Thursday, November 13, 2014

Re: The writing life and mind control…

Kay F. Gibbs For U.S. President: “Has mind control been achieved?” 4th revision…

…playing god with someone else’s life seems to be the order of the day with many corporations and some writers believe it is their job to create lives for others via their books. This has clearly failed.  It is the responsibility of each and every citizen to create his or her own life, to be free of some, “hand-me-down world” from someone else’s wishes and desires.  This must controll kind of thinking creates the infantilism Wilhelm Stekel has written about in his work, Psychosexual Infantilism

Somewhere in history, perhaps with Nostradamus in the 16th century this desire to predict the future of others for profit, grew into the desire to predetermine the lives of others through books.  If nothing else this assures those with this kind of thinking, exactly what others will be doing for decades.  It is an obsession with the need to control others.  However in America with the establishment of a government separate from England, a new kind of thinking was born or should I say, a kind of thinking that had already been born was set free on its own until the 18th Century when immigrants of all nationalities migrated to the US.  Once again the obsessed controllers, public relations subversives like Bernays, Freud, marketers, Nixon, the Jeffery Dahmers, Ted Bundys, and many others with similar thinking,  gained the upper-hand through public office, corporations and media.  We have regressed to the days of Nostradamus. 

I in no way infer civil disobedience should be the thought of the day but more that our freedom to choose our own lives is our right and not the duty of some novelist.  We must act in our own behalf and for our own best interests.  This too is our right.  As it is now, the only people who have lives are those who write, make films or are in public office.  This is clearly a failure of our Democracy to thrive amongst those who desire to control the outcome of the lives of others.  In many instances this is blatant cold blooded murder in the form of a novel or film.  Since the 60’s we were warned about verbal behavior from the works of B. F. Skinner.  The controllers refused to acknowledge this reality while others hesitated in listening to a new science and still others were prevented from ever gaining this knowledge, so they could be controlled as one desired, because of controlling behavior, created by verbal behavior, and meanness toward lower classes of people.  The only people they need to control are themselves.  They have violated more civil laws than many death row inmates and are still at large in our communities.

It is our duty to enforce our right to choose for ourselves and to direct our own lives by way of our own will, as long as it conforms to the civil laws of our country.  No one will thrive in a lawless society.