Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cricket toy ~ cricket lighter…

…I was sitting here at my desk at 2:52 AM clicking my pen repeatedly as I have often done.  I started thinking about what I might have done that created this behavior and I recall this little metal toy I played with on occasion but not often.  It has been associated with a cigarette lighter.  My feelings are not necessarily negative about the clicker, more youthful…

Link – I recall the number clicker but not in relation to golf but maybe this counting is…a cane tip makes a click, tap shoes make a clicking sound, I heard tap dancing on the TV…some 50’s dudes used to wear taps on the bottoms of their shoes in high school, I think I had some.  I used to clothes pin playing cards to the spokes of my bike wheels and ride around the neighborhood, that made a dull clicking sound, crickets click a little but now its a steady stream of humming.  High heel shoes used to make a clicking sound and I recall them at Tideland Mental Health in 1987, clicking on the tile in the lobby.  Phyllis S was acting up in class in the 8th grade.  She drew a picture of the teacher and started tapping her pencil on the desk disrupting class and the teacher slapped her and made her leave.  

Snapping fingers and King of the Road – seven years on the road again and I can’t wait to get on the road again…

I don’t think this is fudgeimage image