Sunday, November 8, 2015

Female on left possessed of dissociated crucifixion of Jesus…?

Mathis Gothart Grünewald 019 - Isenheim Altarpiece - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…suppose Jesus was not crucified but died from some liver disease, symbolized by the injury to his side.  Something they were eating was causing his brain to stop functioning and he began to talk of things before his time, just like people on psychotropics, his unconscious mind became active…could have been lashed to the cross with hemp rather than nailed.  The woman in white could be Jesus wrapped in the shroud as he was removed from the cross or his sepulcher.  Her wrists indicating the wrists while bound to the cross.  The long red obi on the smaller female figure could be the blood that trickled from his wound to his feet and her wrists would be the bloody hemp binding them.  The jar bottom left looks like a greek pyxis.