Note: I was asked to mark statements I thought were from others and I have done this.
I have no personal knowledge of Ms. Steinem. What you really mean to ask is if I think Jews are subversive. What I do know of Ms. Steinem has never led me to think of her as subversive. Revolutionary yes, subversive, no. Before, during and after my imprisonment in 1991, I was labeled with Borderline Personality Disorder. In essence that diagnosis states the individual has issues with authority. I didn’t believe it and after reading Crimes of Obedience¸ it was clear I wasn’t defiant without just cause. In short, I don’t have a problem with authority; I have a problem with the misuse of it. Steinem’s Jewishness has nothing to do with my interest in her and the feminist movement.
I am definitely more curious about how she developed that big brain that clearly gives her an emotional edge over someone like me with a smaller one. My anger frequently gets the best of me. I discovered the film, The Brain That Wouldn’t Die, in my early childhood. Virginia Leith played the part of the brain. She had a rather large head too and so did my Uncle.
I read some of Gloria’s book Revolution From Within. This helped me direct my thinking toward myself, once again, after having read The Road Less Traveled, that made me think I caused myself to be kind of schizophrenic for reflecting on my past. The reason for preventing this was not at all clear then. It is now.
MW: To me it is more likely she might have been used to manufacture feminine subversives or revolutionaries, if you choose to call what she is doing subversive.
Kissinger: “The American president will have to decide whether Beirut, or whatever the issue may be, is worth about 30,000,000 American lives. In practice, I'm afraid the American president will have to decide that it is not worth it, and it will therefore encourage the piecemeal taking-over of the world by Soviet aggression.”
Who are your neighbors?
Dream Catcher film, Colonel Kurtz: “I don’t mind killing Americans”.
Did they consider a taking over of our country from within, with non-nuclear weapons from ideas and thoughts such as those above, neurolinguistic mind control. Kissinger looks like Otto Rank in the film and it sounds like a threat to me, that if we aren’t willing to sacrifice 30 million American lives peacefully, Russia [another word for mind control?] will take over the world bit by bit. Either way we are going to lose 30 million American lives. Where are they going? Back to Europe?
Think of it, manufacturing rebels-the rebellious heros. What they fail to do is look beneath the veneer of strength and heroism. Behind every altruist or hero is likely a painful, depressing experience driving their behavior. It is highly unlikely they are magnanimous or uninterested in reasons another is asking such behavior from them or manipulating them into such actions. I see altruists, humanitarians, idealists; the heros, as participating in the improvement of civilization, yet I disdain we still find it necessary that we experience pain and suffering. This suffering is due to ignorance, a depraved spiritual life misdirected into creating vengeful anti-social attitudes, or an unwillingness to accept the truth. These conditions all create the heros. Those who are always attacking the heros are the ones who are creating them. So behind every altruist is the self that wants to be something other than a hero and is likely consciously or unconsciously directing the hero for that purpose. One has to only look at Cain and Abel to see the end result of such poor thinking, a disowned self. Maybe Steinem was once trying to resist these projections thrust upon her but then found herself in the midst of something advantageous. Maybe she isn’t like that at all. It took me 50 years to discover it was happening to me.
I found the 1975 film Katherine, that deals with a well-to-do young woman who joins a group of socially conscious rebels and ends her life by bombing a federal building. Is this film subversive? It undermines capitalist thinking while applauding social thinking and the self sacrificing hero? “You will die one day regardless”, so to speak. It is making a hero of the viewer and creating hatred toward capitalism. This leaves the viewer at a disadvantage where capitalism is concerned, the viewer will side with and feel empathy towards Katherine, her rebellious friends and they even use children to draw one’s interest away from the rich anti-social parents. This leaves those who want to be capitalists with more choices and an apparent right to capitalize on one’s poor thinking. Films are a kind of mind control and they don’t always work to the advantage of the viewer. The 2002 version of Dahmer, about the serial killer Jeffery Dahmer is a perfect example of what I am talking about and Hollywood seems to be one of the few places where fat paychecks are doled out. I also frequently think about Timothy McVeigh who was an unfortunate victim of his own emerging consciousness. He was killing because our Government refused to object to the mass murdering of innocent lives at Waco. Aren’t we killing our children spiritually because they are conscientious? Again here is another ploy, another Cain and Abel so to speak. Viewers of the news during the Waco incident will rebel against the government. They will then be more subject to abusing themselves and others. This creates soldiers so they think. What it really creates is more cushy government jobs for the wealthy. What they fail to see in the end is the result of this contamination. An example is the histories of Shockley, Noyce, Kilby and others like them. By the time these intellects came to rest with my family they were fairly contaminated with more than just films.
