My boy came to your school 'cause they
were going to kill him in the public school.
His father don't like him.
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Red Alert - Doubt (2008) Movie Script | SS
Kind Hearts And Coronets (1949) Movie Script | SS
Went up to Manchester on Monday-
a poisoner.
Baby-farmer at Holloway this morning.
Very ordinary crimes, both of them.
This one we've got for you tomorrow
is something special.
Yes, very much so.
Even after all my years
in the profession...
I'm quite looking forward to him.
- Well, I must be getting along.
- Good night, Mr. Elliott.
- Good night.
- Usual cup of tea at 7:00?
Oh, please.
Even my lamented master,
the great Mr. Berry himself...
MT problem…
Palmer first attracted significant attention as one of the first exponents of the "shimmy"
Friday, June 5, 2015
Silica gel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
adsorbs moisture very well, silica gel packets usually bear warnings for the user not to eat the contents.
Graphic Interpretation of a Disordered Mind - Kay F. Gibbs
A,B, 100, 500, Psi €(E), F, G H, 1, J,K, 50, 1000, N O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,10,Y,Z…updates
…Ahkenaton attacked Egypt, 2111 AD ~ WWI (1911) and detonating the water towers in Germany…”?
…1671 BC x 2 = the birth of the Egyptian…? This would be the year 2,292 BC (AB – before Adam or Amad)…State Road 40292, Washington State…
A,B, 100, 500, Psi €(E), F, G H, 1, J,K, 50, 1000, N O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,10,Y,Z…updates
…Ahkenaton attacked Egypt, 2111 AD ~ WWI (1911) and detonating the water towers in Germany…”?
…1671 BC x 2 = the birth of the Egyptian…? This would be the year 2,292 BC (AB – before Adam or Amad)…State Road 40292, Washington State…
K, 50, 1000…I think this could be Ibn Sina ~ Avicenna mixed up with Durer…
This is part of the invocation I found which I posted in 2000 – “We are the first and the last, the beginning and the end” – this would be related to the Egyptians addressing the Jews?
George Brimmage ~ Nasser Lake, Egypt ~ Bri–mm (year 2000 BC)–age…
E=MC2 ~ 1000, 100 x 2 or 1,210,000 BC…Daughters of Wisdom…
Thursday, June 4, 2015
The Word “Fat” Is Mentioned 909 Times Among The Following 100 Documents:
…highlighted films have not been whispered off…
1984, 50 Pills*, A Star Is Born, Blue Velvet, Being John Malkovich, Caged, Clockwork Orange, The Cook The Thief His Wife And Her Lover, Deadgirl, Leaving Las Vegas, Rear Window, Sherlock Holmes And The Woman In Green, Shrink*, Matrix, Tideland, Victim, Woman Under The Influence, 12 Angry Men, Apocalypse Now*, Absolute Power, Anaconda, Benny And Joon, The Big Sleep*, Casino, The Client, Cul-de-sac, Dead Poets Society, Dreamcatcher, Empire Of The Sun, Shadow Of A Doubt, Three Faces Of Eve, Girl Crazy*, High Society, Hush, In The Heat Of The Night, Leviathan, Matilda, Mr. Holland’s Opus, Meet Joe Black, Murder She Wrote – 1984, Network, No Way Out, O Brother Where Art Thou, Prime Suspect Pilot*, Ringer Pilot*, Seven, Sex And Lies In Sin City, Sherlock –A Study in Pink*, Shrink, Suspect, The Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert, The Fifth Element, The Good The Bad And The Ugly, Silence Of The Lambs, They Call Me Mr. Tibbs, Under The Volcano*, Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf, Ugliest Man In A World*, This Property Condemned, Prime Suspect - Error in Judgment, Kill Bill…
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Kay does keep records…
From: Kay F. Gibbs
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 2:45 PM
Subject: As per your request
Hi -----
Here are the letters I sent to the Attorney General's Office about the Bank of America charges on my account. It wasn't long after this that Tedesco started using his tactics to get money out of me at the mall selling me protein. I have quite a bit of documentation about that too, trying to get money out of me. That's when I heard, "I'm going to burn her ass up too", and he started trying to pour protein into me and then I took the 12 grams of Leucine after already having taken an overdose of Glutamic acid in 1990 while being mixed up with --------. I think a local Pitt County writer was really responsible for that, they were trying to extract information Susan had put into my head, as if that were my fault. Susan did have an abortion too which I acted out with Ken Skinner who had some problems of his own, so he told me.
I have a lot of documentation.
