…the left image is my injured toe, healing after I dropped a dictionary onto it. I found this image on EMedicine a while back and my toe nail has started to curve in. I have cut the nail several time trying to correct the problem. I think someone is or has been looking at this site and passively viewing this image which is causing the problem.
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, April 26, 2014
The brain creates the body…
Ingrown Toenails Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention by eMedicineHealth.com
Sometime ago I looked at this site as I had injured my toenail and it was growing back poorly. Some of the nail had started to grow deeper into the skin than originally and was becoming painful. I found this site and looked at the image and weeks later my toenail got worse, starting to curl under the skin. Is it the mind/body connection or just a projection of what I had seen on this site?
Before this event I had questioned whether the trees or lightening may have helped create the cortex of the human brain starting in the most primitive parts of our existence. Due to the atmosphere at the time of the dinosaurs it was likely riddled with lots of electrical activity. Did they all die out? Did some survive? Did this environmental activity continue on until new life began to spring up and re-emerge? Did dinosaurs leave behind this psychic matter that was then possessed by other sea dwelling creatures who made their way back to the sea before their extinction? They would remain alive. Did this set the stage for sea dwellers to become amphibians and then land animals?
I am finally seeing and feeling the realities and truth of this statement. Of my body as a living breathing and constantly changing being not only because of what I put into my body but what I put into my mind.
“There is no 15 million dollars”.
I suspected this was a ploy to get me to believe I was being bought to engage in dialoguing on all of these ideas.
Let me rephrase this, I would be obligated.
I have no reason to feel or even be obligated to anyone for a novel or film, Kay simply has a position she refuses to alter. It is grounded in reality not some fantasy about how things should be.
Now that we’ve addicted her to this coke she’ll being coming to the mall”.
“She’s going to the Kangaroo”
“Leave the Kangaroo off, go to the mall”
“Leave the kangaroo off, go to the mall”.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Devi ~ Fairbanks…
11 December 2006
Gold in the Furnace
We regret to announce that the Savitri Devi Archive’s new edition of Gold in the Furnace has been delayed. We were forced to search for a new printer because of the “objectionable” contents of the book. We were also forced to re-design the dustjacket/cover. We have now found a printer that will begin work on the book after the new year. This means that the book will be in print in February at the soonest. We will announce all further developments on this page. Thank you for your patience and support.
This man was on top Goebbels ~ my sister, brother and I throwing stones at neighbors…updated
…in Chesapeake - it was some court room drama between these two and The Trial must have figured into it…
First I thought this was Otto Rank, then I figured it was Patricia Partin, now it seems it might be Goebbels…
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Absinthe and opium, for some reason I thought Absinthe was green…
Kay's History Personality: Kay's History Personality: Search results for english
…maybe a woman dressed in green was mixing the drink…
Kay's History Personality: Search results for english
Paparina in English ~ opium den…
Paparina in English, Dictionary Sicilian English
Posted by Kay F Gibbs at 10:25 PM No comments: Links to this post
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Friday, October 4, 2013
Related to Qing boy…updated
The opium-eater loses none of his moral sensibilities or aspirations. He wishes and longs as earnestly as ever to realize what he believes possible, and feels to be exacted by duty; but his intellectual apprehension of what is possible infinitely outruns his power, not of execution only, but even of power to attempt. He lies under the weight of incubus and nightmare; he lies in sight of all that he would fain perform, just as a man forcibly confined to his bed by the mortal languor of a relaxing disease, who is compelled to witness injury or outrage offered to some object of his tenderest love: he curses the spells which chain him down from motion; he would lay down his life if he might but get up and walk; but he is powerless as an infant, and cannot even attempt to rise.
Thomas De Quincey. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (Kindle Locations 1103-1108).
“{20} William Lithgow. His book (Travels, &c.) is ill and pedantically written; but the account of his own sufferings on the rack at Malaga is overpoweringly affecting.”
I purchased this man ~ (David Benoit and Tab Benoit’s music)…
Leon Benois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…I think he was Leonardo too, my cousin had this for a short time and he did look like Leonardo.