I was ambivalent about Ms. Steinem as a younger woman because my own femininity was obscured due to trauma and media. I am surely for the women’s movement where equal pay and equal rights are concerned. I was fortunate to have a father who told me I could do most anything I wanted if I asserted myself. Those were some powerful words. His father believed in education and my father supported women in the workplace. I don’t know the affect the women’s movement might have had on his thinking, we never talked about it, though after he lost his eyesight, it was clear to me the importance of having an education and job skills. No doubt the movement had its positive influence as I am from a later generation of feminists, but cultivated by my own life experiences rather than being immersed in the movement because of family or relatives, unfortunately I wasn’t psychologically prepared for the kinds of struggles I was to encounter. One might believe it necessary to think like a man to get by in a man’s world but Steinem believes we should change the world to fit women and that has been happening. I agree. Women have jobs and they provide leave options for women while pregnant, when hiring a woman wasn’t even an option. Women have day care for their children and leave options when child care is an issue. Men are getting the same options now, so the movement has definitely revolutionized American thinking. Now we need to make the country more habitable for children.
My reality was altered by what I viewed on television in my youth and even more distorted by the many entanglements I got into in college.
MW: So who do I think Gloria Steinem is thus far?
I know she isn’t a first born. That makes a difference in how one sees the world. I am a first born, I see the world in black and white, yin and yang. Ms. Steinem is the youngest in her family, she sees the world as whole, united. How do I know this? I have two younger siblings. They both have personalities similar to hers. My mother was the middle child but became a first born after her brother died when she was 12. My father is like my brother, the baby in the family. Carl Jung describes features of these birth positions and John Bradshaw taught me a bit about this in his book, The Family when I was trying to recover from an alcohol addiction. He just didn’t see the bigger picture like a lot of people.
MW: Is she the establishment? Is she some CIA/Hollywood symbol for a movement we’re using to manipulate the public thinking or is she simply someone who is hoping she is making a difference in the lives of men and women based on her own personal experiences? I hope the latter is true. She did get out of the CIA. How and why did that happen?
Am I writing someone’s thoughts about her when the movement began? Is it all novel material for films and books?There is no magic mind eraser for everyone. And of course the Jews pray for this as a means of healing sickness. Who’s creating the sickness? It seems to me she has been doing something quite necessary, but I am concerned about the effect she’s had on some women regarding abortion. I did once think being open about her abortion was a ploy, a way to control the population-psychologists call it reverse psychology. Was she aware of this? I think most people realize we need to exercise some restraint where reproduction is concerned for the sake of our increasing population, it isn’t necessary to pummel us with subversive manipulations.
I was unaware she worked for the CIA or that I might have had a connection to her just as I have discovered I have a psychic connection to Helen Mirren. Is Helen Mirren some double agent? Were they both hypnotized like my mother?
Frankly, Steinem’s CIA job was a shock. I thought the CIA was mostly men.
MW: Some of the CIA thinking seems truly radical including the notion that the general public is basically incorrigible, rebellious, and the enemy was among us, all kind of paranoid-generating a lot of paranoia.
Ms. Steinem seems so level headed and serious to me, not at all radical but I know media can certainly make one think this about her. These kinds of beliefs about others can have a derogatory effect on a weak ego. This in no way seems a logical means of improving society.
MW: I have to wonder who it is they are truly describing.
??: Interestingly enough I believe I was misdiagnosed as paranoid in 1991, [1961]sic, ha ha.
