Sunday, July 21, 2013

Oh, never heard of this book, The Drinker by Chagall, a painting is mentioned in Dream Telepathy…

The Drinker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…depicts a head separated from it’s body ~ The Brain that Wouldn’t Die – as I was writing this I wanted to state that it was a man with his head cut off but when I looked at it again it wasn’t what it stated in the book.  Now I realize I was thinking it or my mother was thinking it.  Mr. Jones was touted as saying, do unto others and you would have them do unto you, so my mother thought he should have his head cut off.  This likely is related to Jane Gray and her executioner. 

Kay’s father tried to cut his mother’s throat in 1967.

This was after we lived in Portsmouth where I bathed with dirt in a hole in the backyard.  I think these were Indians…