"I hate it that girl can do this, we have no leverage. "
UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, July 5, 2014
I felt this here on the east coast in the early AM…
…I was awakened at 5:30 AM, rushed out of bed staggered to the bathroom then kitchen…
Preliminary Earthquake ReportMagnitude
- 5 Jul 2014 17:00:26 UTC
- 5 Jul 2014 10:00:27 near epicenter
- 5 Jul 2014 12:00:26 standard time in your timezone
34.275N 117.016W
6 km
- 10 km (6 mi) WNW of Big Bear Lake, California
- 15 km (9 mi) W of Big Bear City, California
- 16 km (9 mi) E of Lake Arrowhead, California
- 24 km (14 mi) NE of Highland, California
- 466 km (288 mi) WNW of Phoenix, Arizona
Location Uncertainty
Horizontal: 0.2 km; Vertical 0.6 km
Nph = 106; Dmin = 9.3 km; Rmss = 0.16 seconds; Gp = 50°
Version = 2
Event ID
ci 15520993
I think the top of this image is related to Vasiliev and his seeing eye and they convinced…
…Katherine Gibbs she was the Tsarina of Russia, why she donated the $1,000,000 to Hollywood but I suspect she was entangled with Nazimova who was likely the true Tsarina….My sister bears a resemblance to her…
The sketch top left is not what is display but looks like the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel which I have been through several times…
…or something like the grapevine covered path on UNC campus where Gloria Steinem received her masters degree or maybe it was where she acquired more of my family’s connections in the CIA’s pursuit of Avilov aka Voliva, and or nose jobs smarts, souls or brain development for higher ups. Nepotism was not unknown at that time. i just purchased this book so I will aver[sic] defer any further comments until I have read the book, this was just an immediate recognition. I believe crapping people up has been a means of this pursuit.
Aver is also a document reader.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Now I see what they did, they gave me the Risperidal in tabs so I would not take them…
…and that prevents me from shutting my processing down which enables them to continue this harassment. I had requested my Doctor prescribe me the liquid form of Risperidal. They knew I would not take the drug because it contains colloidal silicon dioxide. I have a theory that the silicon dioxide would explode neurons in the brain.
Perhaps they are supporting this industry. Right, don't bite the hand that cleans you.
Who is responsible for crapping you up?
I think that silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide can damage at the brain and I feel this is what was wrong with my sister who suffered a brain aneurysm in 19 am in 2006
Do you think she was drinking alcohol them?
She was drinking alcohol on the weekends.
She was using a food lion brand nondairy coffee Creamer which contains silicon dioxide. She and her husband were using it, but he used it more than she did.
Do you think he has brain damage?
I think he has suffered some degree of brain damage.
I used to use coffee mate nondairy Creamer also. I discovered it contains silicon dioxide. I wasn't drinking a lot of water then. While living here in chapel hill, I recollected my red transistor radio I received as a Christmas present when I was about seven years old. I opened the back of the radio and there was a packet of silicon dioxide in the back of the radio. I looked up silicon dioxide because I was curious about why it was in the radio, and discovered that it was used to absorb moisture from the circuitry in the radio. I then realized that the silicon dioxide would hold onto water which could cause cellular bloating. If a person drinks a lot of water silicon dioxide in the neuron could cause cellular swelling and explode the neuron. I also discovered in Dr. Balch's book scientists discovered silicon dioxide in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. This told me that lapses of memory associated with brain damage were from the use of silicon dioxide and not from choline or the lack thereof or any of the other things that they've been touting as causing the disease. They have basically been deceiving the general public about what causes Alzheimer's disease.
My sister still has this product in her house.
In coming,
“do you hear what I am saying".
‘How do you think this is happening"?
Did Mr. R tell them this”?
Yes in so many words”
Did he tell you this?
They are increasing their numbers
I am a dog and a chimp
You are not a dog mam, you are mixed up with a dog
“Look here they are most repugnant people, I loathe them…
Beauregard ~ Audacious Avarice by Kay…
Physicist Olivier Costa de Beauregard
Targ, Russell (2012-12-19). The Reality of ESP: A Physicist's Proof of Psychic Abilities (Kindle Location 279). Quest Books. Kindle Edition.
Marc Hauser ~ Milhauser ~ The Woman in Green…
The details of this investigation were not publicly released (which is common for most universities, including Harvard), and the lack of transparency evoked substantial speculation. Writing in the New York Times in August 2010, Nicholas Wade summarized:
Thursday, July 3, 2014
This is where the pitoriasis rosea fits although it appeared to be physiological…updated
Psychogenic disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…I was also diagnosed with psychogenic hives…
I think this condition is due to entanglements with Africans and other primitive cultures when curare’ was used as voodoo…
unclear. It has been established that SPS patients generally have glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies, which seldom occur in the general population. The antibodies are often thought to be the cause of the condition.
The New Immorality - Google Search
The provost of one of our largest and honored institutions told me not long ago that a questionnaire was distributed to his undergraduates and 40% refused to ...
What can happen in the brain…
…This can result in over-stimulation, which leads to anxiety, anger, fear and resentment jumbled up with curiosity, and any other number of responses our brain might generate. This overstimulation can cause rapid heart rate called tachycardia, high blood pressure, over-eating, alcoholism, drug addiction, and many other of types of vascular diseases.
Graphics and films can be used to distort our perceptions of reality…
…they can cause us to project our hard earned mental work onto others who can and often do take advantage of that knowledge.