I actually was diagnosed as paranoid in 1991, in addition to other diagnoses.
MW: So, whoever was managing her, might have been hoping many women would act in opposition to her thinking in order to curtail some of the female problem Bernays created in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.
Did they force her to do what she’s doing because of what they claimed Bernays did? Did the CIA know about it? Steinem was too young to know anything about Bernays and his ideas although her father might have had some knowledge of it. I am hardly concerned about her involvement in what I am beginning to uncover myself.
MW: I have to ask, did she know about it since she did work for the CIA?
It is about my personal life experiences of which I am concerned. If that helps someone else, then that’s great.
GS: …and it is clear to me it has been media’s job to promote a kind of chaos, to confuse the thinking mind, our consciousness and thus the consciousness of the nation as a whole. Maxwell Smart is an example of the ordering of this chaos by film makers, that is, feeding viewers a constant flow of television and advertising, having some writer empty the viewer’s mind and then having the viewer or someone else read it, cleaning the television out of it, then feeding it back to the subject/viewer.
That seems to be a free ride with a big fat paycheck for only a few people who can tolerate it and a no win situation for the viewer where the use of his brain and mind are concerned.
GS: I guess that thinking grew out of Virginia Woolf’s ideas on streams of consciousness. There was a lot of paranoia about her use of it. As I recall Woolf and her husband had arguments about it…
I did read about her. So, obscuring this stream of consciousness made popular by Woolf and described by the CIA, as system one thinking, seems to me to have been a media priority in our culture, in the name of preventing the enemy from obtaining any intelligence and altering the public’s perceptions, promoting products and services while making deals behind our backs with other countries. This information would be stored into the long term memory or also what the CIA calls, system 2 thinking. This kind of propaganda has been used against Americans and has a detrimental effect at the local level, especially among our children of which I was one, at the height of the cold war and on into the 70’s. Steinem was a young adult woman then. I know even less about the cold war than I do the feminist movement, I find more important than squabbling over equal rights. If we are taken over by another country equal rights won’t matter. I think the women’s movement may have been a diversion, not from the military cold war, but the war between the intellectuals in America, who opposed what corporations funded by Hollywood and television were doing to the country and those in these industries using a form of mind control to encourage spending and more television viewing, destroying a viewers capacity to think clearly about anything in the end.
GS: I resent being treated like an enemy in my own country because of what I do. A handful of Pelican Books I’ve never seen before and my mother’s certainly never seen might have had a tiny influence on shaping a few thousand lives here and there in the 70’s and 80’s but for the most part I find it has been entertainment and news media the masses devoured and are still devouring exponentially.
MW: Who was listening to Steinem and the activists? According to her report on the first sale of her magazine, some 300,000 thousand women did tune into her and the movement. Her work might have been an attempt to get others to confess to having had abortions and to create female resistance to being in the work force.
This would be, to at least protect those who knew what was really going on behind this veil that’s been created by Hollywood and television, while ridding the women who did have abortions in Hollywood and other places, of their persecutory complexes that are often repressed, dissociated or projected and sometimes re-enacted. Uncovering this repressed guilt is absolutely a good thing.
MW: She does seem to advocate female sexual equality and equality in the work force, but I wonder if she’s also been coerced to help create women who are unafraid to express their sexual freedom, in order to reduce male guilt for wanting women who are willing to hop into bed whenever they want sex without the responsibility of marriage, a good reason to support abortion in case an accident happens. But here again the Ninth Amendment speaks to a woman’s right to choose her own path in life.
No doubt World War II had a real effect on the thinking of the baby boomers to follow, in that their rights were surely anchored into their memories. Unfortunately Hollywood was used to deprive the rest of the country of this freedom by demonstrating such freedom’s being stifled, as in Kent State, on television and in films, I guess thinking it would protect the establishment. Historically it was once believed “the mind is outside the self”, Aristotle. This, to me often seems to be the objective of the television and films, but has neglected the function of the human brain and mind. The book Magic of Believing, also promotes this kind of thinking. On the one-hand, I see this as media’s objective for Steinem, aside from her personal interest in the movement. My objective is neither.
