Monday, July 1, 2013

In 1985 I was directing traffic after one of the NCSU Basketball games and worked the field during the NCSU vs ECU game…

…as support staff to campus police.  I also policed campus and dorms during the summer break, while working for Harrell Sign Company in Raleigh.   I must have been lifted into the New York baggage at that time.  I had been to Ellicott City in Maryland, then to two concerts, one in New York and one in Washington DC.  I had also been to Pennsylvania, Washington, DC again, Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, and Illinois, unaware of the potential problems in becoming entangled during these trips.  While living in Virginia we traveled to Fredericksburg and Richmond.  I spent Easter of 1974 in New Jersey with a classmate from college.  I lived in various places in Greenville and Raleigh from 1973 until 1986 and visited UNC in Chapel Hill in 1972.  My father had been stationed on Long Island, Long Beach, the Philippines and Waikiki, during WWII.