UNTIL I MAKE THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS, IT WILL DIRECT MY LIFE AND I MIGHT CALL IT FATE, CG JUNG. Video clips and images are for educational purposes and analysis or possible relevance to the history being revealed. See US Civil Code Title 17. All Rights Reserved
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Friday, July 31, 2015
I viewed Charlie’s Angels…
Why, Mary.
- Hello, Frances.
- How are you, honey?
- How's Miss Jacqueline?
- I don't know.
That's why I came to see Mrs. Redi.
I'm trying to find her.
You mean she's gone
and you don't know where she is?
Come here a minute.
I don't get this.
Miss Jacqueline's so crazy
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Here’s where is gets a little interesting and we discover they are transitioning their people…
On 3 April 2010, Maden called Tia's mother on the pretext of having Tia come over to his house and babysit his 10-year-old daughter. When Tia arrived at Maden's home, he drugged her with Olanzapine, a powerful antipsychotic tranquilliser.
List of major crimes in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…by crapping Ms. Gibbs up with these kinds of readings. Then they have to clean it up, detaining Ms. Gibbs from her activities.
List of major crimes in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The David McGreavy case
Worcester, England
David McGreavy was a lodger in the home of his friends, Clive and Elsie Ralph. While minding the Ralphs' three small children, Paul (age 4), Dawn (age 2) and Samantha (age 8 months), McGreavy murdered all three children. After killing the children, he mutilated their bodies with a pickaxe and impaled the bodies outside on the spikes of a wrought iron fence. McGreavy, called the "Monster of Worcester" in the press, later pled guilty to all three murders and was sentenced to multiple life terms with minimums of 20 years.
List of major crimes in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This may be part of Joseph Merrick’s condition and eventual death…updated
The assassination of
Spencer Perceval
London, England
Shot by John Bellingham. Only British Prime Minister to have been assassinated.List of major crimes in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
…they need to do some work on moving out of the grave. We have been doing it here. The soul which remains connected to the grave, which has been cleared of non-familial connections is prone to causing the premature death of he or she with whom they are closely connected. Kay has found herself in a grave. She did come out.
Once the soul has been cleared of that which caused the death, it is fit. It is wise to avoid crapping it up with the same problem it had before the death. Television does not remove but dissociates most of these problems. This means one is creating more problems than might already exist.
Peace and good health to all
Dead Souls, by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Yes, each time that there arises in Russia a movement of thought, it becomes clear that the movement sinks deep into the Slavonic nature where it would but have skimmed the surface of other nations.—But why am I talking like this? Whither am I tending? It is indeed shameful that an author who long ago reached man's estate, and was brought up to a course of severe introspection and sober, solitary self-enlightenment, should give way to such jejune wandering from the point. To everything its proper time and place and turn. As I was saying, it does not lie in me to take a virtuous character for my hero: and I will tell you why. It is because it is high time that a rest were given to the "poor, but virtuous" individual; it is because the phrase "a man of worth" has grown into a by-word; it is because the "man of worth" has become converted into a horse, and there is not a writer but rides him and flogs him, in and out of season; it is because the "man of worth" has been starved until he has not a shred of his virtue left, and all that remains of his body is but the ribs and the hide; it is because the "man of worth" is for ever being smuggled upon the scene; it is because the "man of worth" has at length forfeited every one's respect. For these reasons do I reaffirm that it is high time to yoke a rascal to the shafts. Let us yoke that rascal.