MW: Steinem has stated she is a Democratic Socialist. Is she breeding socialists?
GS: If you aren’t a socialist in America you are a capitalist. Socialists are the establishment and capitalists are the novelists, film makers, inventors, marketers, investors, etc.
If she is a socialist why try to improve conditions for women while supporting the right to kill one’s own baby, why I often found her to be a bit too vague in speaking about the issue, at least in the videos I have viewed thus far, so I do have limited knowledge about her position on that. I was never physically at any of her rallies or her speeches in the 60’s and I haven’t read her biography. She is my mother’s age and in lieu of my personal history one would understand why I never made it a priority to pay attention to women made famous by media or even wholly identified with women or my own feminine aspects. I certainly don’t see her being a cold calculating murderer. I do see her as a product of the things going on during her generation and I am all for a woman having the right to choose what she does with her body. Knowing when you are capable of making those decisions for one’s self is the real issue. I can certainly appreciate her and the movement for their social accomplishments. I truly think our culture is borderline insane, because of films, music, and books, including the Bible, more than history. I recollect a time when I thought both my parents were crazy, as in mentally ill. I wasn’t conscious of the realities of television viewing or novel reading.
GS: Films and novels generate a lot of thinking, but then not all of that thinking comes from highly intelligent people, so the content of the film or novel gets corrupted. If it isn’t sorted out it is a jumbled mess in the mind and what results is unpredictable behavior of which I am an example.
Corrupted or not, why process something that will never truly advance one’s intellect. I found thinking with regard to the suppression of man’s consciousness, I feel was has also been the intention of some films viewed by my family, friends and neighbors and the writer Unamuno seems to be at the center of this thinking. Carotenuto’s work, Vertical Labyrinth quotes Unamuno as having stated “consciousness is a disease”. I believe consciousness is the only path to the self and personal authenticity. I personally think and believe it should be a writer’s duty to raise consciousness, as opposed to enslaving it.
That’s what attracted me to Steinem and the feminist movement and it seems to be the path she has taken in her own life. Though again she has been vague about her personal experiences. I remember reading about the feminist movement in my high school Psychology and Civics classes. I wanted to know more but circumstances inhibited me getting to focus on those issues. Their words and ideas were improving my awareness of the inequality with which women were being treated and I was to learn this first hand after being kidnapped and assaulted, I had unfortunately repressed my memories of childhood molestations at the time. The feminist movement was providing us with some direction, but then so was the television, films, novels and our music which clearly had more power and presence in our lives.
Adam Curtis mentions in Century of the Self, that media, backed by corporations, seemed to be stimulating people’s thoughts to see what they were thinking about various social issues or products and services or even how to improve a product, without consent as far as I am concerned. Noam Chomsky has also mentioned similar ideas in Manufacturing Consent. This all gives the writer an advantage. Had any forgotten dreams lately?
MW: As for Steinem’s CIA involvement, “running espionage could be nothing more than a cover for hacking someone without the guilt.” “Come on Steinem.”
This is what I mean. Doesn’t that sound like Wallace interviewing her? Where did I get it?
MW: What was her anxiety about during that interview?
Just a few days ago, I did see a clip of her interview with Mike Wallace regarding her CIA involvement. That was just days after her birthday. Is this part of a pattern? Who saw it when it was aired and do I know them? There is something synchronistic about it.
According to the Wikipedia, stem cells have been harvested from many of the numerous abortions for at least 50 years now, without the knowledge or consent of those aborting their babies, so the potential for the misuse of abortion should be a concern for all women especially single women. Who is getting them? My circumstances are different from Steinem’s, she may have been the victim of some history while I was a victim of a film and it took me three years to find it out but 30 years to become conscious of it. This is how effective media is at obscuring consciousness. Media and the establishment let me suffer mentally and emotionally for 30 years, denying the effects television and films were having on viewers. This is a form of mind control in that one’s consciousness can be turned off like a faucet simply by triggering various thoughts or images in the brain, setting it on a course to recollect what one has viewed on the television. I was a mental health patient in 1972. I had numerous psychiatric hospitalizations between 1989 and 1998.