Love to you and the family,
Movies Containing The Word Shut Up:
…Kay has not seen films with an asterick…
Airplane, 400 Blows, A Slight Case Of Murder*,Adaptation, Assault On Precinct 13 - Rizzoli and Isles, Dallas-Digger’s Daughter, Dirty Harry, Dynasty-Tanker and Catch 22, Executive Decision, Exorcist, Get Smart-Apes Of Wrath, Whole Tooth, Lady In A Cage, Lethal Weapon, Love Actually, Mancora*, Medium, Midnight Mary, Night Of The Hunter, Psycho-Cybernetics, Rope, Scorned 2013, Specialist, Sudden Fear, Teaching Mrs. Tingle, The Car, The Love Bug, The Hotel New Hampshire, The Paper, The Thing From The Grave*, 20th Century*, Twins, The Big Sleep*, Absolute Power, A Civil Action, 12 Angry Men, Benny And Joon, Big, The Bird Man 2014*, Casino, Enemy Of The State, Dreamcatcher, Falling Down, Fifth Element, Matilda, Lost Weekend, Net, No Way Out*, 50 Pills*, Sixth Sense, A Star Is Born, As Good As It Gets, Blue Velvet, Being John Malkovich, Caged, The Cook The Thief His Wife Her Lover, Dirty Dozen, Flat Liners, Final Destination-1,2,3, Hackers, Inception, Leaving Las Vegas, Mimic, Night Porter, Panic Room, Rear Window, Matrix, Tideland, Victim, Woman Under The Influence, 13*, Apocalypse Now, Batman Returns, Bionic Woman Pilot 2006*, Bird Man*, Casino, Clearing, The Client, Cold Creek Manor, Cruel Inventions, Cul-de-sac, Defiance, Deliverance, Alfred Hitchcock-A Little Sleep, Fog Closing In, Obsession, Three Faces Of Eve, Twilight Zone–Twenty-Two, Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, High Society, Hollow Man, Hush, In The Heat Of The Night, Just Cause, Lawn Mower Man, Lethal Weapon, Leviathan, Lights Out Pilot*, Longest Day*, Lost Weekend, Matilda, Mr. Holland's Opus, Meet Joe Black, Net, No Way Out, O Brother Where Art Thou, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Palmetto, Perfect Murder, Pi, Save The Tiger, Seven, Sex and Lies in Sin City, Sherlock-A Study in Pink*, Shuttle, Stargate-SG1, Taking Lives*, Talented Mr. Ripley, The Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert, The General's Daughter, The Final Destination Film*…
Movies Containing The Word Shut Up:
…films with an asterick Kay has not seen…
Airplane, 400 Blows, A Slight Case Of Murder*,Adaptation, Assault On Precinct 13 - Rizzoli and Isles, Dallas-Digger’s Daughter, Dirty Harry, Dynasty-Tanker and Catch 22, Executive Decision, Exorcist, Get Smart-Apes Of Wrath, Whole Tooth, Lady In A Cage, Lethal Weapon, Love Actually, Mancora*, Medium, Midnight Mary, Night Of The Hunter, Psycho-Cybernetics, Rope, Scorned 2013, Specialist, Sudden Fear, Teaching Mrs. Tingle, The Car, The Love Bug, The Hotel New Hampshire, The Paper, The Thing From The Grave*, 20th Century*, Twins, The Big Sleep*, Absolute Power, A Civil Action, 12 Angry Men, Benny And Joon, Big, The Bird Man 2014*, Casino, Enemy Of The State, Dreamcatcher, Falling Down, Fifth Element, Matilda, Lost Weekend, Net, No Way Out*, 50 Pills*, Sixth Sense, A Star Is Born, As Good As It Gets, Blue Velvet, Being John Malkovich, Caged, The Cook The Thief His Wife Her Lover, Dirty Dozen, Flat Liners, Final Destination-1,2,3, Hackers, Inception, Leaving Las Vegas, Mimic, Night Porter, Panic Room, Rear Window, Matrix, Tideland, Victim, Woman Under The Influence, 13*, Apocalypse Now, Batman Returns, Bionic Woman Pilot 2006*, Bird Man*, Casino, Clearing, The Client, Cold Creek Manor, Cruel Inventions, Cul-de-sac, Defiance, Deliverance, Alfred Hitchcock-A Little Sleep, Fog Closing In, Obsession, Three Faces Of Eve, Twilight Zone–Twenty-Two, Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, High Society, Hollow Man, Hush, In The Heat Of The Night, Just Cause, Lawn Mower Man, Lethal Weapon, Leviathan, Lights Out Pilot*, Longest Day*, Lost Weekend, Matilda, Mr. Holland's Opus, Meet Joe Black, Net, No Way Out, O Brother Where Art Thou, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Palmetto, Perfect Murder, Pi, Save The Tiger, Seven, Sex and Lies in Sin City, Sherlock-A Study in Pink*, Shuttle, Stargate-SG1, Taking Lives*, Talented Mr. Ripley, The Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert, The General's Daughter, The Final Destination Film*…
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Undue Influence and Anti-Abortion...
