UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, December 7, 2013
“You’re suppose to be sweetening that bitches ass up”, “what’s happened, hmmm?” “When I give you a job to do”…
“I’m going to get this biopic, “I want my biopic”, “you’d better give me this biopic bitch”…
This rectory closely resembles the rectory in which we lived before the shingles were put on it…
Episcopal rectory and Joseph A. Gilfillan family.
Photograph Collection, Cabinet photograph, 1880
Visual Resources Database
Minnesota Historical Society
Location No. E97.7W r53 Negative No.
So why?
Paul Buffalo Biography -- Tim Roufs -- University of Minnesota Duluth
I read this several years ago but just connected it to…
Endoplasmic reticulum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…the Episcopal Rectory and the cistern on the outside where Kay lived in Hyde County, NC. This is how our Doctor ended up outside, and projected onto the local physician.
About black and white…
…Chimpanzees are pink to pale brown when born but get darker as they mature. Wanting to be white may be some primitive way of communicating they want to be the child. The mature adult observes the infants activities and begins to mimic the infant and child. The child begins to recognize his or her behavior in the behavior of the adult and apparently connects this behavior to themselves. It’s not exactly mirroring the infant as the behavior gets mapped onto the brain of the adult. So this is the young chimpanzee’s desire to possess what appears to be himself or herself, not the adult who is now seen as separate from the child.
Mandrills and the white baboon (may be why they become white and their muzzles smaller) are lighter skinned than chimps. This may also pose a problem with their development and why their facial features begin to look like those of chimps especially gorillas. This may cause the adult to misdirect the content of his or her psyche and direct it toward a completely different species. This could infantilize the young chimp or cause him or her to become overly mature. This would alter the appearance of the mandrill. This can happen with the young chimpanzee and baboon.
I was thinking about the Gibbon picking on the lions ears in a video I found online. This may actually be a habit of the Gibbon adopted from an infant and adult chimpanzee or the chimp playing with his own ears. The Gibbon has acted this out on the lion. In doing this does the Gibbon evolve the species? This may be how the Gibbon developed the teats they have as well.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Histoire de Juliette…
Painted Lady actually influenced my thinking on the idea that art influenced behavior…
…was de Salvo’s hands scalded by his father and then bandaged by his mother?
Don't Go in the House (1979) – IMDb
From the Beyond film also…
De Salvo ~ De Sade ~ a triptych of Baal, Kay does live on Estes Drive in Chapel Hill, NC…
Kay's History Personality: Albert DeSalvo…update 3
…synchronicity – I think the window indicates the projection of a triptych scene. Their design was unconscious content in the mind and were recreated as windows…
I’m don’t think this is a triptych but they do seem to be connected…
Albert DeSalvo…
DeSalvo was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, to Frank and Charlotte DeSalvo. His father was a violent alcoholic, who at one point knocked out all of his wife's teeth and bent her fingers back until they broke.[
I read this…
just to prove that’s my carpet…
For camera developers you can see the alteration in the color between the close-up and this picture below which is about 5-6 years old, the camera was newer. I haven’t replaced the XD car since purchasing the camera.
I saw this about 30 minutes ago…
…a woman was wearing it and she has hold of a child’s hand on her right. She went into a store and the child got away from her and she went back out and grabbed him and lead him into the store. She was wearing a big black hat no vail.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
De Salvo – I have seen a green coat like this orange one and a suit like the green sketch with a black hat just now…
DeSalvo may have been aroused and saw his mother put on stockings (father transferences), then took him out to get a scarf or something for the winter and when she put it on him she made it too tight and he felt choked. He got angry but repressed his anger because he loved his mother. Maybe his father saw this film and when out with the boys they realized they could possibly get women in bed with the suggestion but passed it off as a joke. DeSalvo then became possessed of this content from his father and entanglements. The women involved were part of the synchronistic events and were hypnotized. See, Night Walker, 1964.
DeSalvo was a victim of someone mixed up with The Woman in Green. The hypnotic suggestion permitted him to rape these women. I have been seeing the green coat for awhile. It did have bigger buttons than the one shown. He wanted to join the Navy but joined the Army because the Navy recruiting station was closed ~ this is what Kay F. Gibbs did in 1974. These are the things I saw, especially
DeSalvo joined the Army
Vintage Print of Ladies Fashions from teh 1940's
…I also have a shirt like this one…
Daisy Kenyon, Joan Crawford…
I found connections with these places.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
This is what I am talking about…
Instead of thus employing the libido in the real world, however, certain people never relinquish the seeking for satisfaction in the shadowy world of phantasy and even though they make certain attempts at adaptation they are halted and discouraged by every difficulty and obstacle in the path of life and are easily pulled back into their inner psychic world. This condition is called a state of introversion. It is concerned with the past and the reminiscences which belong thereto. Situations
Jung, C. G.. Psychology of the Unconscious (Kindle Locations 300-303). Dover Publications. Kindle Edition.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Ok Capital Records, you got your orders from God…
I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, "Where are you going?"