GS: You see there is the face media and the establishment shows the public and the real one that is hidden and there is always this neglected thing called consent they claim is understood by its victims. The establishment defends itself with immunity laws.
Maybe they think using stem cells is averting the death sentence by giving life but they are still telling us what we have to do with our bodies. I think promoting contraception or abstinence is more advantageous and given history, the nature of our brains and minds and what history is, we can hardly say whether or not Steinem or me or any of the thousands of women who have had abortions were victims of someone else’s situation. Who can police the lives of every citizen 24/7 and even if you attempted it, what a tremendous drain on the brain and psyche this would be. I had the unfortunate occasion to have to tango with the prison system in 1990.
After getting out of prison I found myself quite disenchanted with the establishment, my family and society as a whole, not necessarily a bad thing. I can hardly identify one specific event that engendered this disenchantment. I do know I did not feel loved and no amount of music changed it. Some of it made me think I was loved but I would always found myself falling back into the abyss. I suppose this was part of the purpose of my incarceration, to disenchant. Oddly enough, in the past few years I came across a book titled, The Uses of Enchantment. These ideas may have had some influence in my youth but not as an adult. I felt deceived, abused and I recognized the film Caged as part of the reason for at least one of my incarcerations. I soon found myself homeless and on the streets. It took me nine years to stabilize myself and get an apartment. After I re-established a residence I began to write. I eventually discovered many of my problems were due to entanglements or enmeshments with other people. I traveled within the US after my first year of college, up the east coast and was in Alabama and Georgia during my military enlistment. I was quite ignorant of what I was doing to myself and as I stated I started uncovering history, novels and films at the root of much of my behavior. I wondered why no one informed me this was part of my problem or even a potential problem? I recently discovered I had acted out a short paragraph in the book, The Sense of the Sixties.
“This young woman-though she is no doubt totally ignorant of the fact-symbolizes something beyond herself. She symbolizes The Girl, the primal image, the One behind the many. Just as the virgin appears in many guises-as Our Lady of Lourdes or of Fatima or of Guadalupe-but is always recognizably the virgin, so with the girl. The girl is also the omnipresent icon of consumer society.”
This all sounds rather self serving to me but this isn’t the point of my writing here. I purchased the book at a recent library book sale. It also contains short chapters by authors such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan Sontag, and Sargeant Shriver. Apparently the reader is a Steinem follower and 60’s enthusiast trying to understand what the 60’s were about. A chapter by Cox on Sex and Secularization revealed the origins of some of my problems. In 1993, someone must have been recollecting what they had read in the chapter on Sex and Secularization in this book while in a dream state. In the early hours of the morning, in the middle of winter, after wondering around for hours, I decided to walk to the Our Lady of Lourdes church in Raleigh, North Carolina on Overlook Drive, where I crashed for the night. It just so happens that this church is just several blocks away from the community in which I lived in 1981 and where I worked as a landscaper one summer in 1984. I had never heard of the book so never read it. Was I connected to someone in that community who did read this book? I had been sexually assaulted just before this happened.
I was completely unaware of any psychic connections to anyone anywhere during this time, not even my own family. My sudden awareness was profound that it was a psychic event. I thought I was acting of my own accord. Did they know about psychic entanglements or that I even existed? I can’t help but think of Shirley McClain and her work as well. I read her book Out on a Limb in 1986. It is possible this person was located in New York I visited once in 1974 for a David Bowie concert, and was traumatized by the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center that occurred around the same time, why he or she dissociated this content I then acted out in the early hours of the night. Could this person be connected to my deceased father who was stationed in New York on Long Island in 1939 (1993) during World War II? I did have a dream I recorded, in which I was an artist, got into an elevator and went to the 65th floor. The only buildings I know that are that tall are in New York and Chicago. It is possible this person also attended St. Bernadette’s Church on 13th Avenue.

