UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, May 9, 2015
How did we miss these? | Books | The Guardian
The afterlife of books and writers is an enthralling subject full of strange vicissitudes and unintended consequences, as even the most cursory reflection on the life and reputation of Shakespeare suggests. It's also a story of forgotten bestsellers, fashionable names swept into oblivion and overlooked figures growing in posthumous stature. The underexplored fact of literary life is that most books fail, in at least two ways. First, they do not live up to their authors' high expectations. Writers who are honest concede that most typescripts represent the wreck of a grander, just partially fulfilled idea. Second, the majority of books fall stillborn from the press, never living up to their authors' hopes for recognition or dreams of a large, admiring audience. So those bestseller lists and crowded festival appearances create a misleading impression of the true circumstances of literary life. For every book that tickles public taste, captures the zeitgeist and hits the jackpot, there are thousands that do not appeal to contemporary readers, fail to find a sufficient audience and almost disappear.
Friday, May 8, 2015
What sense can we make of all this? First, I have to say that it's all true. We cannot solve the inconsistencies and confusions by splitting off unwanted bits, projecting them across the Atlantic and saying, 'The problem is not in us but in them'. That is, we cannot tidy up projective identification by employing a conscious, theoretical version of the self-same mechanism.
Interrogating someone over my father’s death…
- He was declared legally dead,
- Who's dead?
No one's dead, David, Come on,
Let's start putting this puzzle together,
Now, David, just a few more questions
for our paperwork, OK?
- How old are you?
- I already told you, Twelve,
All right, And what is the date today?
It's the fourth of July,
- What year?
- 1978,
Daughters of Wisdom…
- Right.
In Troilus and Cressida Hector
is murdered with a spear
and his body is dragged away
tied to the tail of a horse.
In Cymbeline, Imogen wakes up
and finds the headless body
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Tom and Ken…
How do you do?
It's nice to meet you.
I'm all fuddled tonight.
I forgot what
I'm supposed to say
about falling overboard.
Did you fall overboard?
Well, how did you
tell me to say it happened?
I didn't tell you
to say it happened.
But you did, Danny.
Don't you remember?
Theatre of Blood (1973) Movie Script | SS
Our bruised arms hung
up for monuments.
Our stern alarums changed
to merry meetings.
He capers nimbly in
a lady's chamber
to the lascivious
pleasing of a lute.
Well, now, Larding.
'Tis a consummation
devoutly to be wish'd.
To die.
To sleep.
To sleep.
Perchance to dream.
Ay, there's the rub.
For in that sleep of death
what dreams may come
when we have shuffled
off this mortal coil,
must give us pause.
"When the Boat Comes In" The Bright Young Things (TV Episode 1981) - IMDb
Having made a huge sum from his deal with the oil company, Jack is mixing in London high society. He is asked by his land agent Frank to help him broker the sale of an expensive emerald necklace to Morty, Jack's old American colleague, on behalf of wealthy Philip Martin, with a commission for them both. Martin's sister Jane takes a shine to Jack but proves to be an unbalanced psychiatric case who will kill to get the necklace for herself. The sale goes ahead and when Jack learns that Morty paid off the mobsters who were threatening him he waives his half of the price. Written by don @ minifie-1
"When the Boat Comes In" The Bright Young Things (TV Episode 1981) - IMDb
Putting in the drawbridge – Carnival of Souls film…updated
Albemarle Sound Bridge, Edenton, N.C. :: North Carolina Postcards
Kay and her parents were routed across a wooden structure connecting the two parts of the bridge…
Samuel Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Samuel Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sam Hill was born into a Quaker family in Deep River, North Carolina.[2] Displaced by the American Civil War, he grew up after the war in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[3] After graduating from Haverford College in 1878 and Harvard University in 1879, he returned to Minneapolis, where he practiced law.[4] A number of successful lawsuits against the Great Northern Railway attracted the attention of the railway's general manager James J. Hill, who hired him to represent the railway.[5] They also became family in 1888, when Sam Hill married J. J. Hill's eldest daughter Mary.[6]
IMDb: Most Popular Titles With Quotes Matching "I am a dog"
Theatre of Blood (1973)
Thou call'dst me dog before thou hadst a cause, But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs!
"I am sorry to miss the meeting, but my heart is with you. George."
