Thursday, April 24, 2014

Durer’s Melancolia links his era to some of the history being acted out in San Francisco…updated

…and their activities link San Francisco to some of the Roman history which means some of Durer’s work with the drapery could be actual history.  Specifically the sunbursts in these images may have derived from Durer’s work and my art instructor Kelly Adams did possess Durer, how I cam to create the photographs of the draping.  He may have been seeing Jesus in the tomb and re-created the shroud as he was not conscious of those events which would have altered his activities.   I think he disbelieved reincarnation.   I think the drape on the right was constructed using his easel. I did this myself only I used a bamboo pole to drape the material onto the upper part of the easel lock.  This means to me he could have been finding the disorganized content of the mind meaning their was a body on the cross represented by the easel and the drape.  I did use the bamboo as a crossbar on the easel giving more of an indication of a cross and making light of it stood before the cross as if being on it.  My sketch came before this and I think Nebuchadnezzar’s history was mixed up with this as well.  He may have been one of dark hair and light complexion.

Some other historian I have been connected to might have collected this history or was trying to collect this history when the television crapped it all up.   Going to California would have failed to resolve this history unless half the State went with me.

The Carol Burnett Show had a segment in which she wore a garment created from a green drapery rod and curtains :P.  After getting it out it was clearer to me what was going on, then after finding more of Durer’s work I made the connection but I still lacked a connection to the television causing me to disrupt this work.  I was acting out some news about Lisa Petersen and her husband having possibly murdered her during this time, then I was distracted by the discovery of Sonny Bono’s death.

I did view some of the series Rome as well.

Albrecht Durer - Melancholy

Melancholy - Albrecht Durer Study Of Drapery - Albrecht Durer -

24th st SF, CAArkansas st SF CA 2

Cradle of the Sun San Fran