The Sidran Press provides sound knowledge on traumatic re-enactments in their book, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a Clinical Review. This in no way means the book was traumatic but that events surrounding the time in which the book must have been read, anchored memories of what they read. I also found in The Sense of the Sixties, a chapter titled, In Defense of Thinking, by Herman Kahn. I wrote numerous letters and pieces of information before I lost my license in 1996. I wrote nearly 250 pages of argument regarding my court case and the loss of my license, and previous circumstances which I submitted to the Beaufort County District Attorney Mitchell Norton in Beaufort County, NC. I was evicted from my apartment February 1997, was it really 1993? I went to prison in September 1997. I crapped my head up before going to prison with TV and music but I didn’t know why I was doing it. After being in a psychiatric hospital for roughly a month I started writing again and realized the advantages to doing it. When I got out of prison I purchased a computer, taught myself PC and continued to write. I had all of it copyrighted. The collection included poetry I wrote while in prison.

Discovering this psychic connection, it is easy to see how one could act out the repressed sexual habits of another, especially while in an unconscious or hypnotic state. Goldman and Milman discuss acting out in their 1970’s book, The Neurosis of Our Time, Acting Out.
Perhaps Ms. Steinem’s presence is serving a dual purpose by relieving the guilt of those of us who have had abortions and who still suffer guilt because of the choices we made, whether they be conscious or unconscious making us aware we know we are not alone.
One’s observations of who she is, determines what we think of her and what she has been doing, so one’s perception needs to be guided so as to achieve an unbiased opinion of what the women’s movement is all about. Some men seem to have more difficulties in doing this because of the manner in which their brains are wired.
History does precede us all and we can succumb to it at anytime because of the nature of our society though it is true historically, once an incident has happened it is over, therefore society is somewhat self healing but often at the expense of one’s life. We know there have been illegal abortions in the past that took the lives of many women. Anecdotal history while providing us with insight also often recreates the problem. Today, in addition to history, we have novels, films and music to cope with, in raising and trying to protect our nations children, so we can expect more instances of reenacting and acting out behavior as the result of some film, novel, lyrics or piece of history if we continue on our present course. Novels like Love Street, by Susan Perly and Pattern Recognition, by William Gibson perspicuously demonstrate the contamination of intelligence and the mental derangement created by our media and entertainment indulgences. I discovered the film, Love with the Proper Stranger, a 1963 film, in my personal mental life through my artwork as a student, I created in 1976, while attending a community college.

I never watched the film and it would take a lot of work to discover who did as I had many psychic connections prior to having found the film.
GS: I had my own personal doubts as to the validity of my findings since I was still struggling with this awareness. Never the less, most consumers are good decent people like my parents who would have been totally opposed to the film Love with A Proper Stranger.
Choices is another film that supports abortion rights and does a better job of raising the viewer’s consciousness regarding potential social causes for such necessary steps, still I think it is an individual matter and media and government should stay out of it.
GS: By that I mean that Hollywood shouldn’t use its powers of persuasion to parent the masses through entertainment. The right to dictate what happens to one’s own body is clearly covered in the Ninth Amendment but I think too few people have truly understood that amendment and because of this we have had our rights denied us in many ways.
This means freedom from unwanted intrusions into our lives without our permission. I do think some film makers and writers attempt to help clean up a lot of this kind of mess we get into psychologically as a result of such films but they can’t erase it all.
GS: These people don’t even know their own mind. They need to be more responsible about managing their television, film viewing, and novel reading.
Capitalists want to applaud Bernays who exploited hundreds of thousands of women during his career. I think he was one of the most dangerous subversives ever to set foot on American soil and his advertising ideas are even more dangerous to our civil rights, to the individual’s free will, and to our survival, a lack of which has come to pass among the female population and our children in this country, because of poisonous ideas solicited by business men desiring to control the consumer and his money, in the name of propaganda. I once thought that it was impossible television had this kind of affect until I found the films The Woman in Green, Twenty-Two and Perchance to Dream, among the many films affecting my life and I believe likely hypnotized my mother and the rest of the viewing public. This makes a viewer more susceptible to the ideas and dialogue put into the brains and minds from subsequent viewing.
