Sunday, February 16, 2014

“secrets, from The Trial by Kafka…

inherited. The can't use new people for it, the rules governing how the various grades of officials are painted are so many and varied, and, above all, so secret that no-one outside of certain families even knows them. In the drawer there, for instance, I've got my father's notes, which I don't show to anyone. But you're only able to paint judges if you know what they say. Although, even if I lost them no-one could ever dispute my position because of all the rules I just carry round in my head.

Kafka, Franz. The Trial (Kindle Locations 2044-2047). Feedbooks.

"You remarked earlier that the court cannot be approached with reasoned proofs, you later restricted this to the open court, and now you go so far as to say that an innocent man needs no assistance in court.

Kafka, Franz. The Trial (Kindle Locations 2063-2065). Feedbooks.