UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Could this be part of the fat and sugar problem…
"You're under arrest, aren't you." "But how can I be under arrest? And how come it's like this?" "Now you're starting again," said the policeman, dipping a piece of buttered bread in the honeypot. "We don't answer questions like that." "You will have to answer them," said K.
Kafka, Franz. The Trial (Kindle Locations 75-76). Feedbooks.
This could be mixed up with Walden 2…
Das Schloß ("The Castle")
Kafka, Franz. The Trial (Kindle Location 6). Feedbooks.
This is a perfect example of wasting resources…
Note: The reason I bring this up is because I noticed James Gibbs had a similar problem when I discovered his work on the Arch he created for Scotland, I personally think was a waste of resources. I’m not particularly fond of high rise buildings so we need to think through to the future with some of our construction. Lots of well built structures aren’t going to provide cooling that will be needed in the future.
…This street and sidewalk have had to employ two different kinds of lighting, one for the street and one for the sidewalk. Cars have headlights. Why do you need to see the street if you are on the sidewalk. An automobile is more viewable without street lighting than with it.
Similarities – I think city planners should reconsider lighting the streets and light the sidewalks instead…
…I think I did mention this, that street lights is an example of verbal behavior. Sidewalk lights should be created. It seems street lights make it easier for abductors and other criminal activity from vehicles.
Kay and her siblings had a canary, they also had a dog…
…Kay’s had two budgies, a cockatiel, a ferret, a skunk, two long haired guinea pigs, a hamster, a cat, three dogs, two snakes (were my roommates, a python and a coral snake), a 55 gallon salt water aquarium and a 30 gallon fresh water aquarium. There was an oscar and a rope fish in one aquarium. There were damsels, angel fish, shrimp, and clown fish.
Phyllis Love, Iowa, Burrell, Iowa, Burrell Ave, Idaho - The Rose Tattoo – My niece has a rose tattoo on the back of her neck…
The Rose Tattoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Derwent Award ~ Derwent sketching pencils.
It’s a box for transporting or even trapping birds maybe…
Kay's History Personality: Turned into a slot machine ~ abacus…
Some I have noticed have apothecary weights carved out on the top, could be used for herbs…
Could have been seeing this…
Keir Collection? Bernadette?
13th century incense boat…I have burned incense in the past occasionally…
Friday, January 10, 2014
This is similar to the Frederico Montefeltro I found…
Conservation Stories | The Walters Art Museum
…which I think could be related to the yeoman ~ goseck circle – the head piece he was wearing is similar…
I think this is the man who my cousin Jo Ellen has…
Robert Stroud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…I think he was mixed up in the Ripper history…I don’t know if he killed one of the birds…this persona may also be upon El Greco…Aristotle…
Goshawk ~ Goseck circle?
In falconry, the bird for the Yeoman is a goshawk, a forest bird.
Yeoman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Diamonds are a girls best friend…
Pieter Poubus tryptich – windows I found in Massachusetts…
This would be as if they were looking through a three paneled window…I viewed the history channel segment on the investigation of how Christ was crucified, after this sketch.
This one is likely a five panel tryptich…
Joseph Cotton ~ white haired he isn’t but he looks like him…
I question this as an authentic piece of 15th century art…
Portrait of a Lady 1440 Fra Fillipo Lippi – this is questionable also…
This woman was the deputy sheriff of Hyde County…could be my other’s people – El Greco is Kay’s people…
Looks like my sister a little…