Monday, January 14, 2013

Re: Yield to the Night, I paid $5.00 ea for these perfumed oils…updated

…the honey amber cost me $10, the lavender was $9.00 and I have two of them…


Kay's History II: This one may be also, I’ve been buying little bottle of perfumed oil…

…the film says 5 guineas.

As you can see this is nothing more than a racket going on between the film makers, writers and corporations marketing products.  We are like nothing more than vessels for their purposes, they give a little handout they think we will spend and it keeps the cycle of abuse going.  This is what I heard before, a cycle of abuse, abusing brain and mind.

Either someone had repressed this film which created a repetition compulsion or at least 10 people viewed the film.  I did encounter some British on the bus about 3-4 years ago, before I started buying this oil.  In total I have purchased 15 bottles.

Some are Lavender.  The Fresh Balsam is a Christmas scent, or it smelled like Christmas to me so that’s the one I chose.  I go into Bath and Body Works and am always smelling all of them.  The employees there can verify this without doubt.

The woman in this film committed murder and was in prison awaiting trial and possible execution.  I did not view it all.  The very beginning when she is selling the oil was enough for me to know what I had been mixed up with.

The dark Blue bottle among the scented oils is called Midsummer’s Night, the title is Yield to the Night, and has a full moon on it indicative of  The Tinkling Symbol, which infers one should yield his resistance to television viewing and shopping.  Many men do not like to shop.  I also have wind chimes on my deck but then so do lots of people. 

Notice the Texas Cedarwood label – Aura Cacia ~ acacia.  I have used breath mints which contain this product and I had a serious psychotic reaction after ingesting it.  It has an affect on brain processing in that it shuts it off and you are subjected to the content of the mind.  At the time I was using the mints I was frequenting The Bear Rock Cafe, eating hot soup and unable to prevent myself from eating the soup when it was still too hot.  I know I have injured my throat as a result.

“I can destroy myself” – Peter Lorre.  Coupled with this film you can see how one can be programmed to hurt oneself.