Durer’s Melancolia links his era to some of the history being acted out in San Francisco…updated
…and their activities link San Francisco to some of the Roman history which means some of Durer’s work with the drapery could be actual history. Specifically the sunbursts in these images may have derived from Durer’s work and my art instructor Kelly Adams did possess Durer, how I cam to create the photographs of the draping. He may have been seeing Jesus in the tomb and re-created the shroud as he was not conscious of those events which would have altered his activities. I think he disbelieved reincarnation. I think the drape on the right was constructed using his easel. I did this myself only I used a bamboo pole to drape the material onto the upper part of the easel lock. This means to me he could have been finding the disorganized content of the mind meaning their was a body on the cross represented by the easel and the drape. I did use the bamboo as a crossbar on the easel giving more of an indication of a cross and making light of it stood before the cross as if being on it. My sketch came before this and I think Nebuchadnezzar’s history was mixed up with this as well. He may have been one of dark hair and light complexion.
Some other historian I have been connected to might have collected this history or was trying to collect this history when the television crapped it all up. Going to California would have failed to resolve this history unless half the State went with me.
The Carol Burnett Show had a segment in which she wore a garment created from a green drapery rod and curtains :P. After getting it out it was clearer to me what was going on, then after finding more of Durer’s work I made the connection but I still lacked a connection to the television causing me to disrupt this work. I was acting out some news about Lisa Petersen and her husband having possibly murdered her during this time, then I was distracted by the discovery of Sonny Bono’s death.
I did view some of the series Rome as well.
This is who Wade looked like with less of a hook in his nose…
Julius Caesar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He did confess to me he was a pedophile, I believe I am Juvenal, I said this before as he saw the eruption of Pompeii…
He heard or discovered the confession…
Seneca the Younger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…so the 1990 sketch of the volcanic eruption was accurate for Pompeii or these are the pontifications of some Roman historian like Max…
Pompeia was Julius Caesar’s wife. Apparently Caesar confessed his pedophilia to one of his confidantes and Seneca was writing and came upon this knowledge but it was construed with the Pisonian Conspiracy. Caesar’s attack was because of his confession as he refused to take his own life as it was a mortal sin according to Christian teachings. It was later thought he was murdered rather than having set himself up for the incident.
Clearly the people of this period were struggling with their psyches and that which plagued them.
This may be why I tried to cut my wrists in college…
Disgrace and suicide[edit]
Luca Giordano, The death of Seneca (1684)
In 65, Seneca was caught up in the aftermath of the Pisonian conspiracy, a plot to kill Nero. Although it is unlikely that he conspired, he was ordered by Nero to kill himself. He followed tradition by severing several veins in order to bleed to death,
The thing about history getting cleaned up as we live on is this…
People see other people doing things and so we inadvertently recreate these problems disconnected from any true history at the time…
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Like this one, should be a brown available…
Chic Home Gray Euphoria 12 Piece Comforter Set | Wayfair 5 stars
And this one 4 stars
And this one 3 stars
“She’ ll look like chocolate pudding when we get through with her”…
Thank you, that’s what she looked like, now I know who you are who did this to her…
I think they gave he something with sodium hydroxide in it…
High in the Arctic !! Eskimo.... - Page 2 - Digital Grin Photography Forum
The world famous Whale Bone Graveyard
This is a recent photo of the Whalel Bone Graveyard in Point Hope, it is world famous as it is the only whale bone graveyard in the entire world.
when this snow melts next month (end of june) I will post a new image to show how many grave markers are under that snow. Over 150 people I knew oh so closely like family are buried in there. sob !
It is just the most bizarre feeling to walk in here and read so many names of people you knew and loved so much!![]()
High in the Arctic !! Eskimo.... - Page 2 - Digital Grin Photography Forum
“Now give me this damned biopic”.
I’m not keeping you from your biopic, I simply refuse to let you use me to do it for your damned nose job. Now get out.
I’m tired of you using me and tying up my time on your frivolity.
“We get what we want”.
I get what I want to and I ask you to leave me alone and out of this crap. I don’t want your damned residuals for the last time.
I get what I want to Helen.
“Such repugnant people”…
I’m tired of hearing that too.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
She swings her right arm ferociously to the left
“You better give me this biopic”…
“All I ask for is a biopic”
That is a lie, it isn’t all you are asking for.