No more pubs in Paris – Phase 2 | They Eat Horses Don\'t They?
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Kay's History Personality
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Kay's History Personality: Search results for qing boy
Monday, July 15, 2013
Divorce American Style…
Dede Murphy ~ Dodi from college (it wasn’t her but likely triggered connections to the film which I have never seen by the way), Murphy Mantis sketches.
Triggered memories of Chinatown, Jack Nicholson, Carnal Knowledge, Bridge Over River Kwai.
The Rains Came was on Turner Classics this weekend, Camelot Village flooded Sunday, interesting it comes on at the time it flooded here. I think it was my Uncle mixed up in Chinatown in New York ~ St. Francis Exupiary ~ The Saint…
Divorce American Style ~ “It’s a wonder we didn’t burn the house down”. 1328 (An address) 410, “and then I got killed”…don’t know what they were talking about, the war something I don’t know…someone must have been adding the numbers and likely on an abacus…this could be Qing Boy, such a traumatic event others were likely unable to manage rage and it was constantly dissociated…I think the Qing boy could be possessed one of Caesar’s male concubines.
This is what happened to my father, some of this was left behind during the clean up or was never taken out…
Found pieces of it and other films covertly referenced in Dream Telepathy. It seems there was blamed placed before there was a thorough understanding of the circumstances.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Jung's Synchronicity...
I went to the library yesterday and checked out several books, mostly Jungian, a
couple on Synchronicity. After I arrived home I was eager to get into the books.
As it happened I opened one of the books, Synchronicity, CG Jung, Psychoanalysis
and Religion, by MD Faber to page 110, Transferential Synchronicity. After
reading a few pages, I was surprised to discover that it perfectly described
just what I had been experiencing and had experienced many times but did not
have the appropriate words to describe. Was this a synchronistic event? Maybe. I
have had these experiences many times as a child. If I were having a problem
spiritually I could think about it and then immediately open the Bible to a
passage that was applicable. It amazed me at how this could happen. I was led to
begin reading Jung in 1987 and have been discovering this knowledge ever since.
I think I know now the soul I possess. My grandmother read her Bible everyday
and from what I am told she read it many times. I was 2 1/2 years old when she
passed away. She looked like Mother Theresa, short, petite, thin, large nose.
"During the midst of the transference, Meier observes, synchronisitic events are
experienced with some frequency. Why? Practically every analyst becomes a
savior-god to his patient and this constellates an archetype which brings the
patient powerful affluxes of emotion. In such an intense transferential climate
synchronicities are bound to occur, synchronicities which harbor the potential
to move the patient out of his stagnant condition. For Bolen, a deep connection
must occur for the analytic process to be effective, and when such a connection
does in fact occur synchronistic events may take place. Indeed Bolen claims a
powerful transference from patient to doctor can lead to parapsychological
phenomena, to telepathic messages and extrasensory perceptions from which
archetypal materials including synchronicity emerge. It is the interwoven shared
psyche of the therapist and the patient that calls forth the collective
unconscious. According to Aziz, it is the bonding between analyst and analysand
that explains a wide range of synchronisitic phenomena. Such bonding transpires
beyond the dimensions of ordinary time and space, it removes the participants to
a transcendent religious realm best described in the literatire as shamanism and
theological metaphysics.
Wilhelm Stekel describes these phenomena as unsophisticated. I then opened
Aziz's book by the same title to page 133, the Synchronistic Patterning of
What I have accomplished here now about the Tower of Babel and the nautilus
shell, is what I was trying to accomplish in 1987-89, this awareness, that was
interrupted by various events, including imprisonment. And just as there exists
in the universe opposing forces of nature, there exists those persons who oppose
the force of life with their destructiveness. It is clear that this knowledge
can be used for the preservation of life and it can be exploited for another's
Kay F Gibbs
C.G. Jung, Psychology of the Unconscious, Symbolism of Mother and of Rebirth:
Kay's Blog
Friday, May 27, 2005
Re: Nautilus and Typhoon...