The subject of The Woman in Green is a woman dressed in green who hypnotizes Holmes. The film exaggerates and criminalizes nurturing aspects of the female personality, dramatizing her as a seductress with sinister motives, while using drugs and mesmerism, a form of mind control, on Sherlock Holmes.
MW: A modern mata hari…?
…dressed in green.
MW: During World War II this was a major concern for troops and is possibly a concern with prostitutes.
Yet, this had a profound effect on me through my mother’s television viewing and her perceptions of a nurturing woman involved in criminal activity. Any good and descent Christian woman would hate the woman in green and likely wouldn’t buy any kind of drug or medicine until she resolved her dilemma with the content of the film. This might have posed a problem for some marketers. For one who possesses little psychological knowledge or interest this would be a serious personal dilemma. This type of female viewer and one with a weak ego, would be forced to focus on two very masculine men, one a doctor and the other an investigator who personify a derivation of the feminine aspects of the nurturing mother with which they make a profitable living. A strong ego wanting to regain these aspects might be inclined to seek out work in the medical profession rather than become a mother. One observes in this film, how capitalism pushes its agenda and from which women suffer, by disowning the self, a subject on which Nathaniel Brandon penned a book. Of course most people know he had an affair with Ayn Rand. There is no negotiating this trade-off in the film.
Their agenda produced the likes of Steinem and others in the feminist movement, women forced to sacrifice their nurturing selves or else rob it from another thinking it their own. In this respect, the film indicts itself. The subliminal message is diverted from the woman in green, in the 1970’s film Stepford Wives, to a green automobile. The idea is that the color green will trigger the hypnotic suggestion and new marketing ideas can then be implanted into the brain and mind, suggestions to buy something or tune in to another episode of some program. I have collected over 50 images of numerous green items I purchased prior to making my discovery and found more after I began to really go through my apartment. The color green is everywhere even our traffic signals and can cause a serious threat to safety. It is also the color of our paper currency. I have personally attempted to avert these associations with programming and articles, altering my thinking associated with the color green. How many instances of automobile collisions may have been and still are attributed to these suggestions and associations? I was concerned when they started talking about electronically controlling automobiles but that was before I learned of these films. Learning of this I began to wonder if Steinem was aware of it, attempting to bring this knowledge into public awareness without creating civil unrest.
Evidence points to the possibility the content of the film may have been showing up before my mother ever viewed the film. I was likely controlled by the suggestions she inherited in the mind I then acted out, and not via my own brain. This was interrupted numerous times by various other films and life circumstances. It started when I was about 9 years old when I stepped onto a nail sticking out from a board in a small brook we crossed to get into an empty lot where the neighborhood children sometimes played and was interesting too, as I recall we had dark green shingles on our new home we just moved into from Portsmouth, VA. This clued me in that my father may have had some other connection to someone viewing the films or he himself viewed it and my mother was truly a victim of their habits. Once the hypnotic suggestion was implanted into her brain and mind, it then became my problem.
In the last 5 days I discovered, in photographs sent to me by an artist I met online, a certainty I have been connected to Ms. Steinem and the artist who’s work is the subject of the pictures. Other images from my year book hinted at a connection but this artists’ work made it undeniable.
Bernays turned women into robotic slaves for the purposes of marketing, sometimes driving the family into debt because of the tactics used to achieve marketing desires. He made women believe cigarettes were an extension of the penis and by smoking they had the same power a man did. This increased the movement of upper middle class and middle class women into the market place for jobs, while exploiting the creativity of the middle class housewife via marketing questionnaires regarding products and services, what they liked or needed, some compliant because of the hypnotic suggestions still buried in their subconscious minds.
GS: Eventually smoking cigarettes, coupled with alcohol frequently advertised in magazines, on the television and dramatized in numerous films, contributed to the rise in heart disease and lung cancer among women. Of course this salvaged the tobacco industry for another half century from the 1930’s, until they began cracking down on the tobacco industry.
Then our children were being victimized by the same advertising, often getting a double whammy because of their own television viewing in addition to that of their parents, many of them developing heart disease early in life by the addition of advertising for various food products.
