Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This is a bite mark because someone told me to bite myself…

…it was made by the incisor on the right, third tooth from the front. 

I was viewing some information about a murdered woman who was bitten by her assailant.  The forensics Doctors were examining the bite marks on the body.  A man had been charged with the crime spending about 15 years in prison.  He pursued his case and discovered the true perpetrator who unfortunately had committed suicide before an investigation could be initiated.  The second investigation revealed the bite marks could not possibly belong to the imprisoned man who won millions of dollars because of hi imprisonment. 

About a week after this I was on my way back from the mall I heard “bite your tongue” and I did.

On the surface this seems like some horrendous miscarriage of justice but it is really about a writer and the images are fake.   The writer mooched millions off some unknowing person.

The biting that went on in my family had to do with The Three Stooges and was in no way related to any habits we have or inherited.  We did have a dog as a pet.

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