Thursday, April 4, 2013

Talk about connections…

…this man is from Cleveland, Ohio.  He is an artist.  This painting was done in 1996 long before I met him in 2003.  I did my buzzard image in 1991.  Apparently I was receiving telepathic images from this man from Ohio.  I have never seen the man in the bottom image in real life.  These pictures were sent to me in 2004.  I stashed them away and have not looked at them since I received them until yesterday.  I did look at other items sent me such as an image of Linda Ronstadt and Joanie Mitchell.

This proves to me the power of the human mind and that what we see and hear can affect others elsewhere.

Thank you for sending these to me as it enlightens me to some of my problems as I hope I am enlightening you.



Three arches, the port hole and the fence I recreated in 1982 for Hair By Nature’s Way in Raleigh, NC.  All of the employees at HBNW and Jean B. know I built the fence.

My brother was nicknamed chicken man in his youth, that would be in the 80’s.

image rascal