Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Nut…updated

And, there's some multiple-exposure trick photography for the "X-Ray", see-through-view of Doug climbing through a vent during the climax. Regardless, most of Fairbanks's films seem to have been better than this.

The Nut (1921) – IMDb

This first image on top was taken before the vent images…

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I found this image after viewing a website with two female caretakers in a zoo.  One was climbing into a window to a room which housed snakes and other creepy crawlers.  The first woman to enter the room climbed into the small opening forward by placing one leg into the window first, of course she was more petite than the other.  The other female was taller and had to get into the room by climbing in backwards, feet first.  I don’t know that I have ever seen this in a film but it could be that the original event was the opposite, climbing out of the window rather than in.  This could easily be construed in the mind due to various things such as intoxication from alcohol or drugs or being overweight.   The boarded window below seemed the possible scene for such an event.  I was unable to find the website again and still have not located it.  There was no deliberate attempt to associate the site with this image, I simply happened onto both of them.

image387 Offenbacher Landstrabe Germany 2