Amazon.com: The GSR Temp 2X Biofeedback Relaxation System: Health & Personal Care
As a design engineer, I'm familiar with lie detectors, so I decided to emulate finger tip galvanometers by strapping several rubber bands between my fingers and the GSR2. This test showed that no matter how deeply relaxed I became (I'm trained in deep relaxation techniques), the tone stayed constant in pitch. IE: constant pressure and surface area resulted in a constant tone.
Amazon.com: The GSR Temp 2X Biofeedback Relaxation System: Health & Personal Care
Aimee Semple McPherson Televangelist…
Aimee Semple McPherson Rankings & Opinions
…this woman is brilliant on the vocabulary…
This seems to verify my findings about the volcanic eruption I sketched in 1990…
…at the gymnasium site in Rome. My mother mentioned to me that she liked pomegranates, that she had had one – her teeth were falling out…
One species was a liquid, which was apt to be adulterated; but when pure it had the property of blackening when added to pomegranate juice. This property seems to characterize a solution of iron sulfate in water; a solution of ordinary (potassium) alum would possess no such property. Pliny says that there is another kind of alum that the Greeks call 'schiston', and which "splits into filaments of a whitish colour",[8] From the name 'schiston' and the mode of formation, it appears that this species was the salt that forms spontaneously on certain salty minerals, as alum slate and bituminous shale, and consists chiefly of sulfates of iron and aluminium.[citation needed] In some places the iron sulfate may have been lacking, so the salt would be white and would answer, as Pliny says it did, for dyeing bright colors. Pliny describes several other species of alumen but it is not clear as to what these minerals are.
The alumen of the ancients then, was not always the same as the alum of the moderns. They knew how to produce alum from alunite, as this process is archaeologically attested on the island Lesbos.[12] This site was abandoned in the 7th century but dates back at least to the 2nd century CE. Native alumen from Melos appears to have been a mixture mainly of alunogen (Al
2O) with alum and other minor sulfates.[13]
Someone may have read this when I ingested the glycerine and I caught the information that it was a humectant…updated
…I have found some of these ingredients in cake mixes I have consumed, aluminum sulfate
A DIRECT PLASTICIZING EFFECT is produced in most applications for glycerine as
a humectant-plasticizer because glycerine and water act together to promote
softness and flexibility and to prevent drying out. These applications include
promotes softness personal products such as cosmetic creams, lotions, capsules, and dentifrices,
andflexibility edibles such as candy and cough drops, cigarette tobacco, and industrial materials
such as cellophane,
UNC gets $180,000,000…
“and I’m getting a big chunk of it”. Spielberg was at the hospital too, pushing a gurney, he was filming something…
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
“I’ll bet this girl is fudging on you Ms. Green”…update 3
“You’re pretty when you’re angry Miss Kay”…
“WE are murdering them Ms. Gibbs, most repugnant people”…I heard this for so long I got sick of it…
…yes and he saw me one day after I had seen one of Helen’s films and he was quite upset. He told me to look at myself in the mirror at GNC. There are two columns in the GNC and they are covered in mirrors.
He is resentful for some reason too, he mentioned he probably wouldn’t have children…
This is fraudulent…
…look up ethylene glycol…
PEGylation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…it is highly toxic, they prescribed it to me and I took three of them…
They gave me Polyethylene glycol in the hospital…
…it will scar arteries, heart and liver….
I don’t think the Doctor is who he says he is…
I think they are using our teeth to implant into others with missing teeth…
They were transitioning – skin was becoming red from anticoagulant – caused appearance of blocking, --manifested on my body as pitoriasis rosea -they were eating leeches…?
Steinem knows who really wrote The Woman in Green…
"Why didn’t you tell me I was a victim of that suggestion?”
Russians have been red television ~ using China to spread propaganda…
“been Red” ~ Broadcast television film…
Re: Dream Telepathy, Hall chose to look at boxing match because it was something in his mind (already there)…
and Van De Castle called it correctly when he reported what he was seeing, the boxing match was in the basement of a building and that was in a film, several films in fact. Hall saw what was in the mind of his connection but all he had to draw on was the match being shown on TV. What if thee had been no match?
arch Gibbs designed was more a reflection of something he had seen
Kay's History Personality: “We have erroneously programmed ourselves to think like computers…”
This is the first image I drew in OT class…
The instructor had a red telephone, I graphically rendered this after she put the phone on the blackboard chalk tray, whiling writing on the board. I am not sure who was on the ward with a turquoise gown. The phone was resting in the opposite direction,. My first impression was a red TV….
Kay's History Personality: “What was you ion [sic] (in) the hospital for” – The Z is missing – War Z…
Kay's History Personality: “What was you ion (in) the hospital for”…?
..ion ~ Izon ~ Hypercube ~ Vertical Labyrinth…
“What was you ion (in) the hospital for”…?
I was sent their by the Orange County Magistrate. I called her about an issue I was having with someone and I reflected on some issues from the past miss these people and how it affected me and she interpreted this an immediate crisis. I did tell her I was very distressed, emotionally distressed, over the situation at the current moment.
“We have erroneously programmed ourselves to think like computers…”
“How did you learn to think the way you do”?
First I believe I inherited some of this capacity through James Gibbs’ work as an architect and Albrecht Durer who was a painter who wanted to be an architect. I was informed the arch Gibbs designed was more a reflection of something he had seen, rather than something he had created on his own. I think the Scottish were aware of this which caused some unhappiness because it was not original nor reflected their culture. If
What I did while in the hospital, a mandala…update 2
Bill’s bloodshot eyes, while in class, R had this song on his mind and having become entangled with him I heard it and created this image, I was thinking about the viral capsid and how to get something into it – Linus Pauling?
Update: The center matrix reflects the visual pattern I experience after I stop using my computer, my PC screen is interlaced…