Dead Souls, by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
The first of these papers appeared in 1847, and in the same year he left Russia in the train of Pauline Viardot, a singer and actress, to whom he had been devoted for three or four years and with whom he maintained relations for the rest of his life
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
He pushed her up against the front door and choked her…
Virginia Joan Bennett was born at Mother Cabrini Hospital in New York City. She was raised in a Roman Catholic family,[citation needed] in suburban Bronxville, New York. Her parents were Virginia Joan (Stead) (1911–1976) and Harry Wiggin Bennett, Jr. (1907–1981), who was a graduate of Cornell University and advertising executive. Joan grew up with one younger sister, Candace "Candy," who was born in July 1938. She attended Manhattanville College (then a Sacred Heart college), in Purchase, New York. Manhattanville is also the alma mater of Rose Kennedy, her future mother-in-law, and Jean Kennedy Smith and Ethel Kennedy, her future sisters-in-law. In 1982 she received an MA in Education from Lesley College, now known as Lesley University.
Dead Souls, by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Within, on the ground floor, there stood a number of benches heaped with horse-collars, rope, and sheepskins; while the window-seat accommodated a sbitentshik 4, cheek by jowl with a samovar 5
Dead Souls, by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
Sunday May 16, 2004 10:21PM
I just remembered that during my psychiatric hospitalization I was also treated by a Psychiatrist who was Eastern Indian I believe, Dr. Satthapan. Dr. Satthapan treated me over the majority of the three months I was hospitalized. I was also treated on two occasions by Dr. Kolappa, who is also an Eastern Indian I believe. She treated me once in 1988 and once in 1998. I believe Eastern Indians use Samovars. Susan was also involved in a worship group called Self Realization Fellowship, which is based on Hinduism and it's practices. I attended a meeting with her in January of 1989. I am also aware of the fact that some of my father's familial relations are Russian (the Halls) and samovars are also used by them as well.
This can definitely confirm the fact that transferences are real. I don't think this means that I am psychic, I think this simply means that I am more receptive to transferences from others outside the nuclear family than most people because of the fact that I was not breast fed as a child and have not gone through the developmental stages most people go through, which means I could become a prisoner to anyone's psychic baggage. People like me should never be put in prison, unless we have this knowledge before hand.
On another occasion Susan and I went to a park in Wilson, NC for a picnic. I'm not sure why she chose Wilson Park but it didn't matter to me. We passed through several thick patches of clover, before deciding on a place to sit down. While walking around, she suddenly asked me if I could find her a four leaf clover, and as soon as she asked the question, I reached down and plucked a four leaf clover out of the huge patch and handed it to her.
Now my question is, did she actually see the clover herself, and in asking the question, transfer a picture of the four leaf clover she had seen in the patch from her mind to mine, at which time I reached down and plucked it out, or, did I have some mystical spiritual sixth sense working in my favor, that enabled me to find a four leaf clover so quickly? Of course I was totally freaked out about it! I was still rather depressed at this time but nothing like I had been prior to moving in with Susan.
List of nuclear weapons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of nuclear weapons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TX/Mark 16 – First weaponized thermonuclear weapon (Ivy Mike device). Only cryogenic weapon ever deployed. Only five produced. (6–8 Mt)
Mark 17 – High-yield thermonuclear. Heaviest U.S. weapon, second highest yield of any U.S. weapon. Very similar to Mk-24. (10–15 Mt)
The Science Of Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment Technology
Brain Waves and Consciousness
We are in the midst of a revolution focusing on the study of consciousness (Owens, 1995). Penfield, an eminent contemporary neurophysiologist, found that the human mind continued to work in spite of the brain’s reduced activity under anesthesia. Brain waves were nearly absent while the mind was just as active as in the waking state. The only difference was in the content of the conscious experience. Following Penfield’s work, other researchers have reported awareness in comatose patients (Hunt, 1995) and there is a growing body of evidence which suggests that reduced cortical arousal while maintaining conscious awareness is possible (Fischer, 1971;West 1980; Delmonte, 1984; Goleman 1988; Jevning, Wallace, & Beidenbach, 1992; Wallace, 1986; Mavromatis, 1991). These states are variously referred to as meditative, trance, altered, hypnogogic, hypnotic, and twilight-learning states (Budzynski, 1986). Broadly defined, the various forms of altered states rest on the maintenance of conscious awareness in a physiologically reduced state of arousal marked by parasympathetic dominance (Mavromatis, 1991). Recent physiological studies of highly hypnotizable subjects and adept meditators indicate that maintaining awareness with reduced cortical arousal is indeed possible in selected individuals as a natural ability or as an acquired skill (Sabourin, Cutcomb, Crawford, & Pribram, 1993). More and more scientists are expressing doubts about the neurologists’ brain-mind model because it fails to answer so many questions about our ordinary experiences, as well as evading our mystical and spiritual ones. The scientific evidence supporting the phenomenon of remote viewing alone is sufficient to show that mind-consciousness is not a local phenomenon (McMoneagle, 1993).
