UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Lynn hit my brother in the head with a hammer (Three Stooges) – Jason Evers…
Everett C Wade in Lynn, MA 01902 | Address, Phone Number, Email - Addresses.com
…could be a connection…This man is the same age as my brother…
Walasek ~ Jean Wallace could be from Everett, Massachusetts, on Nielson Street…
…she could have been connected to someone in Germany who was stabbed…Madame Butterfly, I did see this film…
Friday, July 11, 2014
Hyde Co., N.C. Obituaries - Gi - Gu
GIBBS, Sullivan Grant
GREENVILLE - Sullivan Grant GIBBS, 71, of E. 8th Street, died Nov. 7. He was a native of Engelhard and graduated from Engelhard High School. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II on the U.S.S. West Point in the Pacific Theater. Mr. Gibbs was a career law enforcement officer. Residing in Greenville, he served in the North Carolina Highway Patrol from 1946 until 1949. From 1949 until 1952 he worked as a special agent for the State Bureau of Investigation. In 1952 Mr. Gibbs was appointed Chief of Police for the city of Greenville and served until 1961. During that time he graduated from the FBI Academy at Quantico, Va. From 1961-1962 he worked as a special investigator for the Dept. of Corrections under Gov. Terry Sanford in Raleigh. From 1961 until his retirement, he worked as a special investigator for the North Carolina DOT. Mr. Gibbs was a member of St. Peter's Catholic Church. He was a 32nd Degree Mason, a member and past master of Crown Point Lodge #708, and was a Shriner. Surviving are his wife, Odell Varnell Gibbs; three daughters: Marie G. Grimsley, of Mequon, Wisconsin, Frances M. Gibbs of Roanoke Rapids, and Sharon Spencer of Fairfield; and 5 grandchildren. A Mass of Resurrection will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. Peter's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Pinewood Memorial Park. Visitation will be from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday at Wilkerson Funeral Home. The family has suggested that memorial contributions be made to the following: American Heart Association in Greenville; The American Cancer Society n Greenville, The Children's Hospital of North Carolina in Thomasville, or to the charity of one's choice. (The Coastland Times - November 9, 1993
This could be traffic markings on the highway prior to constructing a median…
…we happen to have a lo of this going on at the intersection where I cross frequently…Intersection film…
A message from the bench…
The bench is not tolerant of this kind of behavior from our writing community and those involved in cleaning up. If incarceration becomes necessary we will not hesitate. We find that Ms. Gibbs has been harassed.
Harassment is against the law, whether it be by phone, by verbal communication or from mind to mind. It is the job of the writing community to remove those things which are disabling the personality.
“you’re not going to get rich unless you make people believe you are rich…”
…”but that’s cheating people”…
“who told you to say that’?…
“If your hearing is affected one can’t hear what is being said to them to you at night…
…at least this is the consensus I am hearing…
Kay Gibbs has no association with the music industry other than being tricked as a consumer….David Gibbs son of Cecil Armstrong Gibbs lost his life because of his father’s music. His head did not big up either.
I’ve been to the Christian Science bookstore…
Gnosticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…I told you there was a gnostic in here-I posted it, although I don’t believe they are the poor amd sexually abstinent, it is quite the opposite…
“I guess if you put those earplugs in and those hearing protectors you won’t hear a damned thing…”
…I am not watching TV or films.
I suggest if you don’t want to lose your things to Hollywood, stay away from the mall…
…they are putting up a huge floor sculpture on the west end of the mall, you will lose your connections if you’ve been to Hollywood or have connections there…
“You haven’t shown me where I willingly looked at that stupid machine at all…updated
…Chomsky is right about it, it is manufactured consent, manufactured by those who are selling themselves and their industry. It means I have no basis for condemning those who are poisoned by it. This means any permissions you’ve gained are felonious and tortious. I asked you politely to leave me alone. END OF STORY.
“I’m sticking with Skinner and the behaviorists on this matter, I have experienced too much…
…to go around crapping people up with more of the same. While unknowingly cleaning up these things by acting them out, more because of trauma than any self will which I never possessed, I would be committing the same crime against human life committed against me and my family. I am tired of you people and your constant persistence in trying to get biopics and novels from me, conning me into dialoguing with you trying to drag me into your sin against mankind you fail to acknowledge.
