…this may be how Qing boy got into it during WW2…I hauled the large bamboo down Cameron Street to BR’s apartment and cut it into two pieces, got on the bus and carried it home. I recall being mixed up with two people at La Guardia picking up an oriental rug and hauling it out of the airport. It is possible I was lifted by them and they took the carpet somewhere, then managed to fold it and duck taped it or tied it together and then hauled it to wherever. I did find several locations in Massachusetts but I think it is in New York where this guy was located.
Spice market sushi bar was similar to the above. The bar was perpendicular to the windows rather than facing them. I walked by the restaurant many times before the changed the windows to a wall. They did have a burgundy drape covering the windows for a time. Complaints I guess. There was also a coffee and condiment bar that opened into the mall, so possibly a coffee bar is in the picture. I frequented Bear Rock on the opposite side of the mall. I know the waiters lifted me many times as I sat next to the window directly across from the entrance to Spice Market.
Lamps strike me as similar