Leucine deprivation decreases fat mass by stimulati... [Diabetes. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
…if your blood lipids are high then I think raising protein will decrease blood fat.
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Leucine deprivation decreases fat mass by stimulati... [Diabetes. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
…if your blood lipids are high then I think raising protein will decrease blood fat.
Metabolism and Physiological Function of Branched-Chain Amino Acids: Discussion of Session 1
…which means they absorb fat. The BCAAs are not processed via the liver and are absorbed directly into muscle. Ornithine or Arginine might be added to raise creatine levels which raises ATP levels.
BCAAs alone will not build muscle. Muscle is a protein or many chains of amino acids created during translation or protein folding. One has to eat a full spectrum of amino acids in order to build these proteins. Exercise seems to breakdown muscle and is rebuilt stronger and bigger but requires additional protein.
Kim Philby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In July 1939, Philby returned to the Times office in London. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, with its secret protocol that the Wehrmacht and the Red Army would divide Poland, shocked Philby. He often asked, "Why was this necessary?" When Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939, contact with his Soviet controllers was lost and Philby failed to attend meetings. During the Phoney War from September 1939 until the Dunkirk evacuation, Philby worked as the Times correspondent with the British Expeditionary Force headquarters.[8] After being evacuated from Boulogne on 21 May, he returned to France in mid-June (now representing the Daily Telegraph in addition to The Times). He briefly reported from Cherbourg and Brest, sailing for Plymouth less than twenty-four hours before the French surrender.[14]
Hester Marsden-Smedley, a correspondent with the Daily Express who shared the train ride from Plymouth to London, then introduced him to Marjorie Maxse, who offered him a role in the War Office. On his first meeting in her office, Philby was surprised to see his old friend from Cambridge, Guy Burgess, who was already working there. His time there, however, was short-lived; the under-funded section was absorbed by the new Special Operations Executive (SOE) in July 1940. Burgess was fired for "irreverence",[15] and Philby was appointed as an instructor in the art of clandestine propaganda at the SOE's training establishment in Beaulieu, Hampshire.[16]
…enumerated by me on the 26th day of July, 1870. Mr. Burroughs Roberts, Ass't Marshall.
Bird, James M. 46 1 W N Insane 1 1 R171A 54
…I did look up the name Kay Gibbs online and discovered numerous Kay Gibbses. I might be connected to them.
William Faulkner, Sanctuary PDF – Sec 16 page 46
On the day when the sheriff brought Goodwin to town, there was a negro murderer in the jail, who had killed his wife; slashed her throat with a razor so that, her whole head tossing further and further backward from the bloody regurgitation of her bubbling throat, she ran out the cabin door and for six or seven steps up the quiet moonlit lane. He would lean in the window in the evening and sing. After supper a few negroes gathered along the fence below-natty, shoddy suits and sweat-stained overalls shoulder to shoulder-and in chorus with the murderer, they sang spirituals while white people slowed and stopped in the leafed darkness that was almost summer, to listen to those who were sure to die and
…I am guessing some writer influenced that decision, cooking my brain instead of the airways.
Sanctuary - William Faulkner - Google Books
Dumfries ~ Harry Potter
worth, and all the rest of it you think you are jealous of when you're just scared of it. And if he is just man enough to call you whore, you'll say Yes Yes and you'll crawl naked in the dirt and the mire for him to call you that. . . . Give me that baby." Temple held the child, gazing at the woman, her mouth moving as if she were saying Yes Yes Yes. The woman threw the fork onto the table. "Turn loose," she said, lifting the child. It opened its eyes and wailed. The woman drew a chair out and sat down, the child upon her lap. "Will you hand me one of those diapers on the line yonder?" she said. Temple stood on the floor, her lips still moving. "You're scared to go out there, aren't you?" the woman said. She rose.
