Friday, November 22, 2013




Course I’m not a he but this is evidence Mike was dragging me to the mall with his mind control…

Kay looked at his watch; he had to meet Mike in an hour and had time to kill so he headed for the car wash. It was a do-it-yourself car wash, but Kay had no intention of washing his own ride. The place stayed full of crackheads and dope fiends trying to make a hustle to get their shot on. All you had to do was sit back and let them clean your car until it was spotless.

Freeze. Against the Grain: A Novel (Kindle Locations 249-251). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

As others have stated on Amazon, I recommend About Behaviorism first…

…it is clearer about what Skinner is saying about behavior.  Verbal Behavior has more of his research and instances of various kinds of verbal behavior.  Skinner having been born at a different time than myself and the current generations, he seems a bit too wordy, at least for me, although his work and ideas are as valid today as they were when he wrote his books.  It seems too few people knew about or even read his work.

I ran across a statement about how “America is a Corporate run institution”.  This is precisely what he and lots of NLPers have been saying for decades.  We have become just that.  We, many of us through no fault of our own, have contributed to creating the problems we face with our mental lives.  No television will cure the problem and for some of us we are so crapped up no psychotherapist will treat us because it is futile.

We have been the victims of a racket and a scam. 


“This girl’s dangerous”.



They are still trying to cook my head up and still trying to make films while my life is on hold because…



I am playing this game…


Thursday, November 21, 2013

These are the films I have seen with the character name Jonathan…updated

…my second cousin is also named Jonathan.

The Equalizer (TV Series 1985–1989) - IMDb – haven’t seen this but I have seen several others similar – I didn’t see this until around 2005

Kaplan ~ Welcome Back Kotter

Find - IMDb

Jonathan Dalton (Bordello (1981))

Find - IMDb

The Gay Falcon (1941) - IMDb

The Gay Falcon (1941) - IMDb

Is this a black coat ~ Dr. Watson…?

Perhaps they were trying to ascertain whether Freud’s theory about acting out was true…

Most of the Tales of Tomorrow were from 1951-1953.  I didn’t steal the wallet until 1967.  Alone it does not cure the problem.  If the mind is cleared then acting out becomes unnecessary.  Acting out can and does stop the problem for the actor but if they are lifted, then those who are doing the lifting become subject to the mental content and may act it out also.  Acting out or re-enacting does nothing to erase the verbal behavior active in the mind.  It will makes its way around again and is likely the cause of many obsessive compulsive behaviors like Lady Macbeth.   There is a 500 year old piece of work totally ignored by scientists. 

I did confess the deed to a psychoanalyst in 1984 but she stopped me as she stated that kind of honesty was not what saved alcoholics, although I would argue the point as I had felt badly about the incident all my life until that day, but then it came back to haunt me until I discovered Millbank and it’s potential connections to me.  Then I got angry as I had suffered needlessly for so many years and had damaged myself with alcohol for feeling like a misfit (Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer), really a criminal.  I knew I wasn’t but had hardly a clue as to how to save myself.

Tales Of Tomorrow - Miraculous Serum – Could be the cause of my stealing the wallet…

▶ Tales Of Tomorrow - Miraculous Serum - YouTube

In this film a woman suffering from Tuberculosis is near death.  A Scientist claims he has a cure for many diseases and is offered an opportunity to help the dying woman.  She recovers but there are problems with her adapting to the various social issues that arise.  She is to meet with the Scientist and Doctor but before she arrives she pick pockets a wallet and goes on a shopping spree.  When she is confronted about where she got the money she states “I took it”.  “I just slipped my hand in his pocket and took it”, “while we were around all these people”.  “It was easy”.   Then there is all this conversation about her misdeed and social maladaptation while, at the time of the conversation, she is burned by a cigarette and shows no signs of pain or blistering on the hand.  The film moves on from there.

