Monday, September 23, 2013

Ordeal by Hunger: The Story of the Donner Party ~ Ordeal on Locust Street…

Ordeal by Hunger: The Story of the Donner Party - George Rippey Stewart - Google Books

I certainly didn’t read this book but I do realize I am mixed up in it.  I have eaten raw hamburger in my youth, while under the influence of the hypnotic suggestions.  Now it is clear maybe Watson was testing his theory and the Donner party were mixed up with the Anazazi Indians who were eating buffalo or some other wild game and we were entangled with some book reader.  The human then became the object of the drama in the psyche coupled with near starvation.  I did happen upon the Anazazi while perusing the internet.  I also linked these peoples to behaviors I was exhibiting in my childhood at age three when I got into a hole in the ground in my backyard and washed my body with dirt.  I did mimic my neighbor who also did this.  He was a Pittman.  He could easily have been a car mechanic who worked in a car repair shop or on a race track and was cleaning up oil on his body in a bath tub.  This is how things can get seriously distorted.  The mechanic would also be relevant to the work my father did at the shipyard.  We did not have a shower in our apartment.

This book on the Donner Party may be in grave error of the truth, although I do think and have read these events were possible during the Little Ice Age in the 1300’s but I am certain that history has been long acted out by man’s activity and may be part of the history mixed into the Ripper Story.  This history was likely projected onto Russians also who were then systematically starved in part to discover if this was possible and then as part of the history itself.  The Romanovs were probably a big part of the Little Ice Age.  Whether this is a metaphorical interpretation is unknown to me.

Eating raw meat is dangerous to one’s health and I have always known this and that knowledge did nothing to stop the behavior.  This is what I call psycho-linguistics at work in the mind versus neuro-linguistics which is in the brain.  The brain and the mind are clearly different in my experience of these events.