C.G. Jung, Psychology of the Unconscious, Symbolism of Mother and of Rebirth:
From the Book of the Dead: 398-It is evident that the pious here fight their way
to a share in the mystery of the raping of the mother. 106-This is the part
which belongs to them, while the heroic deed belongs to the god. By Ares is
meant the Egyptian Typhon, as we have good reasons to suppose. Thus Typhon
represents the evil longing for the mother, with which other myth forms reproach
the mother, according to the well known example...In Gaul the Druid alone was
allowed to climb the holy oak amid solemn ceremonies after the completed
sacrifice, in order to cut off the ritual mistletoe (a parasite). This act is a
religiously limited and organized incest. That which grows on the tree is the
child (trying to cut me off from the rest of my family), which man might have by
the mother; and precisely this is what man cannot have, because the incest
prohibition forbids it. As the Celtic custom shows, the act is performed by the
priest only, (this is insane) with the observation of certain ceremonies; the
hero god and the redeemer of the world, however do the unpermitted, the
superhuman thing and through it purchase immortality.
Now we see the power of myth, or is it the power of manipulation?
Kay F Gibbs
- posted by Kay @ 10:18:00 PM 0 comments
These are all the alcoholic beverages I drank, at least 4 when I drank…update 2
…once it’s acted out it is over…I never connected my alcohol consumption to my love for watching movies as I didn’t know what they were doing to me, I can recall some scenes from films where I actually wanted to do what these bar hoppers were doing because I felt the way they did, drink my blues away…
Character identification by viewers can be detrimental and I loathe the fact that our mental health has been dependent on the lack of it by others who have denied these things about us as social beings.
Domestic Beer
** Weeping Radish Bavarian
Bud Lite
Bud Ice
Busch Lite
Colt 45
Coors Lite
Green Shields Amber
Malt Duck
Michelob Lite
Miller Lite
Natural Lite
O'Doul's N/A
Old English 800
Rolling Rock
Stroh's Lite
Imported Beer
Amstel Lite
*Belhaven Scottish Ale
Fischer Amber
*New Castle Brown
Smirinoff Malt beverage
St. Pauli Girl
Young's Dirty Dicks
Domestic Wines
Almaden Red
Boone's Farm
Beringer White Zinfindel
Forest Glen Merlot
Fox Hollow Merlot
Glen Ellen Merlot
Gossamer Bay White Zinfindel
*Hacienda Merlot
Haywood Merlot
**Kenwood Merlot
Livingston Cellars Merlot
Mondavi Merlot
*Rabbit Ridge Merlot
*Ravenswood Merlot
Sutter Home Merlot
Talus Cabernet Savignon
Vendango Cabernet Savignon
New York Pink Champagne
Imported Wines
**B&G Beaujolais
*B&G Cotes Du Rhone
B&G Vouvray
Banfi Chianti
Blue Nun Liebfraumilch
Bolla Pinot Grigio
Citra Montepulciano
DuBouef Beaujolais
DuBouef Syrah
Ecco Domani Pinot Grigio
Fontana Friscati
*Fontana Orvieto
Gabbiano Chianti
*Lindemans Merlot
Louis Jadot Beaujolais
*LaBoure-Roi Pouilly Fuisse 2000
Pescevino Blanco
**Ruffino Chianti Reserva 1993
Segura Reserva Champagne
Ancient Age
*Bailey's Irish Cream
Bacardi's Rum
**Bombay Gin
Jim Beam
*Canadian Mist
***Courvoisier Cognac
*Crown Royal
Cuervo Tequila
Jack Daniels
George Dickel
EverClear - in PJ ~ Purple Jesus
Gilbey's Gin
**Hennessey Cognac
J&B Scotch
Kentucky Bourbon
Rebel Yell
Seagram's VO
**Seagram's VO gold
Seagram's 7
Seagram's Extra Dry Gin
Smirnoff Vodka
*Tangeray Gin
Walker Black Scotch
*Evan Williams
Walker's Peppermint Schnapps
Wild Turkey
Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Busch NA
Beck’s NA
St. Pauli Girl NA
Odoul’s Amber
Old Milwaukie NA
Well, they said I had to work my way up!
Of course these are not actually in my cabinet, just brands I have consumed over the years,
but I really wouldn't call it's really funny because Pabst Blue Ribbon beer is all my father ever drank...he did not drink wine or liquor...go figure!
I drank mostly domestic beer, liquor and an occasional wine until 1979. I didn't really start drinking imported beer or wine until 1991. And as I had stated in previous writings, I was administered paregoric frequently as an infant and young child. I had my first 1/2 can of beer at age 17 at a sleepover.