Friday, February 15, 2013

He could be the down-under of the foreigner I had Wodka with…

Kay's History II: London Inn 1976…

This may be what I was finding in my sketches…update 5

Isenheim Altarpiece - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…the windows I have been finding my be derivation of this painting and I have been interested in buying a small shelf shaped like the base of the triptych.  Also sides of some old buildings I’ve located are similar in shape to the bottom triptych.

Upside down it looks like a Tudor style…I also found a building like the chapel hill building in Pennsylvania and New York.


image   image

chapel Hill graffitiAtlantic Avenue Mass

5416 Glenna Ave, Las Vegas NV

I have had symptoms shown in the sketch of the feet and hands below…

Ergotism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…especially the leg on the right.  I thought it was due to my niece or my family and I having viewed The Wizard of Oz.   Then I thought it was too much carnitine and now I find the red stuff I thought was in the carnitine I was taking might be from rye.  I don’t eat rye bread but I have infrequently eaten barley and have had it in my pantry. 

London Inn 1976…


my father

Copy of dad

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kay's Commentary: Death In Love, revised…

Kay's Commentary: Death In Love, revised…

Potassium bromide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Potassium bromide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Creatine supplementation affects glucose home... [Ann Nutr Metab. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI

Creatine supplementation affects glucose home... [Ann Nutr Metab. 2003] - PubMed - NCBI

Adenosine and sleep homeostasis in the Basal fore... [J Neurosci. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI

Adenosine and sleep homeostasis in the Basal fore... [J Neurosci. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI

Glia, adenosine, and sleep. [Neuron. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI

Glia, adenosine, and sleep. [Neuron. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI

Something about Purines too…

Purine nucleosides: endogenous neuroprotectants in hypoxic brain


Neuroprotection by adenosine in the brain: From A1 receptor activation to A2A receptor blockade

I think there is a bunch of these in here…

I played a few of them…

Sunday, February 10, 2013

“I worked all my life for these people”

I’d be careful what I confessed.  It was rather self serving wasn’t it? 

Re: Get Smart – shoe damage…update 2

Kay's History II: Get Smart – shoe damage…updated

…when I first blogged about this incident, I stated while in a dream like state it seemed I was looking down through my ceiling fan rather than up at it.  It is clear I was somewhere where there were stairs and I was on a second floor looking down at the ceiling fan…

I think there may have been some Christmas dialogue going on too, “why don’t you open them”…

Get Smart – shoe damage…updated

Kay's History II: Get Smart, don’t phone here anymore…

I did use the letter opener to try and get into someone’s door as they locked themselves out but I just recollected using it to open a letter in the last few months and it was bent more than usual and I bent it back into place so I could open a letter.  I had not used it in quite sometime but had been using it frequently.  This makes me think there was a psychological block preventing me from using it as I usually do.  I did notice this after receiving a letter I opened running my finger into the end of the envelope as I normally do.   I clearly recall wondering why I had stopped using the letter opener, that’s when I discovered it was bent.

After the shoes were damaged I went to my sister’s for a visit.  We decided to have some ice cream and my niece did that with the spoon.  It didn’t strike me as unusual at the time but after looking at the pictures again I wondered if she acted out what I might have done in my sleep and was why I could not recall what happened to them.   I was being boosted by my neighbors and her friends frequently and I suspect this is what happened, they were enmeshed with me when this happened and I had just been looking at some images of Get Smart films online a week or so before this happened. 

image    P2090011  image
