Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Page 329 ~ taking apart phones and radios, the evolution of Fromm’s necrophilous destructiveness…updated

The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness - Erich Fromm - Google Books

…”necrophilous destructiveness is the passion to tear apart living structures”.   This book was published in 1973 and may well be the driving force involved in the increasing evidence I see for the development and creation of ideas like, the Bionic Woman, Six Million Dollar Man, and a host of other super human characters who are leading us into human destruction for the sake of curiosity.   It has been a huge driving force in the medical profession since the days of Vesalius and Leonardo Da Vinci, maybe even as far back as Aristotle.

It should suffice our curiosity that man is made of skin, muscle, bones and nerves created from proteins and minerals and should be tampered with as little as necessary.  However his thinking, when running amuck, should surely be taken apart and thoroughly examined. 

It seems our country has become a stomping grounds for those seeking revenge against those who have wronged them in the form of amassing millions of dollars but inflicting this harm onto innocents.  They are not responsible for our problems.