Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Novels I have read…updated

4 volumes of the Trixie Belden series in my youth.

Ruby Fruit Jungle

The Broken Wing – 1995, then I went to Wilmington.

Atlas Shrugged – only read a few chapters, the book was too dense and convoluted for me and I took exception to the inferences regarding economically disadvantaged peoples.  Considering the high profit to be gained by the author who later created a magazine, The Objectivist, I found it to be an economic hook rather than an attempt at educating the public, basically we are suppose to be objective while others rule over us, rob us of our talents and milk our pocketbooks, creating the perpetual consumer.  I also tried reading The Fountain Head.  It was more interesting but again the book was voluminous and I simply did not have the time to read it.

Martinsville Seven, Eric Rise – this is no novel.