GS: Overeating and obesity increased and this often resulted in the early development of heart disease among young people, some dying before their 30th birthday, many more before their 50th birthday, who would likely not suffer heart disease until well into later life.
Since then women have moved into all of the careers available to them, even vying for the Whitehouse. I recently found a 1979 Phil Donahue interview of Ayn Rand on YouTube back when her popularity was peaking and she had created the Objectivist Magazine. On the show, she stated she refused to vote for a woman as President because she believed a woman was incapable of being Commander in Chief but she thought women should be elected for other offices.
GS: She’s not exactly against the women’s movement. Gerry Ferraro ran for Vice President in 1984 and lost. Hillary Clinton ran for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination and lost. I have to wonder how much this influenced the female voters years later. It is likely it had a significant impact not because women had no faith in themselves or other women but because her statements got into the brains and minds of everyone viewing her and she was of significant public interest.
From my own experience I know this has an influence on what happens a day, week, month or even years later. So, was it even a fair contest? Were members of her own party victims of Rand’s ideas? I have read some of Rand’s work and I think her ideas are a detriment to the middle and poorer classes of people in our country.
MW: Without doubt, Steinem is the antithesis of Ayn Rand, yet I fail to see Steinem as a misandrist, despite the numerous accusations attacking her as such. Many of the things I’ve seen and read by Steinem lately don’t really get right to the point yet I understand her reservations.
I agree Ms. Steinem is not a misandrist. Flashbacks to Kent State do come to my mind and my knees start to shake, when I think about speaking out about the injustices I myself have endured at the minds and hands of greed and self-interest, of which I am suppose to feel objective. Maybe Atlas Shrugged was really written by a man. I am certain the Kent State piece of media hype contributed to my dropping out of college and joining the Army, but then that was media’s intent, to deter future rebellions or revolutions, maintain the status quo and serve as economic oppression. Now, I am a tough love and waste no time kind of person as so many years of my life were wasted because of media and I am still poisoned with their ideas about aging and life ending at such and such a time. I decided telling it like it is, is important. That’s also an Aaron Neville song I played repeatedly as a teenager. The song also says, let your conscience be your guide. His lyrics were anchored in my memory by a traumatic event. Why did he write them? Was it part of the plan to get into the minds of the American public, all the while insuring careers for writers? Have they been holding out on us while stringing us along? These are questions I am looking into as an American citizen who has experienced these things firsthand. I for one don’t want someone else dictating my life for me. I want to be the author of my own life.
LG: Steinem and I do share an uncommon interest, apparently the CIA had a bigger interest in, than the both of us.
I am still trying to catch up on many of Steinem’s articles, speeches and other publications, so I don’t know all that she has really said or written about the many issues encompassed in the feminist movement. It is quite complex as you can see. I just purchased a copy of Feminist Frontiers, containing an article by Ms. Steinem. She touches briefly on the issue of television with regard to male supremacy but is much more careful about it than I would have been here and in my writings. The article is called Male Supremacy. I think her message is clear she is for equal rights for women-for all people. The book so far has some very intelligent, well written, and informative articles, I only wish I had discovered it decades ago.
Aldo Carotenuto, The Vertical Labyrinth, Individuation in Jungian Psychology, The Mythical Unconscious, page 14.
Anthony Storr, The Essential Jung, Archetypes, The Shadow, page 92.
Carl G. Jung, Aspects of the Feminine, Anima and Animus, page 78; The Psychology of the Transference, page 24; Synchronicity, page 25; Man and His Symbols, Animus; The Man Within, page 192; The Development of Personality, Lecture One, page 70 and Lecture Three, page 128.
Milman and Goldman, The Neurosis of Our Time, Acting Out, page 98.
Nathan Schwartz-Salant, The Borderline Personality, Vision and Healing, Experiencing the Borderline Personality, page 17, Archetypal Foundations of Projection Identification, page 99.
Robert Pynoos, et al, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, A Clinical Review, Sidran Press, pages 76-77.