Flight Of The Navigator (1986) Movie Script | SS
Give me that,
- Weasel!
- Dork!
- Butt-face!
- Scuzz-bucket!
You'll never see your ninth birthday,
I promise!
I wish you two
would try to get along,
- He's a jerk,
charts to see what would happen,
- What happened?
- It leaked,
- Navigator,,,
- I am not a navigator!
Yes, you are,
I crashed into electrical towers
and my star charts were erased,
I need the ones in your head
to complete my mission,
So you need me and my inferior brain
to fly that thing?
Correction, I need the superior information
in your inferior brain to fly this thing,
Well, if I'm so inferior, how come
you took eight years to bring me back?
Normally, I take my specimens
back in time
to the exact moment
and place I collected them,
Come on!
You took me away from my family!
And when you returned me,
it was eight years later!
Everything's changed, except me!
Unfortunately, we discovered
it was too dangerous
for your fragile human body
to travel back in time,
Harry Potter – Phoenix Rising – have the book have not read it – have not seen the film…
Thank you, doctor.
- Cigarette?
- No, thank you.
It's good of you
to give the Army a lift.
Not at all.
That's not much good, is it, sergeant?
Stow it away with the cargo.
The number four control pulley
on the starboard side seems a bit noisy.
Perhaps binding a bit.
I couldn't see properly.
I don't feel it up here.
I'd better have a look.
Hand me the flashlight.
Flight of the Phoenix, The (1965) Movie Script | SS
The number four control pulley – I used some rope and a pulley attached to a barbell for exercising my arms – had it hanging in the doorway…Monroe, found a boxer involved also…
I have experienced this in my cheek and eyelid ~ spasmodic stomach…
oh, this rotten business?
Spasmodic twitching of the
muscles under the eye, eh, Lieutenant?
What the French call a tic.
T - I - C, tic.
The Last Flight (1931) Movie Script | SS
Emmy Lou Harris’ Michaelangelo…Red Baron rides again…
We all make mistakes.
That's right. Michelangelo painted
Adam with a navel.
All the same,
Kay’s C-4 Video – Wrong Turn at Tahoe?…updated
Note on video – I had a black container like the silver one shown. I placed it in the freezer and forgot it and the bottom blew out. It was not constructed like the silver one which would
likely have prevented more damage than the black one if using dynamite but C4 can do more severe damage to both.
United Airlines Flight 629
A United DC-6 at Stapleton Airport
Occurrence summary
November 1, 1955
Flight origin
LaGuardia Airport, New York, New York
1st stopover
Chicago Midway International Airport, Chicago, Illinois
2nd stopover
Stapleton International Airport, Denver, Colorado
3rd stopover
Portland International Airport, Portland, Oregon
Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Seattle, Washington
United Airlines Flight 629, registration N37559, was a Douglas DC-6B aircraft, named "Mainliner Denver," which was blown up with a dynamite bomb placed in the checked luggage on November 1, 1955.
United Airlines Flight 629 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pilot error…?
Smoking Weed…
The Wyoming Air National Guard launched two search aircraft: a two-seat T-33 Shooting Star piloted by Mel Conine and a single seat F-80 Shooting Star piloted by Ed Weed.
United Airlines Flight 409 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nice site – I did watch some of these Mr. Peabody and Sherman episodes while eating oreo cookies…
Television: Mr Peabody and Sherman – The Original Cartoon | Ultra Swank
…drinking Nestle’s Quick, Mars Bars, Milkways, Mounds, drinking Coke, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, and eating Jiffy Pop.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Car, The (1977) Movie Script | SS
I want you to remember,
a young man was killed today...
passing through our town,
and I don't like it.
I don't like it at all.
All right, that was delicious.
Miss Humphries, I'd like to speak
to you for a moment.
- Sure.
- In private.
Okay, take a break.
And we will rehearse this march for real.
All right. Okay girls, up.
Come on, over here. Right here.
I would like to know what this is.
This is sweet.
Look, Miss McDonald, he's made me a 36-D.
- You know who did it?
- Sure. This is Tommy Ness again.
His proportion's always off.
- Are you saying that's a picture of you?
- Yes.
- Well, I must say, I'm surprised.
- Why?