As to the second question raised in the above paragraph, audio with embedded binaural beats alters the electrochemical environment of the brain. This allows mind-consciousness to have different experiences. When the brain is entrained to lower frequencies and awareness is maintained, a unique state of consciousness emerges. This state is often referred to as hypnogogia "mind awake/body asleep." Slightly higher-frequency entrainment can lead to hyper suggestive states of consciousness. Still higher-frequency EEG states are associated with alert and focused mental activity needed for the optimal performance of many tasks. Perceived reality changes depending on the state of consciousness of the perceiver (Tart, 1975). Some states of consciousness provide limited views of reality, while others provide an expanded awareness of reality. For the most part, states of consciousness change in response to the ever-changing internal environment and surrounding stimulation. For example, states of consciousness are subject to influences like drugs and circadian and ultradian rhythms (Rossi, 1986; Shannahoff-Khalsa, 1991; Webb & Dube, 1981). Specific states of consciousness can also be learned as adaptive behaviors to demanding circumstances (Green and Green, 1986).
Five Points, Manhattan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Five Points" was derived from the five-pointed intersection created by Orange Street (now Baxter Street) and Cross Street (now Mosco Street);
Navy man in the neighborhood talked about a lot of “copperheads around”…
"Rebellion" stood for the Democrats of the Confederacy, who tried to break the Union in 1861, as well as their northern allies, called "Copperheads."[58]
Send Me No Flowers (1964) Movie Script | SS
- What's the bad news?
What? - This pain in my chest,
is there a medical term for it?
It's called indigestion.
I want you to take
these pills. One before each meal
and again before retiring.
What kind of pills are they?
- You wouldn't know if I told you.
Oh, Ralph...
That cardiogram you took...
Yeah, what about it?
Birdsall was my 5th grade teacher in Chesapeake, VA…
^ Birdsall, Peter (1978). Mind War: Book Censorship in English Canada. CANLIT. p. 37. ISBN 0-920566-01-4.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Green darkness sheds light on the mind and soul…
What interested Jung was not just the mechanisms involved but the experience these creatures have when behaving in such ways. Of the yucca moth, he speculates: "If we could look into the psyche of the yucca moth, for instance, we would find in it a pattern of ideas, of a numinous or fascinating character, which … compels the moth to carry out its fertilizing activity on the yucca plant."
Barbara of the House of Grebe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^ Kay-Robinson, Denys Kay-Robinson (1972). "Hardy's Wessex Reappraised". Plymouth.
Barbara of the House of Grebe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sylvia Plath death…she heated the water for her bath, the gas leaked into the bathroom because she didn’t turn it completely off…updated
…and got into her bath. The gas knocked her out and she slipped into the water drowning. The Drowning Pool, Dementia 13, Blink, and some old baptismal activity in a pond by the Yates’ and many other families.
There is another novel I have found on drowning, lost the link to it and have been unable to locate it again.
