Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fay Wray 1998 ~ Katherine Kennedy ~ 16 here is the magical number…updated

In 1916, Stout married Fay Kennedy.  Kay’s father was 16 years older than her mother and he had just turned 33 in August, when they married in December of 1952.  Kay’s mother was 16 when they married.  16 + 16 = 32, so her father was just over the age of 32.

Rex Stout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0040512/?ref_=fn_al_ch_1 – The Exploits of the Clutching Hand, 1936 – This was the year of Kay’s mother’s birth…

http://kayfgibbsstayingalive.blogspot.com/2015/02/destination-tokyo-1943-imdb.html – This is the year Kay’s father was discharged from the Coast Guard during WWII…