got muddied up…

Girl O' My Dreams (1934) - IMDb

I have found this to be true…

They say an author reveals himself
subconsciously in his writings.

Beloved Infidel (1959) Movie Script | SS

Beloved Infidel (1959) Movie Script–have not seen it–1989 Pitt Memorial Psyche Unit…have not seen this film…

without the glamorous Fitzgeralds.
Zelda danced on the tables.

Beloved Infidel (1959) Movie Script | SS

This is what I call seditious, it is not freedom…

Thomas Jefferson Memorial Washington Dc - Bing video

…these people are being influenced by a personality that is maladapted to society’s need for order.  We can see the end result of their behavior, injury to the self.  Dancing at the memorial isn’t a bad thing but why do it there when there are more appropriate places to congregate and party?  It is to agitate and disrupt the thinking of the public and the Government.  Why take over the Government, we are the Government?  We must take control of ourselves first.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Farmer's Wife (1928) - IMDb

The Farmer's Wife (1928) - IMDb

image image

These are the Newsweeks for the year 2001…



Magnum, P.I. (1980) s01e17 Episode Script | SS

It was absurd, but all Mark could think was that the sound of the laser shattering the window was, uh, precisely like the tinkle of ice against crystal.

Magnum, P.I. (1980) s01e17 Episode Script | SS

Magnum, P.I. (1980) s01e17 Episode Script | SS

[ Digger ] I've read all of his novels, including the latest one, The Golden Spike.
Did you read that? Oh, but of course you did.
You probably read the first draft hot out of the typewriter.
Robin Masters doesn't use a typewriter.
He dictates all his novels into a tape recorder.
Well, however he does it, he's very good.

Magnum, P.I. (1980) s01e17 Episode Script | SS

Childhood's End - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No more human children are born, and many parents find their lives stripped of meaning, and die or commit suicide.

Childhood's End - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Group mind (science fiction) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A hive mind is a group mind with almost complete loss (or lack) of individual identity; most fictional group minds are hives.

Group mind (science fiction) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Father living in Portsmouth, VA…

Willie, meet Mr. Murray Sinclair,

Whispering Smith (1948) Movie Script | SS

Yeah, but why do they
call him "Whispering Smith"?
Sonny boy, if you ever run off
with the company payroll...
and you hear somebody behind you talkin'
low and quiet, that's Whisperin' Smith
and you're in trouble.

Crop dust got dumped on Kay’s head…

Earl Turner is ordered on a suicide mission; he flies a cropduster equipped with a nuclear warhead and destroys the Pentagon before the invasion can be ordered.

The Turner Diaries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, November 8, 2015

This is the statue most like the sketch I drew in 1989…

Statuette of the Diadoumenos (youth tying a fillet around his head) [Greek; copy of a Greek bronze statue by Polykleitos] (32.11.2) | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Female on left possessed of dissociated crucifixion of Jesus…?

Mathis Gothart Grünewald 019 - Isenheim Altarpiece - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…suppose Jesus was not crucified but died from some liver disease, symbolized by the injury to his side.  Something they were eating was causing his brain to stop functioning and he began to talk of things before his time, just like people on psychotropics, his unconscious mind became active…could have been lashed to the cross with hemp rather than nailed.  The woman in white could be Jesus wrapped in the shroud as he was removed from the cross or his sepulcher.  Her wrists indicating the wrists while bound to the cross.  The long red obi on the smaller female figure could be the blood that trickled from his wound to his feet and her wrists would be the bloody hemp binding them.  The jar bottom left looks like a greek pyxis.