Saturday, October 12, 2013

I find this hypothesis totally misleading about homosexuality and the human body…

One must, however, point out that many homosexual men tend to be paranoid and narcissistic in personality structure. This is probably because they feel that people persecute their chosen lifestyle. Their narcissism is probably because of their over admiration of their bodies. One must admire the human body to do what these people do, put their penises into anuses and call it enjoyable! These people are probably stuck at pure animal level of evolution, for truly evolved human beings find the human body repulsive and turn their attention to spiritual matters.

Otto Rank: Men Of Ideas - ChatAfrik

This totally excludes any involvement in and influence, the parents, relatives and other people outside the family, would have on developmental behavior.  If a man grew up disliking himself, and his relationships failed to alter his perceptions and he received no professional guidance, then his offspring will likely grow up and bear the same thinking about themselves or the opposite sex.    There would be a logical explanation for why a young boy wants to indulge in this kind of behavior and that is likely due to some other adult influence somewhere in his history or the result of some adolescent conversation about it rather than anything innate within the human brain.  It could be the result of some simple event such as a night time erection by a brother with whom one shares a bed.  The defects lie outside the physical person and with the mind and its perceptions and many connections which contain a wealth of beliefs, thoughts and feelings.  The mind can contain a wealth of information or a wealth of trouble.  This content may have nothing to do with the individual at all but comes to bear on the mind and body of the individual who is possesses it.  In poorer families children aren’t as lucky as more affluent children to sleeping separate beds and so this is something which has likely plagued many hundreds of thousands of lives.   In an attempt to assuage the very thing that has now become part of the thinking of millions, this kind of behavior has likely had more of an influence on behavior than on the truth had it not been made to be such as issue.  Our human sexuality isn’t so private as we all experience it.  It is what we have been taught about it that drives us into the closet and to unnecessary suffering.  Telling people it’s is ok to masturbate is far from my idea of healing the sexual issues of the general public.  Avoiding it and dealing with one’s issues is a more sane and responsible approach.

Girl Power!