Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I did not recall this place…updated

I think this is where I was when I had the dream about the curtained entrance into a room with a dirt floor and a group of pictures on the wall, they seemed gray in color…it seemed like there were nine of them…


…at the time of this sketch but once I found it I felt strongly it was here that I saw this image, but since that time more information has come to light so that it is possible someone was looking at the cross on the wall or on a mantle or in church.  I recently put this sketch on my wall…I did purchase a cross which hung from my ceiling fan for sometime until it was broken by me swinging something that hit the cross and broke it off.  I found this to be related to information about a monumental cross hanging in a church in Italy that had been repaired after an accident causing it to be damaged.  I think this was a connection to New York but could be Chicago…

I thought Iran to be the site of a crucifixion…

