Friday, November 16, 2012

I don’t think this can happen unless there is a psychic connection or enmeshments…updated

…which means that one has to sacrifice half his or her mind to another for this to happen.  The book Distant Mental Influence by William Baud, I was just reading a sample of, seems to extend this potential to other areas but I tend to think the opposite.  I think when one sacrifices half his mind he or she also potentially causes loses half his or her brain potential.  I tend to think this can cause many of the problems as witnessed in the Ziggurat and the pyramid, grave errors in judgment occur.   Perceptions are unable to be fully recognized in the mind because the brain fails to complete the mapping of the image, thus it fails to produce an accurate image in the mind.


Helen, “There’s nothing remotely reliable in that book”.

Kay, “Hahahahahahaha, oh really, what do you think we’ve been doing for the last 6 years?”

H, “still leveling the playing field I see”

K, “yep don’t see any more a fulfilling pursuit”.

H, “How much more evidence do you want”?

K, “Really”!

?, “I do apologize Miss Gibbs”.

K, “You should”.

?, “Sorry Miss Gibbs, We believe you are a victim of some shrewd people”.

K, “No, people with a lot less knowledge than others, one of whom I was at one time”.

Kay's History II: Incoming…