This book was published in 1982. Someone in Chapel Hill I was entangled with in 1972, must have heard someone from some ad agency with whom I had a connection mention these books and they were purchased. Then this connection traveled from one person to another and whoever viewed these books, transmitted these images to me and I acted out some of them, some I sketched out, some I purchased like the wine and beer and the cork screw. Whoever looked at this book is the reason I am here now, among others. I went to New York in 1974, Madison Square Gardens. I joined the Army in November, left in December for Anniston, Alabama. I was transferred to Fort Gordon, Georgia in March, 1975 and discharged in June, where I suspect a bartender drugged me with something in a sloe gin fizz, a strong drink that could mask a lot of chemicals. I had been assaulted several times and asked to be discharged. I believe the kidnapping and assault while I was on leave was a re-enactment of what happened after I was drugged at the EMEW club and taken somewhere off the base by two admittedly lesbian enlisted women.
I did the sketch in 1976 while attending Pitt Community College. I was living at the London Inn. This of course was after I was lifted by the Iranians after my discharge in 1975.
Dalmane ~ Flurazepam? I have had cognac several times in the last 13 years.