Lauren, do you think it's healthy
for a 13-year-old boy...
to imagine his teacher naked?
- Absolutely.
- Well, not in this school, it isn't.
- Do you think she's ever been...
- No.
There's my baby. Don't forget
to wish him a happy anniversary.
A what?
It's two years today he's been off the booze.
- Hi.
- Hi, what're you doing here?
- Hi, Wade.
- Time to change drivers.
- Hello, Captain.
- Crooks beware.
Well, how about a hug, you hunk?
- Honey, here?
- Isn't that darling? He's so shy.
- Hi, guys.
- Hi, turkeys.
- Hi, Margie.
- Hi.
We're gonna get to be cowgirls
in the parade.
- You're never no such thing.
- 'Cause we know how to ride.
Who knew first?
- I did.
- I did.
The bell, girls. Don't you have a gym class?
- Bye, Daddy.
- Bye.
Yeah, this is Wade. Come on.
It's me, Fats.
We're at the north side of the High Road.
We got some bad news here.
Everett just arrived,
and he wants you pronto.
- Okay.
- Bye-bye.
Come on.
Tell me it was an accident.
- No way, Everett.
- Has she got a locket? Heart shaped?
Yeah, she does.
God damn. Damn it.
What in the hell is going on?
Wade, you know
Dr. Pullbrook's daughter, Suzie?
- You ever seen her?
- Yeah. Why?
You think you'd know her
if you saw her again?
What do you mean, Ev?
Well, she took off last Thursday
with a guy by the name of Pete Keil.
Bicycling, you know, camping.
Pete Keil? Lmpossible.
Well, how do you know?
Well, the kis a neighbour of mine. He told
me he was going to Ogden on Thursday.
- He told you?
- Yeah.
Well, how come?
A few years back the kid was
in my Bible class, you know...
and then his dad died,
and Pete kind of took a shine to me.
It couldn't be him.
He had a job interview in Ogden
on Thursday. I gave him a letter.
- Has he got a mother?
- Yeah. Alice.
Alice? Well, maybe he lied to Alice...
because he didn't want her to know what
he had on his mind about Suzie. Anyway...
Ev, the kid has never lied to me.
Lady Bouvier’s Lover…
It was the most embarrassing day of my life.
[ Grampa Whistles ] Lift those gams! You were one nifty number.
Boys all paid attention to me and it drove my friends crazy.
- Oh, who were your friends? - Oh, Zelda Fitzgerald Frances Farmer and little Sylvia Plath.
You know, you remind me of a poem I can't remember and a song that may never have existed and a place I'm not sure I've ever been to.
- You're so sweet.
Why whispering off is essential…
Mmm. You know something|about champagne, sir?
Havershaw, if you tell me|that the bubbles tickle your nose...
I shall probably kill you!
Get rid of that slop!
Shouldnt that wheel|have come off by now?
Its long overdue, sir.|Im terribly embarrassed by the delay.
- I dont know what could--|- Stop whimpering!
Ill just give them a friendly nudge.
Hey, whered that wheel come from?
Hold it!
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
I think this is an excellent idea for some of our overpasses…
…to prevent drivers from focusing on the road below. Opaque or colored so one cannot see through it.
Transparent sound barrier resolves noise and visual pollution
Barbara Berry?
…there is one more around Albemarle County…
This is rough but you get the idea of what needs to be done…or just resort to color panels…
Monday, May 4, 2015
“We buttoned up that girl blabbing”…
Oh looks like Hollywood does a good bit of their own blabbing too.
Ringing Bell ? Music under announcer
When the time for closing bell rang in the Public Library, Alexander Bonepart Cust started, picked up his battered briefcase with the almost faded initials ABC, closed the book he had been reading
Um, It's a most interesting book, Librarian. I should like to come back sometime and read another chapter of it if I may.
Quite. Yes, Mr. Clark. Can I help you sir?
Rum little chap that. What do you think he was reading. "Studies in Epileptic Somnambulism".
Thriller: Season 1, Episode 24
The Ordeal of Dr. Cordell (7 Mar. 1961)
In a lab mishap, chemist Dr. Frank Cordell is exposed to an experimental gas that causes him to turn into a homicidal maniac when he hears the sound of ringing bells.Boris Karloff, Robert Vaughn, Kathleen Crowley | See full cast and crew »
A little number called "Shearing Sheep at Big Billabong Australia."