Temple waked lying in a tight ball, with narrow bars of sunlight falling across her face like the tines of a golden fork,
She had expected the door to be locked and for a time she could not pull it open, her numb hands scoring at the undressed planks until she could hear her finger nails. It swung back and she sprang out. At once she sprang back into the crib and banged the door to. The blind man was coming down the slope at a scuffling trot, tapping ahead with the stick, the other hand at his waist, clutching a wad of his trousers. He passed the crib with his braces dangling about his hips, his gymnasium shoes scuffing in the dry chaff of the hallway, and passed from view, the stick rattling lightly along the rank of empty stalls.
I recall an object in the film The Cell which resembled the spokes in this crib…
1880 The Utica Crib | The Inmates of Willard 1870 to 1900 / A Genealogy Resource
…I had once identified it as a fish net needle for mending fishing nets.
I do believe that which I wrote about Susan and I could be related to this and Anthony and Stanton…updated
It is so interesting to read original documents from the nineteenth century. It gives us a great insight into how people viewed the “insane.” The following articles feature Dr. William A. Hammond, who fought to remove all mechanical restraints, including the infamous “Utica Crib,” from New York State Insane Asylums. The first article was written by Dr. Hammond in March of 1880 and was published in The International Review.
Utica State Hospital | The Inmates of Willard 1870 to 1900 / A Genealogy Resource
Oh Baby Doll film.
“I want a biopic”. “F-cking bitch I’ve been working my ass off, I want a goddamn biopic”.
“Where’s my biopic?” “If you don’t give me this biopic, you know what I can do to your ass”.
“I told you I was going to get this biopic”.
Sounds like Dianetics/NLP abuse to Kay.
…also in the Outer Limits, Zanti Misfits.
This is what someone had stolen, I took a cosmetic case…updated
I like this one for some reason.
…I think I may have a connection to someone who’s read something of these things, such as info about the Black Moors when they occupied Spain. I am as uninterested in history as anyone can get. Posting them in no way means I want the baggage, I am simply navigating through my mind, and likely some of it is from my brain. I don’t write novels and I am uninterested in helping anyone create one. When I do, I will write it for myself. I am simply attempting to make those around me aware of what might be going on which likely includes entanglements with historians. I am trying to stay out of their work as well as those of the numerous writers in the area. I have no interest in dialoguing with anyone.
…In 1978 I hit my mother’s car in the rear. I thought it was due to her accident in 1963 when she was rear-ended after stopping at a railroad track crossing. I didn’t realize once the accident happened it was over, unless of course you are still connected to some onlooker but after 15 years that would be highly unlikely. Just yesterday I was having a conversation with someone about the things that happened to me. In giving an account of what I was doing in 1982 [delivering flowers for several florists in the Raleigh, NC area along with my roommate], I realized our behavior was like that I had seen in the film Mother Juggs and Speed. I thought it was kind of comical until I viewed the trailer and discovered a cop car had rear-ended the ambulance in the film. Seconds later I realized it was the cause of my 1978 accident. I was driving this big red bomb that easily looked like an old version of a cop car likely from the late 50’s early 60’s, like in Car 54 Where Are You. I recollected I took some legal courses in 1976-77 I soon dropped. I realized I must have identified with the police again, since I had once been fixated on Sherlock Holmes, when I rear-ended my mother in 1978 a year later. This means I shifted my perceptions during the viewing of the film and it is possible someone else viewed the film I was connected to, who also had a similar reaction. I was clearly still affected by the hypnotic suggestion as well. My mother’s car happened to have been blue and mine was red, the colors of the ambulance. It is also clear my roommate was acting out scenes when the gurney flew out the back of one of the ambulances. She would go to the back of the van and she would be cursing at the cars making stupid moves on the road, people cutting us off, etc.
I obtained a copy of this transcript after I enrolled in Beaufort Community College in 1987. I was commuting three times per week, 134 miles round trip [“the long road, the long winding road…”].
Casebook: Jack the Ripper - The Pinchin Street Murder
…I had no access to this information at all.