A cease and desist has been posted and sent out to the community and some studios. I insist you release me. Further action will be taken.
“put her down Kiel”…
Get that woman off Ms. Gibbs, before she craps this dialogue up further”…
“he has picked up a dummy looking like Mirren, Fay Wray I guess, I was finding my appearance to look like her and this is what they do, they start this kind of thing and I see it all the time.
“I’m sure the Lone Ranger is God, what do you think Tonto?”…updated
“Tune in next week for another episode of The Lone Ranger”, …“turn your radio on get in touch with God, turn your radio on”…
“Wouldn’t you like to see it, Ms. Gibbs”, “I reckon I would”, “I believe, I’d rather see The Edge of Night”…
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Last House on the Left film, possibly traumatixing people…
,,,forgetting to look left when turning into traffic…
Note from the Underground, Dostoyevsky…I recently encountered a neighbor who was intoxicated this way…
…could lead to delirium tremens…
‘I walk up and down to please myself and no
one can prevent me.’ The waiter who came into the room
stopped, from time to time, to look at me. I was somewhat
giddy from turning round so often; at moments it seemed
to me that I was in delirium.
One of the problems is those of us who are connected to Hollywood are getting crapped up…
…with their memorization of scripts and film direction. Scripts get talked out but the directions only get acted out and this is what I suspect caused some of my behavior because it became part of the mind…
A reader’s lottery is what we need…
…100,000 people pick 10 film scripts from a lot of 2 million titles to read out over a 7 day.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
This dude was watching the TV with a mixed drink too, you can’t see the glass…
I found lots of films, more than 5 years later including The Woman in Green…
Gloria Holden was an English actress. She was born in 1908 at London and died in 1991 of a heart attack.
Research Gloria Holden
Search for Pictures and Maps Related to Gloria Holden
Flave and Faith…I was 12 years old…
Faith Domergue - Rotten Tomatoes
www.rottentomatoes.com368 × 462Search by image
Page by .Page by . - Russell Johnson, Rex Reason and Faith Domergue
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I had not seen this until 2006 or so, I don’t remember the narration…
…I think the person who was tangled up in it must have been at Moore Square in Raleigh…
The Night of the Hunter - This movie was in there, my Aunt Wanda’s Senior Year picture in her year books…update 4
The Night of the Hunter (1955) - The Criterion Collection
…she was photographed holding a shotgun…
…she was nominated most likely to succeed…
“I told you she wouldn’t give the the time of day cause of what they did to her”…
“You are a hard sell Miss Kay”…...
“I don’t believe you heard that”…
“the holocaust never happened”
Well I was wondering about those rubber looking bodies on the video footage, they didn’t look human, my people have worked with dead bodies and they didn’t behave like dead bodies…
…”it’s true it was created to avert the potential…...
Mamie Eisenhower told this to one of my people, likely my Aunt who knew little about it
The Iranians high jacked her from me in Greenville and that is how they got the info…
And by programming us with their ideas, we were least likely to develop any consciousness…
…especially about what they were doing to us.
How I got so entangled…
My father was a WWII veteran, my grandfathers were WWI and WWII veterans, both serving in Germany. My great-grandfathers were Civil War vets. We inherited these connections as if they were our own people but we were actually estranged from our people. Once these connections got covered up, it was hard to tell who we were.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
“Everytime I eat I get really sleepy”…
…someone was eating while watching the Woman in Green, then they started using hot chocolate to stay awake, Paragon film… It wasn’t the husband telling her about herself, it was the writer talking to her while she was asleep…
Root Out Destructive Memes and Propaganda
Hypnotic dialogue from The Woman in Green…
“How easily we charlatans take advantage. Its wonderful, the attraction, on the feeble minded of course, the continuous motion, if they just let themselves follow it. Of course you could stare at it till doomsday Doctor Watson and not be affected, still it might make you a little drowsy, like the white ribbon of of the road at night when you are driving. The ribbon is smooth and unbroken and the road goes on and on, round and round, with the same winding and winding and you’re tired and drowsy. Let the road come into you as it were, the long road, the smooth road, the road to sleep, sleep…”