Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ok, here’s what happened – Merrick…updated

Auerochse – Wikipedia

…this is what I think has happened, Joseph Merrick was possessed of someone who was attacked by a bull, I thought might be some bullfighter named Miguel or something like that.  Then Merrick’s father got into it, passed it on to his wife who developed an illness which then possessed Merrick.   Riley went to Millbank Prison with Merrick’s child, then when the prison closed it somehow made it’s way to America.  The child subject in the film Slander was then possessed of it which caused him to walk out in front of the car and be killed.  That incident made its way to Katherine who then passed it on to me and I walked out into the street with my mother’s coat and heels and handbag.  This would have been the deceased child’s mother crossing the street.  This was then passed on to my cousin who repeated the scenes from the Slander film, likely influenced by the film itself since acting out something clears the problem.  So someone somewhere was attempting to re-create that story.  After my cousin’s death this released the soul back to me.  I was then thrown off guard by the content of the driver’s mind who hit my cousin, who was now connected to my Aunt, causing me to jerk the wheel of my car when I was driving, nearly turning into oncoming traffic.  Then upon arriving in Wilmington, NC the scene was recreated again, this time I was hit in my car on the right [rear] side while driving.  This would be the opposite of how the actual scene occurred.

It was after the car accident I deduced it was a bull which attacked a man causing Merrick’s disfigurement in the mind and a combination of other things brought on his brain condition.   I did discover an art relic shaped like Merrick but with no hands no head and no legs below the knee, a profile of which I drew out in 1989 while in Pitt Memorial Hospital, which also likely contributed.  Maybe this relic was created from the true incident.