This act, The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) should be directed to those in the industries and individuals who are guilty of perverting the minds of innocent women, causing them to murder their unborn children. There is clear evidence suggesting undue influence with regard to many women opting to abort their fetuses and it is clear this was true in my case. Undue influence is defined as, an equitable doctrine that involves one person taking advantage of a position of power over another person. This inequity in power between the parties can vitiate one party's consent as they are unable to freely exercise their independent will.
In The Woman in Green it is likely mothers and daughters viewing this film identified with Lydia who is courted by Sir George, but when they find out she is a mata hari trying to hypnotize Holmes and going to jail they shift their identifications to other characters like Watson who was hypnotized, falling prey to the hypnotic suggestion and Holmes, who took something to stay awake. If they identified with Holmes with would likely be heavy coffee drinkers or abused uppers at some point in their lives or even cocaine. They would be looking for killers. They probably projected the female part of their psyches onto others in the process. If they identified with Lydia they likely repressed their memories of her which after time might be projected onto another female who acts out that content, getting into trouble with the law like the numerous women in the film Caged. Near the end of the film viewers are subjected to another suggestion in which they are wished well in their search for whatever it is they are seeking. Those who find themselves in situations where they are pregnant and unprepared for motherhood may consider abortion an option and seek a doctor just as Angie did in the film, Love with the Proper Stranger, but then opted out. The point here is they were obedient to the suggestion and sought to get rid of the baby. By the time Choices was written lots of talking up in this film might have created dialogue amongst viewers who felt she should have had the abortion. People using mind control can also persuade people to opt out of having a baby. I might add that in this film Holmes’ violin furthered the processing of the dialogue in the film. Love With a Proper Stranger insinuates promiscuity and abortion are “the happening” in the 60’s amongst middle class young adults. Couple these influences with the hypnotic suggestion and you have a cocktail for disaster. In Choices, a young woman falls prey to the thinking in the first part of this film and does have an abortion. It isn't always what is in the dialogue but what the viewers think that creates the problems in the mind. In Choices, Marisa questions her close friend on why she didn't reveal she had had an abortion. This also alludes to the possibility entanglements may have caused her daughter’s pregnancy.
In the series, The Outer Limits, the show would begin with either a cold open or a preview clip, followed by a "Control Voice" narration that was played over visuals of an oscilloscope. The earlier and longer version of the narration ran as follows, using an Orwellian theme of taking over your television. First lines of each episode: There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – The Outer Limits. A similar but shorter monolog caps each episode: We now return control of your television set to you. Until next week at the same time, when the control voice will take you to – The Outer Limits. How they
managed the “your” and “we”, has been long understood often in dialectical thinking, that they sometimes refer to another individual speaking to us.
With these influences directing our thinking, narrations like those in the Outer Limits series persuade us to turn our control over to the film and beckon us to tune in again. Films and images can aid the unconscious mind, however, I have found far too many conflicts in dialogue in films and novels provoking negative behavior and unhealthy or violent thinking. While Angie didn’t have an abortion, they consider it and this could easily have been construed by someone entangled with another seeing the film as something that had happened and might brew up a nasty cup of thinking on the subject such as, “oh my god, she had an abortion, wonder who it is”? Before this lands in someone’s lap there is a brew so thick with problems you can’t see the bottom of the cup. These kinds of conflicts can become extremely annoying and anxiety provoking so that internal and external violence will erupt without provocation, in otherwords one might become homicidal or suicidal for no just reason. Those who often lack knowledge regarding the manner in which these indulgences affect their brains and minds can be affected by this content through projection and/or dissociation. Projection and dissociation has been documented by psychologists and some writers. The Ordeal of Dr. Cordell, a 1961 Thriller episode dramatizes these findings. Apparently a radio suspense broadcast titled The ABC Murders, was delivered over the airways in 1943, in which a ringing bell opened the program and was mixed up with someone’s viewing of the 1959 film, Ordeal on Locust Street, which contained a hypnotic suggestion and created a kind of sleepwalking in a scientist who subsequently committed a murder upon hearing the ringing of bells. The subject of the treatment offered in Ordeal on Locust Street was a boy who had homosexual tendencies, or rather, he needed help working through projections from his sister who likely viewed The Woman in Green.
Lyrics like, “we don’t need no education”, corrupts opportunities for learning when coupled with a hypnotic suggestion so one seeks other opportunities opposed to education.
It has also been suggested those influencing this bill were protecting these industries from criminal and civil prosecutions for undue influence. Just how does this also apply to cases of criminal assault, sexual assault, and murder? In the last 30 years we have paid close to $1,000,000,000,000 just to cable companies and likely two-thirds that much to the film and music industries. Think of what we could have done with that money. Our infrastructure is failing everywhere. Fat cats are leaving our country with bags of money and all we do is beat up on poor women who are mixed up and confused and can’t think for themselves about their own lives. We let them kill these babies.
