Helene’s massage parlor…
Beach scene with my family…
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
I think Fingers of Fear may have caused my childhood problems, people thinking about molestation in addition to murder.
Worldwide Electronic Mind Control via 'Cell Phone' Towers The day is now approaching in which government mind control technologies will be directed at you, your neighbors, and your loved ones. Every single day, equipment is being erected and installed in this country with the hidden purpose of exerting mind control over the entire population. Everywhere in this country (and overseas), ELF/microwave transmission towers are being erected. The antennae usually look like four slightly curved vertical plates about 2 feet in length and located in either 3 or 4 quadrants around the tower, two thirds up from the ground.
Kay's History Personality: I find this thinking…
…unfortunately in this country the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction.
My argument with this kind of thinking is that it has no basis in reality nor respect for the object’s true self. Clearly this book is written for the writer as they are the one’s most often relating to the world in a sociopathic manner.
…by Fromm to be outdated and these “stimulations” or motivations to be unnecessary. Our basic drives for eating, sheltering and clothing ourselves is quite enough motivation for survival. We have been seduced by the idea of a higher minded kind of living, a more literary, theatrical lifestyle which is merely the reflection of our own drives for survival raised to higher economic standards. What one neglects to see is that the survival of these individuals requires us, the objects and our willingness to be self-destructive.
My argument with this kind of thinking is that it has no basis in reality nor respect for the object’s true self. Clearly this book is written for the writer as they are the one’s most often relating to the world in a sociopathic manner.
…he could easily have developed some auto-erotic feelings toward his work of art, eventually reinterpreted by Burnes-Jones as Galatea and Pygmalion…
…the sexual activity may have come from the viewing of pornography or pornographic films, the child’s observation of the parents or some entanglement engaging in this behavior. Parents who engage in sexual activity act out this activity so it is unlikely the child would have this content in the mind. The abuser would likely be the bearer of the baggage. Incest does not apply to this situation I describe. I frequently viewed romantic television programs, long after I was abused.
If we pay attention to Klein and observe our children’s behavior they will tell us or show us what we have long forgotten in our own childhoods. The parents likely viewed some film where sex and sexual seduction were viewed. This in no way makes it okay, and the public has been prevented from knowing this goes on to protect the industries profiting.
This snippet came from this book along with the previous posts and I obtained this information from the medical library from the Veteran’s Hospital in Durham, NC.