Dragon Fly in Amber, Diana Gabaldon
Kay thinks this is predated by some ancient punishment for crime by some group of people near a volcano. Some fissure like on Roman Holiday (maybe an extinct vein from a volcano), constantly leaked gas and likely before the sculpture was created the gas leak was ignited by stones being hit together to start a fire, Fifth Dimension film…
Kay has been having problems with leaking in her bathroom faucet and is constantly running into the bathroom to turn tighten the faucet. The bathroom always seems humid and damp as is the case with steam heat sometimes heated with gas furnaces and sometimes with coal furnaces. Bad Seed film comes to mind too as it contains scenes involving a furnace. I had a room in Raleigh heated with steam heat, much the same.
Kay likes reading short stories…X MARKS THE SUSPECTS…
Short stories (with date of first publication)
- "How I Built Myself A House" (1865) X
- "Destiny and a Blue Cloak" (1874) X
- "The Thieves Who Couldn't Stop Sneezing" (1877) X
- "The Duchess of Hamptonshire" (1878)
- "The Distracted Preacher" (1879)
- "Fellow-Townsmen" (1880)
- "The Honourable Laura" (1881) X
- "What The Shepherd Saw" (1881)
- "A Tradition of Eighteen Hundred and Four" (1882)
- "The Three Strangers" (1883) X
- "The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid" (1883) X
- "Interlopers at the Knap" (1884) X
- "A Mere Interlude" (1885)
- "A Tryst at an Ancient Earthwork" (1885)
- "Alicia's Diary" (1887) X
- "The Waiting Supper" (1887–88)
- "The Withered Arm" (1888)
- "A Tragedy of Two Ambitions" (1888)
- "The First Countess of Wessex" (1889)
- "Anna, Lady Baxby" (1890)
- "The Lady Icenway" (1890)
- "Lady Mottisfont" (1890)
- "The Lady Penelope" (1890)
- "The Marchioness of Stonehenge" (1890) X
- "Squire Petrick's Lady" (1890)
- "Barbara of the House of Grebe" (1890) X
- "The Melancholy Hussar of The German Legion" (1890) X
- "Absent-Mindedness in a Parish Choir" (1891) X
- "The Winters and the Palmleys" (1891)
- "For Conscience' Sake" (1891)
- "Incident in Mr. Crookhill's Life"(1891)
- "The Doctor's Legend" (1891)
- "Andrey Satchel and the Parson and Clerk" (1891)
- "The History of the Hardcomes" (1891)
- "Netty Sargent's Copyhold" (1891)
- "On The Western Circuit" (1891)
- "A Few Crusted Characters: Introduction" (1891)
- "The Superstitious Man's Story" (1891)
- "Tony Kytes, the Arch-Deceiver" (1891)
- "To Please His Wife" (1891) X
- "The Son's Veto" (1891)
- "Old Andrey's Experience as a Musician" (1891)
- "Our Exploits At West Poley" (1892–93)
- "Master John Horseleigh, Knight" (1893)
- "The Fiddler of the Reels" (1893) X
- "An Imaginative Woman" (1894) X
- "The Spectre of the Real" (1894)
- "A Committee-Man of 'The Terror'" (1896)
- "The Duke's Reappearance" (1896)
- "The Grave by the Handpost" (1897)
- "A Changed Man" (1900) X
- "Enter a Dragoon" (1900)
- "Blue Jimmy: The Horse Stealer" (1911)
- "Old Mrs. Chundle" (1929)
- "The Unconquerable"(1992) X
Graphic Interpretation of a Disordered Mind - Kay F. Gibbs: Thomas Hardy – The passer-by | Genius
Graphic Interpretation of a Disordered Mind - Kay F. Gibbs: Thomas Hardy – The passer-by | Genius
…someone read this poem and penned a love letter to someone telling them they had been raped. I am guessing it was a gay woman…
To a passerby,
I’ve been raped.
They just gaped.
Hi! This is Randy Stone.
NELLIE: Those wild, irresponsible kids. Put 'em behind the wheel of a car and it's murder. Plain murder.
Kay’s poem…
My poem Thieves in the Night…
A Study in Terror (1965) - IMDb
Kay's History Personality: Blind man…
Eyes in the Night film could be related to my poem??????
