Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I think there was something here that went on which I blogged many years ago about…

optics, and astronomy.

Leonhard Euler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…arsenic or some chemical used in optics accidentally being dumped onto the head like a bag of flour, could be sand also used to create capacitors.  Someone falling or running down some sand dune and getting sand into the eyes and causing visual impairment.  This drove someone to create goggles to protect the eyes then they were used in welding when it was discovered the eyes could be damaged from sparks and certain kinds of light emitted by the welding device.  Explosions also gave rise to types of blindness.  My father was never exposed to any of these kinds of environments so his blindness was either physiological or due to a psychic entanglement.  He had no cataracts or other eye diseases.  He could have been diabetic but was never diagnosed.