Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This sounds like the scene in which I think the patients who were told not to walk all over the rug…

The mental hospital is organized on a spectrum of "levels." The better a patient gets, the lower level she is able to achieve. Virginia moves to the lowest level (One), but there she encounters Nurse Davis (Helen Craig) who is the only cruel nurse in the hospital. Jealous of Dr. Kik's professional interest in Virginia, and in her eyes excessive concern, Nurse Davis is so severe with Virginia that she goads her into an outburst which results in her being expelled from first level in a straight jacket.

The Snake Pit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…were actually blind patients who couldn’t see rather than rebellious people.   If These Walls Could Talk might be part of something done to one of the patients, in the mind of the Nurse…

This could be related to activities at the London Asylum…