Wednesday, December 2, 2015

I Want to Live! (1958) Movie Script | SS–Save the Tiger…

Listen to me, Hank. When I got pregnant
you promised to kick the habit.
I've tried, Bonnie. I've tried. But tonight...
Have a heart. Just one more fix
and that's it, I swear.

I Want to Live! (1958) Movie Script | SS

Look at the tiger, look at the tiger.
Here, sweetie, look at the tiger.
Please, honey, let me have the 10.

For instance, $251 worth of bad cheques,
parolee consorting with known criminais,
suspicion of robbery.
- And, of course, that other thing.
- What other thing?
Mrs Mabel Monahan.
- Ha, I never even knew the dame.
- You know she's been murdered?
Yeah, so was Julius Caesar.
I didn't know him either.
Every use narcotics, Babs?
- No.
- No?