Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jewess from Toledo…

It was said Santo Nino bore his sufferings with great serenity, and pen directed the Jews in the removal of his heart. The child's blind pother miraculously recovered her sight at the moment of his death (an Interpolated allegory of Judaism receiving enlightenment by the Heath of Christ, perhaps). The Holy Child went directly to heaven, which accounted for the authorities' inability to find his remains where the Jews said they were buried. 8 This mythic porridge started the expulsion of thousands of Jews from Spain and Christian seizure of their assets. In 1260 the Jewish population of Toledo had built "the largest and most beautiful syna- gogue in Spain." In the 1 5th century the Jews of Toledo were massacred and the synagogue appropriated by the church. It now bears Ihe name of the Church of Santa Maria la Blanca. 9 According to Contemporary theologians, persecution and seizure of property was a legitimate activity of Catholic powers. In their view, "no illegitimate

Full text of "The woman's encyclopedia of myths and secrets"