Thieves in the Night – written in Wilmington, NC April 1996…
Thieves in the night
Eyes darting left and right,
Lurking in the dark,
waiting for the broad.
His cold, rough hand
smothering her screams,
wet with sweat,
He took what he demanded.
She gathered her clothes
Her naked body bruised and battered
Stumbling to the street
She yelled, Police!
Help me she cried
To a passerby,
I’ve been raped.
They just gaped.
She stopped a policeman
Help me she pleaded
I’ve been raped
Station’s that way, he greeted.
He continued his beat,
In the midnight heat,
But I’ve been raped
She repeated.
She ran to the station
Walked to the desk
In panic and desperation
Gave the officer her summation.
I’m sorry he said
There is nothing we can do
There were no eyewitnesses
Oh no! she cried
Out of the station she fled
To her home
And to her bed
The next morning she was dead.
Kay Frances Gibbs
April 1996.
List of shipwrecks of the Seven Stones Reef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
espadrilles. Kay wore espadrilles in 1988 ~ 1888?
6 October 1870 — Fleetwood registered barque Nelson (United Kingdom) carrying pig iron and esparto grass from Aquias for the Tyne hit either the South Stone or the Flemish Ledges. Three men drowned and the remaining made it to the lightvessel.[2]
List of shipwrecks of the Seven Stones Reef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stones obsession–Thank you Flave, Jr., Leon, Jr., Richard and Jeffery , Love you all…
Seven Stones Reef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kay owns some Land’s End jeans and shoes…
- 16 January 1826 — two unidentified schooners were wrecked; one disappeared from view immediately and the second was lost with all hands.[1]
- 2 November 1827 — Susanna (or Susan) (
United States) of Boston sank after hitting the reef, while en route from Matanzas to Hamburg with logwood and cotton. All the crew bar one were saved by the Tresco pilot boat Hope.[2][3]
Latest Lady is called the Wonder Woman…
Quick Silver Record Shop in Greenville, NC…updated
30 May — Quicksilver wrecked in Crow Sound while carrying salt for Newfoundland.[3]
List of shipwrecks of the Isles of Scilly (19th century) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quicksilver: As Greyhound at Sea - Usn Cdr Jack L. Wells - Google Books
Quicksilver: As Greyhound at Sea
Quicksilver: As Greyhound at Sea - Usn Cdr Jack L. Wells - Google Books
…my roommate had a greyhound dog, I ate at the Crows Nest, I ate a lot of salt too (Kay thought Captain John Gibbs was rendered mentally ill from drinking sea water after landing in Hyde County in the late 1600’s).
Cortes Bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
However, it seems likely that the very first modern sighting of the Bank was not by Cropper but by US Navy Lt. James Alden and Captain Jonathan "Mad Jack" Percival.
On November 3, 1855, the New York Times carried the story "Dangerous Rock off the Coast of California," which reported MacRae's finding and the fact that he and the crew of the ship had anchored a pair of casks bearing a flag to mark the spot. Two weeks after the story appeared, MacRae committed suicide aboard the Ewing in San Francisco Bay, shooting himself in the head with a large caliber Colt revolver, while anchored alongside Alden's ship, the USS Active.[8][9]
Carl Jung Works, translated by RFC Hull, Bollingen Series, “To My Wife”…
…Bishop’s Wife film, ships navigator…
Bishop Rock is today marked by a nearby warning buoy. It was named for the clipper ship Stillwell S. Bishop that reportedly struck the rock in 1855,
So, you want to play by the rules now…
…you’d better start paying up for invading people’s privacy, reckless endangerment, conspiracy to commit murder, murder, product liability…
Monday, July 27, 2015
Can you remember it?
Can a mother forget her children? Certainly I remember it. (Clears throat)
Will Hall, Ph.D. and M.A.
Solves difficult problems each day,
To keep his school in the groove.
Which just goes to prove,
He's the Will that proves there's a way.