Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Killers, The (1964) Movie Script | SS–The Woman in Green, “I know you will find what you are looking for”…

(WOMAN) May I help you?
"...In a little grey
house made of logs.
- "The great, dark trees of the woods...
- Jerry Nichols?
Just down that corridor,
the last door on the right.
Stood all around the house,
and beyond them were other trees."
- All right. Now, since each spark plug...
Oh, excuse me, fellows.
Uh, Eddie, you wanna take this?
Feel the points here
in this distributor cap...
and then pass it on
to all you geniuses.
- Hello? This is Mr Nichols.
- Mr Nichols?

Killers, The (1964) Movie Script | SS