Sunday, November 1, 2015

Bobby Penn and Billy Carver wrestling over Kay, 1966 Deep Creek High School…updated

Knife in the Water (1962) - IMDb

…Kay swam in ponds and man made ponds after this and bathed in soil as a child [gymnasium at Pompeii]…Cassius Gibbs and Liston McKinney fighting over a woman ~ Roman Coliseum…?

…a man made pond was created by someone at Darden’s Beach in Hyde, NC where Kay and her classmates went swimming.  She did go swimming at a similar man made pond in Greenville that was more like the gymnasium.  She was with several friends at the time.

She thinks part of the coliseum was located in Ohio at the Ohio Penitentiary and connected it to Salvador Dali’s paintings, she eventually thought to be Pompeii.  Some of Dali’s images might be the Ohio Penitentiary when it caught fire but she is clear that fire may have been an attempt at putting outside the self, something in the mind such as a volcanic eruption.  Connections to the West Coast of Europe have been discovered.

In 1990 while taking a class in 2nd year Psychology, Kay sketched an image of what she thought to be a pyroclastic cloud behind a fence.  Some 15 years later she finds the gymnasium at Pompeii and recognized the trees around it as being what she saw.  She tried to determine the location of the eruption and determined it was possible to have seen it from the location of the gymnasium.   She looked into Spain too but did not spend much time trying to locate a similar place.

Other findings have shown up that interrupted this work.