Monday, October 7, 2013

Space Needle – Holly Street…

…this would connect the 1990 volcanic eruption that happened in 1980 but I didn’t draw out until 1990…

Being a major symbol of the Pacific Northwest, the Space Needle has made numerous appearances in films, TV shows and other works of fiction. A few examples of films include It Happened at the World's Fair (1962), where it was used as a filming location, and Sleepless in Seattle (1993). In the 1974 film The Parallax View, the inside and outside platforms of the observation deck are the setting for a political assassination, and there's a brief chase on the roof above it. In the 1999 film Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, it served as a base of operations for the villain Doctor Evil with the word Starbucks written across its saucer after his henchman Number 2 shifted the organization's resources toward the coffee company. It's also featured prominently in Chronicle (2012), and is a key element in the film's climax.

Space Needle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


…someone could be practicing meditation…
