Sunday, January 13, 2013

Re: Patterns of Psychosexual Infantilism, “plunging necklines”…

Kay's History II: Kay's History II: Mucking Wharf ~ Mueckers ~ a religious sect…

Does she or doesn’t she know about this book and what it says about plunging necklines.  I am not trying to pick on Ms. Steinem.  I was viewing her videos to learn what she had to say since I rarely got a chance to hear her speak or read her publications or Ms. Magazine very often.  I did pay particular attention to the neckline of her blouse.  I don’t recall specifically having read this particular part of the book.  I surmise someone did and someone likely viewed the television appearance.  I have also connected other things to her public appearances. 

If she does know, it is clear she is attempting to prevent others from succumbing to the content of this book for obvious reasons.

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There is a girl at the mall who looks like Catherine of Aragon…