Monday, August 12, 2013

I’ve had this patient ~ probably D23 ~ I wasn’t doing it because they asked, they’re using me and I didn’t know it..

As the 20th century progressed, asylums across the country became overrun with patients, and many institutions became desperately understaffed and dangerously underfunded.  Living conditions at some psychiatric wards grew dire””patient abuse and neglect was not uncommon in this period.  By 1960, Creedmoor’s population swelled from 150 in 1918 to over 7,000.  As late as 1984, the violent ward of Creedmoor Psychiatric Center was rocked with scandal following the death of a patient, who was struck in the throat with a blackjack by a staff member.  (The man was restrained in a straitjacket at the time.)

The Abandoned Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens | Untapped Cities

…I audio recorded my voice during this episode.  I was unable to talk hardly at all and swallowing was difficult.  It felt like someone was sticking a surgical instrument in my throat.  I thought I saw someone stomp my throat with a heavy boot…I purchased vitamins at Creedmoor, must be the farming hospitals…