Oh, what's it about?
Its about shearing sheep at Big Billabong, Australia. Its perfect for the ladies in Mrs. Davis's club.
Shearing sheep in Australia. Why should that be perfect for the ladies in Mrs. Davis's Club?
EVE: There's some pretty wooly ladies in Mrs. Davis's Club.
Kay’s island drawing…
Ruth! Ruth!
Easy, old man.
Easy, easy, easy.
What ship is this?
The Covena. Trading ship.
We picked you up adrift.
Oh, yeah. I remember.
- Where's she bound?
- Apia.
I'm in luck.
That's where -
where I was bound when -
when my ship went down.
- Yeah. The Lady Vain, wasn't it?
- Yeah.
Yeah, we picked up her S.O.S.
Then you - you got a wireless aboard?
Will you send a message for me?
Sure, sure.
But you'd better make it short.
You've got a lot of resting to do.
- I suppose it's to Ruth?
Island of Lost Souls (1932) Movie Script | SS
A Slight Case of Murder (1938) Movie Script | SS
All right, shut up. Shut up, you lugs.
I've got something to say.
Prohibition is over, sure.
What of it? Well, I'll show you what of it.
It's the birth of a new day for us.
Come here, all of you.
I'll show you something.
Get over here.
Look. Get an eyeful of that.
I tell you, it's great. A land office business.
Everybody's drinking beer.
Midnight Mary (1933) Movie Script | SS – Shadow of a Doubt film ~ Please Murder Me ~ Murder Me Twice…
MAN 1: Hey, don't push back there.
MAN 2: Oh, come on.
Don't push back there. Take it easy.
Mary Martin has killed a man.
The state demands the full penalty
for this crime.
You cannot allow sentiment
to prejudice your verdict.
She's had a police record
from the age of 14.
This woman is a criminal.
Mary Martin is a menace to society.
Her guilt has been proved
beyond the shadow of a doubt.
She has stubbornly refused
to tell why she fired that fatal shot.
Her vicious criminal career...
...her cold-blooded confession...
...her very indifference throughout this trial,
all make your duty clear.
Mary Martin has taken a life.
She must pay for it with her own!
Black Flame of the Amazon | Old Time Radio
Black Flame Amazon follows world famous imperious explorer Harold Noice as he traveled through jungles of South America on the Mutual Network during the 1930s. Along with his native guide, Keyto, young friends Jim and Jean Brady, aide Pedro, and pilot Pat Donavon, Noice faced the perils of the Amazon.
Cornell Woolrich Collection | Old Time Radio
Suspense 430706 049 White Rose Murders
Cornell Woolrich Collection | Old Time Radio
Suspense 431202 068 Black Curtain, 490227 008 Night Has a thousand Eyes, Blue Beetle 400522 05-06 Murder For Profit, Blue Beetle 400531 11-12 Death Rides Horseback, Blue Beetle 400904 45-46 Asylum Of Doctor Drear
The Woman on the Beach (1947) Movie Script | SS
I'm afraid you'll continue to find
it unromantic. Won't he, Peggy?
Join us in a drink, Lieutenant?...Peggy?
I'm sorry, but I'm late already, I...
I'm due back at the station.
That's too bad! Come back and see us soon.
It's nice to see people once in a while.
I'll try, Mr. Butler...
...but you see I haven't much free time.
Not much free time...
Besides, it's rather boring to
spend it with a blind man, eh?
Oh no, no. It's not that...
Take me to the car, Peg.
You can drive me to New York and
then you can do as you please.
Tod, I can't stand the way
you treat Peggy any longer.
You make a slave out of her!
You beat her, you mistreat her...
...And someday you're gonna kill her.
- Are you finished?
- Yes!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Incoming - “We are thieves”…
…I capped off with Kay’s property and now Mirren’s done it and so did Russell Crowe…
List of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar episodes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hannibal Murphy Matter
Gil Doud
3 November 1951
26 October 1951
Co-starring Virginia Gregg, Dan O'Herlihy and Ben Wright.
The Birdy Baskerville Matter
Blake Edwards
10 November 1951
25 October 1951
Co-starring Virginia Gregg and Howard McNear.
List of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar episodes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia