Monday, September 23, 2013

Kay questions the soundness of this thinking and that one should look beyond for payoffs…

The eternal recurrence is the idea that all events that have happened will happen again and again

Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

…for this kind of thinking.  What is acted out is gone.  I now also question whether traumatic re-enactments are all that recurring.  Those who may have been possessed of Jews and actors from Shakespeare’s period would know this to be true but I also have experienced visions of these people cleaning as they call it so I cannot deny they are also part of the perpetuation of the problem by re-creating it in the mind.  I will say that I have failed to recreate my beating since it happened in 1964 but I have not stopped wondering about why it happened.  It did happen again in 1998 when my niece started swatting me on the behind and I got really upset.  I believe trauma has the opposite effect as stated in PTSD A Clinical Review.  The repetition is in the psychic entanglements and their projections or dissociations.