Sunday, March 2, 2014

I believe the hysterical symptoms originate from some other violent content associated with sexual activity… updated

…the sexual activity may have come from the viewing of pornography or pornographic films, the child’s observation of the parents or some entanglement engaging in this behavior.  Parents who engage in sexual activity act out this activity so it is unlikely the child would have this content in the mind.  The abuser would likely be the bearer of the baggage.  Incest does not apply to this situation I describe.  I frequently viewed romantic television programs, long after I was abused.  

If we pay attention to Klein and observe our children’s behavior they will tell us or show us what we have long forgotten in our own childhoods.  The parents likely viewed some film where sex and sexual seduction were viewed.  This in no way makes it okay, and the public has been prevented from knowing this goes on to protect the industries profiting.


This snippet came from this book along with the previous posts and I obtained this information from the medical library from the Veteran’s Hospital in Durham, NC.

