Saturday, January 31, 2015

Kay’s cave dream, “could go neither forward or backward…”

Allegory of the Cave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Investigator Heron ~ Bobby Sherman…

Bobby London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Köhler disease – my Uncle Robert’s leg problem…

It is caused when the navicular bone temporarily loses its blood supply. As a result, tissue in the bone dies and the bone collapses. When treated, it causes no long term problems in most cases although rarely can return in adults. As the navicular bone gets back to normal, symptoms typically abate.

Köhler disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coaler – one who shovels coal on a steamer or train…?

…may have suffered eye injuries from the heat…?

Sir Robert Peel and his 'bobbies' – peelers in Hyde, NC were those who cleaned shrimp…

Sir Robert Peel and his 'bobbies'

…oh, they were cleaning up the children…?

Burrus ~ McConnell…

V Burrus ~ Docherty entanglement…?


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Romani people in Spain

Gitano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ Gaetano Alfonso Crocetti (1894–1967),

Gaskills ~ gas kills…

Mallow, County Cork,

Radon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Celadon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Celadon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Celadon color mistaken for Caledonia…

The Caledonian,

Complicity (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Written right after my b&w yin-yang daffodils in 1988 and after Harry Potter books…

Complicity (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Category:Novels about writers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Category:Novels about writers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This looks like Barbara Blount…


Starr Review: The Human Image in Ancient Ife Art

Kabaks ~ Bakks ~ Bacchus – vodka ~ dovka…?


Alcohol consumption in Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vladimir the Great - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vladimir the Great - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How Alcohol Conquered Russia - The Atlantic

How Alcohol Conquered Russia

How Alcohol Conquered Russia - The Atlantic

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My things getting stolen in 1993…

Marnie Script - transcript from the screenplay and/or Alfred Hitchcock movie starring Tippi Hedren and Sean Connery

Hitchcock (2012) Movie Script | SS

Muhammad had the eyes of
peeping toms gouged out with arrows.
Well, that must have been rather painful.

Hitchcock (2012) Movie Script | SS

Hangover, The (2009) Movie Script | SS

Hangover, The (2009) Movie Script | SS

Kay's Place, History, Television and Entanglements...: Janet Munford and Margaret Sawyer…

Kay's Place, History, Television and Entanglements...: Janet Munford and Margaret Sawyer…

Richmond ~ Buchrainstrabe 4 ~ purchased brainwave generator online around 2005 – Girl with Dragon Tattoo…

Kay's Place, History, Television and Entanglements...: The Germany connection bottom image…updated


9789997529664[1]Opening in wall to kitchen

The person who was really suicidal, I think…

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Wild Iris Novel…