The Woman in Green dialogue is available at here. Please whisper it out.
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".
The law is codified in two sections of the United States Code: Title 18, Chapter 1 (Crimes), §1841 (18 USC 1841) and Title 10, Chapter 22 (Uniform Code of Military Justice) §919a (Article 119a).
The law applies only to certain offenses over which the United States government has jurisdiction, including certain crimes committed on Federal properties, against certain Federal officials and employees, and by members of the military. In addition, it covers certain crimes that are defined by statute as federal offenses wherever they occur, no matter who commits them, such as certain crimes of terrorism.
Because of principles of federalism embodied in the United States Constitution, Federal criminal law does not apply to crimes prosecuted by the individual states. However, 38 states also recognize the fetus or "unborn child" as a crime victim, at least for purposes of homicide or feticide.[2]
The legislation was both hailed and vilified by various legal observers who interpreted the measure as a step toward granting legal personhood to human fetuses, even though the bill explicitly contained a provision excepting abortion, stating that the bill would not "be construed to permit the prosecution" "of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf", "of any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child" or "of any woman with respect to her unborn child.
Undue Influence and Anti-Abortion...2nd revision June 1, 2015...
In the series, The Outer Limits, the show would begin with either a cold open or a preview clip, followed by a "Control Voice" narration that was played over visuals of an oscilloscope. The earlier and longer version of the narration ran as follows, using an Orwellian theme of taking over your television. First lines of each episode: There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – The Outer Limits. A similar but shorter monolog caps each episode: We now return control of your television set to you. Until next week at the same time, when the control voice will take you to – The Outer Limits. How they managed the “your” and “we”, has been long understood often in dialectical thinking, that they sometimes refer to another individual speaking to us.
Lyrics like, “we don’t need no education”, corrupts opportunities for learning when coupled with a hypnotic suggestion so one seeks other opportunities opposed to education.
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".
The law applies only to certain offenses over which the United States government has jurisdiction, including certain crimes committed on Federal properties, against certain Federal officials and employees, and by members of the military. In addition, it covers certain crimes that are defined by statute as federal offenses wherever they occur, no matter who commits them, such as certain crimes of terrorism.
Because of principles of federalism embodied in the United States Constitution, Federal criminal law does not apply to crimes prosecuted by the individual states. However, 38 states also recognize the fetus or "unborn child" as a crime victim, at least for purposes of homicide or feticide.[2]
The Wild party contains some of Joan of Arc and women getting slammed up against walls, etc…
…sometimes content in the mind and get mixed up and misunderstood and create problems that did not exist. We must be aware of these possibilities. Kay thinks the Daughter’s of Wisdom may be part of her story.
Satan is in me not out there in my neighbor or brother, Satan is in me when I think evil or act in an evil manner…
…and sometimes when I do act or think in an evil manner this evil may not come from me but from my brother or neighbor who does not understand the evil is within them.
I did try to sleep by music but it has been clear to me…
…that the rhythm of the heart beat is nature’s best remedy for sleep. Someone apparently read this…
Katherine, sick unto death, has been soothed to sleep by music:
Cause the musicians play me that sad note
I named my knell, whilst I sit meditating
On that celestial harmony I go to,The Project Gutenberg eBook of William Blake: A Study of His Life and Art Work, by Irene Langridge.
The Woman in Green ~ The Woman in the Window…
The year after his marriage, 1782-83, Blake had to turn to engraving in real earnest to pay for the necessities of the modest ménage in Green Street.
The Project Gutenberg eBook of William Blake: A Study of His Life and Art Work, by Irene Langridge.
Monday, June 1, 2015
“I have no morality”…
The Immoralist by André Gide — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
Marceline character ~ there is a woman from Hyde, NC named Marceline…
“Down in the Hell Hole trying to make my way”, Carol King, Friday’s Tie Die Nightmare…
Yama: The Hell-hole by Aleksandr Kuprin — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
“Oh, the unclean one take you, Satan!” Liubka began to cry
out, having felt the dry fillip in her little finger.
Then, out of heated peroxide of manganese, mixed with sand,
with the help of a druggist’s vial, the gutta-percha end of a syringe,
a basin filled with water, and a jam jar— oxygen was derived.
The red-hot cork, coal and phosphorus burnt in the jar so
blindingly that it pained the eyes. Liubka clapped her palms
and squealed out in delight:
“Mister Professor, more! Please, more, more! … ”
But when, having united the oxygen with the hydrogen
brought in an empty champagne bottle, and having wrapped
Justine Bateman– Kay viewed Family Ties…
Justine by Marquis de Sade — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
What’s Happening
The Jeffersons
Good Times
Different World
Different Strokes
All in the Family
Fat Albert
Silver Spoons
Facts of Life
Leave it to Beaver
Donna Reed Show
Father Knows Best