This is what bi-location can look like…update 3

The yellow circle is the starting place…


Dunne’s serialism…


This is bi-location also, although this happened quite by accident, I did not create it.  I navigated inside a site’s store and when I tried to get out of it, this is what happened.  I decided to save the image.  I did add a copy of it to the other side of the street to show what can happen.  This couldn’t be more clear.   If this were to happen she would be completely separated from half of herself.  This is no small feat to accomplish.

Jacking up

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

“Who is that voice"?”…never seen it…

Seig HeiL? – Never seen these

The Sea Shall Not Have Them - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anton Diffring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anton Diffring - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Never Let Me Go (1953 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Never Let Me Go (1953 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe this is the cause of Kay setting the fire in 1963…

…Kay was lifted by her neighbors in the wooded area behind their houses and she then recreated the scene at the beginning with the hay using the tall dried grass around then, then struck a match to it…

Acting out isn’t a cure according to Freud…

Freud and many other analysts saw that this wasn’t true because, if it were true, then the people who act out most their irrationality would be the healthiest ones because they would get the stuff out of their system—and they don’t.

Page(s): 27, The Art of Listening by Erich Fromm, Open Road Media.  NOOK Study (Kay F. Gibbs, This material is protected by copyright.

…but once something is acted out it is over as long as the mental content is cleared.  Freud is right and Skinner was clear about it, the content of the mind dictates behavior.  Skinner offered a solution to extinguishing behavior.  In thinking through this I have come up with a much less harmful means of managing this without cramming hoards of music and noise into someone’s mind.  I have discovered this approach is clearing specific to a certain species rather than man as a whole and can be extremely harmful.

I do recognize I have lost the gentleness and caring I once had because of some of the things I viewed on television, in essence I have been regressed by the machine rather than advanced.  The Three Stooges is foremost in my mind and how it created violent behavior.  We do not teach our children this at home why do it with films.  Of course if one is going to become a soldier, then one would benefit from violence and aggression.

I am honestly very angry, hurt and disappointed in what it has done to my mind, more so that my consciousness regarding it’s use took 50 years to cultivate which didn’t all come from films.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What are we doing? What have they been doing to us?:

What are we doing? What have they been doing to us?: Search results for brain

B.F. Skinner called it methodological behaviorism.

Methodological behaviorism did just the reverse: by dealing exclusively with external antecedent events it turned attention away from self-observation and self-knowledge.

Skinner, B. F. (2011-08-24). About Behaviorism (Vintage) (p. 18). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Copy of brain diagram 4_thumb[4][1]

Lethal, Sandra Brown…

“He’s lying down because he’s sick.” Emily trailed her mother as she made her way from kitchen to living room. Honor looked through the front window, turning her head from one side to the other, but all she saw was the lawn of St. Augustine grass sloping gradually down to the dock.

And there he was, lying facedown, partially on his left side, his face turned away from her, his left arm outstretched above his head. He lay motionless. Honor didn’t even detect movement of his rib cage to indicate that he was breathing.

Brown, Sandra. Lethal (Kindle Locations 37-39). Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Someone just called the rescue next door at Brookwood…

Lethal Rider, Ione, Larissa: Romance :

Lethal Rider, Ione, Larissa: Romance :

“He’s lying down because he’s sick.” Emily trailed her mother as she made her way from kitchen to living room. Honor looked through the front window, turning her head from one side to the other, but all she saw was the lawn of St. Augustine grass sloping gradually down to the dock.

And there he was, lying facedown, partially on his left side, his face turned away from her, his left arm outstretched above his head. He lay motionless. Honor didn’t even detect movement of his rib cage to indicate that he was breathing.

Brown, Sandra. Lethal (Kindle Locations 37-39). Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Sam Carr?

Sam was the child of harsh and perfectionistic parents who made him feel that little he did measured up to their standards. He grew into a tall and extremely handsome man but couldn’t shake the feeling that he was ugly. As an adult, though married and ostensibly heterosexual, he would occasionally visit gay bath houses when he felt especially low. He never engaged in sexual activity there, but thrived on the admiration and desire he could see in other men’s eyes.

Burgo PhD, Joseph . Why Do I Do That? (Kindle Locations 558-561). New Rise Press. Kindle Edition.