And this he told me...
I'm going on down to Yasgur's Farm,
I'm gonna join in a rock and roll band.
I'm gonna camp out on the land.
I'm gonna get my soul free.
We are stardust.
We are golden.
And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
Then can I walk beside you?
I have come here to lose the smog,
And I feel to be a cog in something turning.
Well maybe it is just the time of year,
Or maybe it's the time of man.
I don't know who I am,
But you know life is for learning.
We are stardust.
We are golden.
And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
By the time we got to Woodstock,
We were half a million strong
And Everywhere there was song and celebration.
And I dreamed I saw the bombers
Riding shotgun in the sky,
And they were turning into butterflies
Above our nation.
We are stardust.
Billion year old carbon.
We are golden..
Caught in the devil's bargain
And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.
I believe this is what caused the problem…updated
Helmholtz resonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…I don’t believe he was dead.
What I learned about vibrations in prison from an article I read and even wrote about after I moved here [figure that out], clearly described the effects of vibrations on the human brain. He placed glass beads onto a tamborine like object and placed it so music would bounce off the membrane rather than striking it. He discovered certain kinds of music would create specific patterns among the glass beads and they would be different with each genre played.
This clearly alerted me to the problem with music. Unfortunately, I was heavily medicated before I left prison. Mellaril is an older psychotropic and works by inhibiting activity in the hypothalamus, affecting short term memory. I was told the 25 watt speakers in my car would likely not be a problem but no one mentioned the affects of the noise from the engine. 4 cylinder engines turn at a higher rate that 6 and 8 cylinders.
I was imprisoned again and again medicated, Depakote, then Dilantin. I had already taken taurine for one month, likely part of some scientific experiment by those connected to Skinner’s girlfriend, to determine its effects in the brain. The only thing I noticed is that I lost weight. It did nothing to protect the short term memory and as a result, I was entrained to the noise from the adjacent cement factory. Mental Health moved me into a complex where this noise was constant. After several years I had to take Depakote again to quiet my brain. I had to stop taking the drug and began to write. In 2008 the noise became so distressing, the drugs inhibited my impulse control [I purchased an article through my Encarta Encyclopedia] and I started to play music again. It was so bad I had to be medicated with Temazepam. I still haven’t recovered from it. In 2003 I was prescribed Risperidal. It acted much like LSD, only voices were more clear to me than perceptions. I didn’t know about entanglements. I read Dean Radin’s book in 2009. In August 2009 I was prescribed Abilify. After the third dose my heart started to race so I had to stop the drug. I was then convinced it was entanglements causing my problems and it was likely someone who had been on a plane with whom I was connected. I had not been on a plane since 1975.
The mall has contributed because of its loud fast paced music and their attempts to control the consumer. I have noticed they play music which has a faster tempo and is louder closer to closing time. This shows a lack of human understanding to me and is done in ignorance. Those who are victims of it will likely develop the same problems I did because of the lyrics. I did a brain association and discovered hundreds of lyrics, some which I listened to on the radio frequently, “listen to the music”, “turn your radio on”, and “I love music, any kind of music”. This was part of the problem and only a catharsis would stop this problem but what the people in the industry failed to comprehend was their playing the and singing was keeping the noise in the airways and the process they claim is cleaning it up was only serving the writers in the area. I was eventually able to gain consciousness of the collusion going within the establishment, specifically these three industries, writing, filmmaking, and music.
I had been in treatment in 1972-1973, 1980, two times in 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, two hospitals in 1998 and 1999. Not one professional mentioned novels, television or music to me as part of my problem.
I am grateful to the individual who penned the article I read while in prison, although it would have been so much simpler for those who were in authority to talk to me and tell me what was happening to me rather than thinking they had to show me because of the preconceived thinking they had about me, based on what they had programmed into their own brains. It all felt like punishment, a criminal assault, I did not deserve. I know there are those who blamed Katherine Gibbs for their addictions. They are no different than her in that she was hooked by Hollywood tactics and left despising those people. They manipulated her out of her $1,000,000 which never got used for seeing eye dogs and of which my father never received the use of.
I hope your revenge has appeased you. Now it’s my turn.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Under the board walk…
Someone was killed driven out to the ocean and their body discovered under the board walk or buried there. I believe I happened into this. It could be someone jumped from the Brooklyn bridge or maybe Tappanzee Bridge and was found there.
At first I thought this was from the Carol Burnett show, now it might be Capuchin Monk ~ maybe Qing boy is really a Capuchin Monk…
…they is an order of them stationed across from Madison Square Gardens and I was there in 1974. I don’t recall they were there at that time. Some things I found in 2000 might possibly be from some celebration in 1000 BC. This could be the Pope.